
This blog was started in March 2013 by Maria H. Rexach-Rivera, MD …. aka Dr. Rex and Horty Rexach, to disseminate “eclectic” information through cyberspace.

A licensed massage therapist, Dr. Rexach-Rivera received her MD degree at the Puerto Rico Recinto de Ciencias Medicas School of Medicine in 1976. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the Ponce District Hospital in Puerto Rico in 1979. She is an active member of the Colegio de Medicos-Cirujanos of Puerto Rico.

Physician ...
Physician …

She has devoted her complete professional career to the provision of medical care to those in need. Initially through the government health facilities in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Then through the federal government facilities.

In 1985, there was a major change when she started working with the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is a position that she held until her retirement in February 2013. She worked for 14 years in the VA Mayaguez OPC. In 1999, she transferred to Jacksonville, Florida, where she remained for 7 years at the VA OPC. In 2006, she transferred to the VA Leesburg VA CBOC where she completed almost 28 years with the federal government.

Department of Veterans Affairs ....
Department of Veterans Affairs ….

Dr. Maria H. Rexach-Rivera, retired Primary Care Physician for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, has been recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who for demonstrating dedication, leadership and excellence in healthcare. Throughout her career she has participated in the medical care of her patients, has been part of multiple medical committees and has participated in many administrative duties such as Chief of Staff of the Mayaguez Medical Center in Puerto Rico. At her most recent post, she was one of the Primary Care providers at the Leesburg, FL Community Based Out Patient Clinic. She’s specialized in Internal Medicine and served as the Team Leader for this facility, Peer Review Evaluations and Medical Record Committee.

Cambridge ...
Cambridge …

About: Cambridge Who’s Who
Cambridge Who’s Who is an exclusive membership organization that recognizes and empowers executives, professionals and entrepreneurs throughout the world. From healthcare to law, engineering to finance, manufacturing to education, every major industry is represented by its 400,000 active members.

Cambridge Who’s Who membership provides individuals with a valuable third party endorsement of their accomplishments and gives them the tools needed to brand themselves and their businesses effectively. In addition to publishing biographies in print and electronic form, Cambridge Who’s Who offers an online networking platform where members can establish new business relationships and achieve career advancement within their company, industry or profession.

A friend has an saying: “We can’t change the world, but together WE CAN change all of the little pieces that matter.

Mohandas Gandhi has said: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world“.

Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes the love power, the world will know peace“.

Veterans Affairs ......
Veterans Affairs ……

One of my many favorites:

We ALL are ONE!!

We ALL are connected by MUSIC!!


~~Published 2020~~

ALLURA – Chris Spheeris

390 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Horty.. I saw you like upon my post and I thought I had not seen any updates from you recently.. I then click onto your site and find myself have been unfollowed.. And yet I did not do this.. I have been reading many others have been having this happen and its very annoying.. So apologies as I have not been keeping up to date with new posts recently as I have been spending less time on WP but this week I have been trying to catch up. I couldn’t fathom why no new emails were in my in box from you.. Thinking you had gone on vacation or something..

    So I will re- click the follow.. And thank you for all you post.. Love Sue

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there, my dear friend, I’m glad you noticed. Yes, WP has goblins working for them at off hours! Things are happening …. anyway, good to know you’re back. I have been all along. No vacays at the time …. hugs!! Peace …. -)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Dr. Rex. I had to stop and read about you just now! Wow you are a real MD doctor and that excited me because my girl Alexanderia just went to work for a hospital here in Tulsa for Internal medicine doctors at St. John’s hospital. Wow! What a fantastic career you have and it’s so exciting to read about you and all your accomplishments. I can imagine when you started you wanted to help folks be healthy and with all you share it is like mind, body, spirit and soul health for you. I just realized this.
    I saw Yanni on your about me and I’m listening to this while I type to you!
    I have to stop and tell you I am blown away! I listen everyday to my girl tell about her doctors that she works for and I’m fascinated by the fact that you worked in Puerto Rico and then also for the Veterans, my Pa was a veteran and I think that is so amazing.
    I’m on vacation this week so I’ve had more time to read about people I see all the time and have never stopped by to say HI. You are a wealth of information and your blog is beautiful! Yay for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Incredible Dr. Rex. I also graduated from RCM and became an OTR/L in the state of FL. I mostly did traveling contracts in nursing homes and some hospitals. But I also hold degrees in Art and education. Great to hear from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dr. Rex I did not read your “about” until just a few minutes ago. I read it only (I am sorry) because I have grown ever more impressed by your writing, by your kindness, by the way that you reach out even in your writing and by your astute observations of life. I felt compelled to comment on this even though I wasn’t sure if I could express my thoughts well enough to do o (I had to try.) After reading your “about” I am in awe!

