IOTD …. Image of the day, #563 …. “Priscilla and Bubba …. happier time …. “!!


~~September 4, 2016~~ 


This picture is about two years old.

These baby marmosets were born and I finally met them in person.

They are Priscilla and Bubba.

About two months ago, Priscilla had a sudden incident at home and died in the arms of her “mommy“.

Since then, my dearest friend Mel, has been taking extremely good care of Bubba.

Sad to say that life frequently has different plans than those which humans have.

Today, Bubba is in intensive care after a week of touch and go treatment at home.

It seems that the may have contracted the human herpes virus and this has lead to live failure.

We are all hoping for the best but the odds are limited and the stakes are high.

Here’s hoping.




Personal iPhone Photos



At the end of the day …. finally met Priscilla and Bubba Jean!!

At the end of the day …. finally met Priscilla and Bubba Jean!!


#IOTD #ImageOfTheDay #563 #DearBloggerFriend #HerOwnWords #Concept #Serious #Silly #JustBeautiful #MiniMentalVacay #Priscilla #Bubba #MarmosetMonkeys #HappierTime #PriscillaPassedOne #BubbaSick #HumanHerpesVirus #LiverFailure #highStakes #LowOdds #PersonaliPhonePhotos #HopingForTheBest #AgainstAnimalCruetly #VeterinaryCare #PrimateSpecialist

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach


We ALL are ONE!! 


5 thoughts on “IOTD …. Image of the day, #563 …. “Priscilla and Bubba …. happier time …. “!!

  1. I clicked “like” in support of you, but the story is nothing that I like to hear. Some animals have such short life spans, which is why it’s important that they enjoy the short lives they have, and I’m sure you caused them great enjoyment, trust, and provided their natural needs.

    Liked by 1 person

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