There is More than One Kind Of Intelligence …. “🧠 Importance of Recognizing this Can’t be Stressed Enough 🧠…. “!!


~~August 29, 2018~~



M’gosh, I found this video just now, traversing through the pages of Facebook. Sometimes there’s good information posted there.

The reason this called my attention is because my oldest granddaughter has been having problems in school since she began. Currently she’s in 9th grade. It’s quite the effort to get her interested and perform adequately in school.

This may be the reason!!

Please, take the time to watch the video. Answers to some questions may be there.



People’s first experience of the system is often profoundly alienating. This is not the fault of their teachers but of the system itself, which assesses us for a particular kind of intelligence. We pass or fail on ridiculously narrow criteria.

I was lucky at school because I had the kind of intelligence that they were looking for – linear, analytical, hyperlexic.

It was only after leaving school that I realized that in other respects I was a complete dummy. Give me any spatial task and I fall to pieces. I stumble over cognitive tasks that other people can perform in their sleep.


If a kid like that is failing, it’s not the kid’s fault. The fault is with the system. As I say, I don’t blame the teachers because they have to teach to the system. Plenty of teachers desperately want to do creative things with the children, to discover their different intelligences, but they are forbidden to do so.

That child in the rockpools: if the system has failed to recognize his intelligence, the system has failed. If an intelligent child fails the tests designed to assess a different kind of intelligence, they become alienated. Not just from school, but from the system as a whole.

The danger is that they then become alienated from public life, alienated from society. Eventually alienated from themselves.


~~There Is More Than One Kind Of Intelligence~~

~~Published on Jul 1, 2018~~

Full video test included in the YouTube link

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2 thoughts on “There is More than One Kind Of Intelligence …. “🧠 Importance of Recognizing this Can’t be Stressed Enough 🧠…. “!!

  1. I knew this when I was a young man, but nobody else recognized it and as a result I spent much of my life without direction not knowing my talents or specialness. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully others won’t waste their uniqueness.

    Liked by 2 people

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