    My deepest respect and gratitude.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear GK … you have made my day!! I really appreciate your very kind words. Many times I find that I wonder if what I post is being read by someone and making a difference in someone’s life. My main goal is sharing what I know, what I learn and what I have come to embrace as my personal beliefs.

      No need to be sorry!! LOL … Your thoughts and words have made the mark, believe me.

      From the innermost feelings, I really thank you for stopping by and writing these words. From the heart …. thank you!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hey! Just a heads up. It seems to me that the US market is about to crash, and the ebola has been intentionally encouraged to ensure the compliance of the military against the US people in the resulting chaos. A controlled crash they must believe more desirable than otherwise.
    This chart indicates a well developed head and shoulders formation, one of the most reliable of technical patterns. The market is rigged and they will stop buying to support it when the pattern completes itself causing wide scale capitulation and damage.
    I’m going to buy some 1 gram gold bars Monday from http://www.jmbullion.com/cart/ .
    I am going to buy several 25 kg bags of rice, and a case of pink canned salmon Monday also. Im going to store some water, and hope like hell that if it hits the heat does not get shut down in Edmonton.
    Good Luck!
    Hopefully Im just a quack!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Horty.. What is it with Word Press and your Blog.. seems this is twice now they have unfollowed me from your site without me touching a thing.. I had thought it was strange I had not seen updates but thought I may have missed them.. And so clicked onto your site and find the header is unfollowed again.. So apologies..

    Wishing you a Good weekend.. Love and Blessings

    Liked by 2 people

    • I will gladly and promptly remove the copyrighted image of you which you have mentioned as soon as I know which image you are referring to.
      Please advise … and it will be taken down. I apologize for any discomfort this may have caused! Sorry …. Please, tell me where it is.
      Is it located on the “about” page?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Horty..
    Forgive me for adding this link here.. but I just wanted your opinion upon it..
    I have for sometime had my suspicions on some reasoning on vaccines.. And agree there are some Very good vaccines out there which have irradiated certain diseases ..

    However this year my granddaughter was given a Nasal Flu vaccine, she is 4.. since having this she is pale and has constant colds.. is tired and I feel its due to the nasal spray.. She got very sick afterwards with high temp..

    Only this week on the BBC News,,, it was revealed that people who were being given flu shots were still getting flu and the medical profession released a statement saying the batches had been infective..

    I do not know if you know of Jeans Blog.. she posts lots of Posts which I am sure you will find of interest too.. But this one stood out for me today in my reader.. So I hope you do not mind me sharing the link..

    Thank you for taking the time to read… I would be delighted to have your thoughts upon this.. Love and Light. Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good News! I finally posted the “Power of Words Award” that you nominated me for!! Thank you once again for your thoughtfulness and kind words..they are very much appreciated. I wish you all the best in all that you do my dear friend!!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Horty, thanks for nominating me for the “Challenge of Quotes.” I found it to be challenging, for sure, but I think I did a good job. I have already received acceptances from two of the three I nominated, so I’m sure it will continue and perpetuate, hopefully. It is a wonderful idea. 🙂

    The following is what I commented to the three on their About page, asking them to participate:

    “I have nominated you to participate in the “A Challenge of Quotes.”

    It is a consecutive 3-day challenge, that promotes inspirational sayings. Please click on my link https://sunshinebrightblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/a-challenge-of-quotes/ to follow the easy directions.”

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pingback: BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD: HEM’s first award for 2016 | HalfEatenMind

  11. Hi Dr. Rex! Thanks so much for your lovely post on Lolita. I’m the President of Shut Down Palace and truly appreciate all the help in raising awareness for Lolita. We could really use your help further if you are interested! Please email me at ShutDownPalace@yahoo.com if you have a chance. Thanks so much!
    -Wendy King

    Liked by 2 people

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