At the end of the day ……


Photo Credit:

To live completely, wholly, every day as if it were a new loveliness, there must be dying to everything of yesterday, otherwise you live mechanically, and a mechanical mind can never know what love is or what freedom is.

~~Jiddu Krishnamurti~~


Love is all there is!!! 


We ALL are ONE!!!

Istvan Csuti: Gold Braid – Aranyfonat

Uploaded on Apr 6, 2011

GOLD BRAID [aranyfonat]
Music Composer: Istvan Csuti
Video Conductor: M. Laurens

We ALL are connected through this wonderful WORLD!! 

The Lack of Compassion

Very well said, Rebel!!


No one wants to be on food stamps. No one wants to see their children hungry. It is embarrassing to be on WIC or SNAP. Those of you in the 1% of the country that holds the wealth don’t realize what it takes to feed a family. You have servants and chefs to do this. You don’t worry about choosing between paying the gas bill to keep your children warm and healthy, or feeding them. You aren’t the ones who have to look at your children and say they can’t have a snack because you couldn’t afford one.

People will end up having to buy food and skip the winter boots because there isn’t enough money. Many  people will have to make decisions you can’t even conceive of.

How can religious right wing people of good conscience not care about the lives of others? How do you look at yourselves in…

View original post 260 more words

Something to think about ……


Our thoughts are very powerful.

They will dictate our degree of happiness. 

Our happiness doesn’t depend on the material things that we accumulate during this journey.


Don’t forget to choose the good ones.



We ALL are ONE!!

Karunesh – Nirvana Café – The Conversation

We ALL are connected to the UNIVERSE!! 

Sen. Rand Paul Lifted Entire Pages of Text for His 2013 Book

No ifs about it!!! Plagiarist!!!!

The Fifth Column

Daily Kos

Sen. Rand Paul, plagiarist, wants to challenge accusers to a duel … but he won’t

It looks like Sen. Rand Paul does indeed have a plagiarism problem:

An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of Paul borrowing language from other published material. […]In this case, Paul included a link to the Heritage case study in the book’s footnotes, though he made no effort to indicate that not just the source, but the words themselves, had been taken from Heritage.

Lifting over a thousand words—three full pages of text—for your own book? Yeah, that ain’t copying a few phrases from Wikipedia no more. That’s a double-barreled cut-n-paste. Presumably, when some poor delusional sucker out there…

View original post 324 more words

Behind That Photo of Chris Christie Wagging His Finger at a Teacher

Another dumbass!!!

The Fifth Column

It seems that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie never seems to miss an opportunity to yell at dissenters of some of his policies.


On Saturday, during a short reporting trip to New Jersey, I watched Gov. Chris Christie campaign in Somers Point and captured a moment that quickly got memed. Over the weekend I’ve seen the photo I tweeted of teacher Melissa Tomlinson being lectured by Christie get copied on dozens of Twitter accounts and blogs. This isn’t a #humblebrag—just saying, I was surprised that “Christie takes exception to protesting teacher” was a story in November 2013.

But here’s what I saw. After the rally, Christie made his way back to his campaign bus, flanked by low-key security guards. Tomlinson, who had been carrying a sign and handing out fliers from her Badass Teachers Association, asked Christie why he’d called New Jersey schools “failure factories.” Christie rounded on her…

View original post 368 more words

Today’s spot ……



This is where I am today … again!! 

Throughout these recent years of my life, my experience at work, as satisfying as my profession can be, wasn’t easy because I worked with “the system”. It was by repeating a series of phrases in my mind that I could make it through to the end …. to the day of my retirement.

“It is What is Is”, “Let it Go”, “Don’t fight it” and “Life is a series of unexpected events”. 

Today, I am in a spot where those phrases come back to mind to help me make it through the reality of my life.

“It is What is Is” ……. there’s no changing the reality. Life is what it is. There are options to making this reality better. These options are in front of me to chose how I will deal with my reality. You could say .. you can change your reality. I beg to differ … you change how you react to your reality.


“Let It Go” ….. Unless I want to be like the proverbial salmon, swimming upstream against the current and fighting it all the way, I have to let go.

Let go of what hurts you, let go of what you yearn for and don’t receive. Let go about trying to change people. They are who they are and they will have to deal with that when their time comes. Let go because it “takes two to tango”.


“Don’t fight it” ….. The more I fight, the harder it will be to feel at peace. At peace with myself, the Universe and those around me.

If I don’t accept my reality, as it is; if I don’t let go …. the more I fight it …. the struggle will be more complicated.

By letting go, do I lose myself, my desires and my individuality?  Do I give up?


“Life is a Series of Unexpected Events” … A very dear college teacher taught me this. She always uses this phrase to explain the cycles of life. You never know what is around the corner ….

When you least expect it …. something will happen, something will change. Life will throw you a curved ball without any notice. 

In the meantime, hunker down and wait ….

However, I always wonder, what will I lose during this wait? How will I feel when the wait is over, when the water levels come down? Will I still have the feelings I had when this cycle started? What will I lose by accepting my reality as it is? 

