At the end of the day …. “The Miracle of Life”!!

~~December 1, 2014~~ 

Life is so precious. It’s a wonder that we ALL start the same way. At this moment there are no differences separating us.

The progress made as we become a human being is  incredible. The process is the same for all.

We need to value every life because we all come from the same Source. We all are unique yet the same.

We are all connected.

Think about this …. things can be better if we do.




There is a majestic quality
In everyone for all to see.
Some keep it hidden, some never realize

The magnificence they hold in others’ eyes.

Ah, yes, life itself is the gift.

Though the memory, itself, Time doth sift.
And some might think the reverence gone

As those we love one by one pass on.

But the intricacies Fate doth weave-

In commemoration for all who grieve.
Are the blessings given to rebirth
From souls no-longer of this earth.

At first notice I came undone,

My father staring at me through my son.
But, now, in joy I ascertain
Through him, my father lives again.

I look to heavens’ resounding grace

Renewed appreciation of life and my place.
Knowing as each newborn child opens their eyes
The miracle continues, no one really dies.

by Michael Anderson



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~~Human Birth is Truly Inspiring~~

Baby in Mother’s Womb Animation

~~Published on Sep 23, 2013~~

Human Birth is Inspiring 



#AtTheEndOfTheDay #TheMiracleOfLife #HumanBirth #TrulyInspiring #BabyMotherWombAnimation #MichaelAnderson #Poetry #MajesticQuality #Magnificence #Odysee #NewbornChild #RenewedAppreciation #MiracleContinues

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!! 


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