Congrats, Florida …. dare I believe??


~~August 27, 2014~~

Is there still a but or is Florida now the most recent domino to fall?

Pinch me!!

Does it mean that the whole state of Florida has chosen the “right side of history“? Dare I stop holding my breath? Is this another crumb or is this for real?

Is this final? Is it the whole state or just piece-meal, county by county?

There’s been a slow, northward creeping wave, starting in Key West, confirming that this ban is unconstitutional. However, we know that the justice system is as slow as molasses. Now the appeals process begin.

Where do we stand?


Federal Court Rules that Florida Ban on Marriage for Same-Sex Couples is Unconstitutional

~As it appears in …. ~

Today, August 8, 2014, a federal district court judge in Tallahassee held that Florida’s discriminatory marriage ban is unconstitutional. The ruling applies both to granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Florida and the recognition of the marriages of same-sex couples performed outside of the state. Florida is now the 16th state in which a federal court has struck down a marriage ban as unconstitutional since the ACLU’s victory in U.S. v. Windsor.



~From the judge’s decision~

“Liberty, tolerance, and respect are not zero-sum concepts. Those who enter opposite-sex marriages are harmed not at all when others, including these plaintiffs, are given the liberty to choose their own life partners and are shown the respect that comes with formal marriage.”

The judge’s decision
“We are thrilled that these loving and committed couples will soon have the same protections and security for their families that other married couples have,” stated Daniel Tilley, the ACLU of Florida’s staff attorney for LGBT rights. “Florida’s refusal to recognize their marriages serves no legitimate purpose and is hurtful to Florida families. We’re very pleased to see the ban held unconstitutional in such unequivocal terms so that all Florida families will soon finally have the same protections.”


SAVE is pleased as a plaintiff in the ACLU’s marriage recognition lawsuit to have received a favorable ruling in court today,” stated SAVE Executive Director Tony Lima. “We are overjoyed that the judge ruled on the side of fairness by ordering the state of Florida recognize the legal marriages of the plaintiffs.  SAVE will continue to make the case that it is Florida’s responsibility to recognize the legal marriages of same-sex couples.”

Florida is now the 16th state in which a federal court has struck down a marriage ban as unconstitutional since the ACLU’s victory in U.S. v. Windsor, in which the Supreme Court struck down the main provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.  The court’s decision was stayed, with one exception — the requirement that the death certificate of plaintiff Arlene Goldberg’s late wife, Carol Goldwasser, be corrected to list Ms. Goldberg as surviving spouse.

The plaintiffs in the ACLU of Florida’s case are represented by attorneys for the ACLU and the ACLU of Florida, as well as Stephen Rosenthal of the Podhurst Orseck law firm.

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We met in 1969. It was love at first sight. Then life happened and we went down different journeys. Re-united in 1996. Have been together since. We have a family and a stable relationship.

See how long we have waited?

I live and love in Florida.

Love is love …. 



~~Uploaded on Aug 26, 2010~~

Trying again to upload them all and not get suspended!
Jen Foster


We ALL are ONE!! 


16 thoughts on “Congrats, Florida …. dare I believe??

  1. How a person has sex should only matter to that person and their partner. Marriage should be allowed because it’s about more than cutting a wedding cake, it’s about health insurance, inheriting belongings and property after death and so on. It’s about time every state got it together.


    • Thank you, Val …. the ones that have been deemed unconstitutional are in the appeal process. When I saw this one in the morning, I thought it was final … then again, the roller coaster starts.
      Was it ever over? Not really …. need your company in Hopeland!! ❤ ….


      • I know … I mentioned it because you were the one who told me about it. I’ve also seen it in the ObamaCrat comments.

        I’m in Hopeland with you … in so many other topics too!! Hugs …


  2. Pingback: Breaking: Crist Urges Scott to Declare FL Will Not Challenge Marriage Ruling!! | It Is What It Is

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