The Code of Ethics …. Anthony Douglas Williams!

~~April 18, 2014~~


Ethical codes are adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and in applying that understanding to their decisions.

An ethical code generally implies documents at three levels: codes of business ethics,codes of conduct for employees, and codes of professional practice.

~~General notes~~

Ethical codes are often adopted by management, not to promote a particular moral theory, but rather because they are seen as pragmatic necessities for running an organization in a complex society in which moral concepts play an important part.

They are distinct from moral codes that may apply to the culture, education, and religion of a whole society.

Often, acts that violate ethical codes may also violate a law or regulation and can be punishable at law or by government agency remedies.

Even organizations and communities that may be considered criminal in nature may have ethical codes of conduct, official or unofficial. Examples could include hacker communities, bands of thieves, and street gangs.

In our case, as bloggers, we have an open forum and a reach far more than we could ever imagine. The world is practically within our reach. I say these because I see all the flags in the “flag counter”. Many times, I’m not able to identify all of them. I find it mind-boggling to see how far our messages, news, writings can go.

We do have an influence. We do make a difference.

I treat that with utmost respect.

Keep this in mind, when I found the graphic above, provided by “Inside the Divine Pattern“, written by Anthony Douglas Williams, in knew I had to share.


No to: Bully, Abuse, Harmful, Hate, Curse

Yes to: Respect, Helpful, Truthful, Positive, Peace


codes of our “spot”, codes of writer and codes of professionalism

We ALL are connected through this wonderful web we WEAVE!!

We ALL are ONE!!