That’s when I wonder …. is it all worth it? Isn’t life a gamble?

Like Forrest Gump says:

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what your are going to get.” 


We ALL are ONE!!

Karunesh: The Peace Within – A Lélek Békéje

Uploaded on Jun 7, 2011

Music: Karunesh
From The World Of Osho —– Zene Osho világából
The Peace Within – A Lélek Békéje

We ALL are connected by LOVE!! 

... again, let go!!!

… again, let go!!!

Persecuted Puppies

Oh, m’lord!!! This shows the quality of those human beings. They have no heart!!

Walking with the Alligators

This is NOT even one of the worst examples of a Puppy Mill!
Picture credit: PETA


The sweetness and joy of yesterday’s posting,  is now but a distant memory this morning.

A friend on FB shared a story that has thrust me quickly into action at this moment.

I am sure that you are all aware of the sickening term ” puppy mills. “

They have made the news quite frequently here, mostly because there are so many  ” out of the public eye, ”  places to hide them in rural Florida.

They are usually run by ruthless, ugly people who care nothing for animals, other than the money that they can make off of them and their babies.

Normally, when a puppy millis found and reported here,  they are shut down fairly fast.

If you are made aware of one of them near you, my prayer is that you make an…

View original post 483 more words

“Love Conquers Hate” …… Human Rights Campaign!


Celebrities including Fergie, Jonah Hill, Kristen Bell, Kevin Bacon wear “Love Conquers Hate” T-shirts … 

  • AP
  • NOVEMBER 05, 2013 3:24AM
Jamie Lee Curtis Love Conquers Hate Tshirt

Jamie Lee Curtis shows off her Love Conquers Hate T-shirt to support for gay rights in Russia ahead of the Winter Olympics. Picture: Instagram Source: Instagram

ACTORS Jonah Hill, Jamie Lee Curtis and Kristen Bell are among celebrities donning Russian-language “Love Conquers Hate” T-shirts to show support for gays in Russia alarmed by a new law banning pro-gay “propaganda.”

It’s part of an initiative launched Monday by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest US gay-rights group.

Participating celebrities will share photos of themselves wearing the T-shirts on their social media platforms, encouraging followers to do likewise. The HRC says all net proceeds from shirt sales will go to a fund supporting gay-rights efforts in Russia.

“We stand with Russia’s LGBT community and their allies,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “We are committed to doing as much as we possibly can to support their efforts to repeal this heinous law.”

According to the HRC, other celebrities joining the T-shirt campaign include Fergie, Kelly Osbourne, Ricky Martin, Kevin Bacon, Doutzen Kroes, Anthony Bourdain, Tim Gunn, Perez Hilton, Todd Glass, Jonathan Del Arco, Amanda Leigh Dunn, Ana Matronic, Olympic swimmer Craig Gibbons, NBA basketball player Jason Collins, country singer Maggie Rose and soccer players Jozy Altidore, Lori Lindsey and Megan Rapinoe.

The law banning “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among minors” was enacted in June.

Gay-rights activists have asked the International Olympic Committee to call for the law’s repeal ahead of the Winter Olympics, to be held in Russia in February.

Kevin Bacon Love Conquers Hate Tshirt

Kevin Bacon is one of the celebs sharing photos of himself promoting the T shirt on social media. All proceeds go to a fund to support gay rights in Russia. Picture: Instagram


With the Sochi Olympic Games just a few months away, HRC today launched its “Love Conquers Hate” campaign to support the members of Russia’s LGBT community, who are being targeted by a hateful “anti-propaganda” law that prohibits public support for equality in the country.


In June, Russia enacted an “anti-propaganda” law that outlaws even modest public gestures of support of the LGBT community.  Fines for breaking the law are more severe if information promoting equality is distributed through the media or the internet.  Foreigners breaking this law, such as those visiting Russia for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games, face arrest for up to 15 days followed by deportation.

In September, a piece of legislation was proposed that would allow courts to take children away from parents who are LGBT or suspected of being LGBT. This state-sanctioned homophobia contributes to a culture of violence and harassment against the Russian LGBT community that goes unchecked by law enforcement.


Participants will share a photo of themselves wearing the Russian-language version of HRC’s iconic Love Conquers Hate t-shirt on their social media platforms with the hashtag #LoveConquersHate, encouraging their followers from around the world to do the same.

Each photo that is shared with the campaign hashtag will be aggregated at 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts will go to a fund that supports LGBT advocates in Russia.

“Love and equality are universal values that aren’t limited by language or national borders,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “We stand with Russia’s LGBT community and their allies, and we are committed to doing as much as we possibly can to support their efforts to repeal this heinous law.”


Since the anti-propaganda law in Russia passed, HRC President Chad Griffin and HRC members and supporters — AMONG MANY OTHERS — have called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to publicly condemn the law and call for its repeal.  HRC has also asked corporate sponsors of the IOC to condemn Russia’s anti-LGBT law, support Russian LGBT advocates, and advocate for equality worldwide.


Love is Real


 We ALL are ONE!!


Uploaded on Feb 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Human Rights Campaign.
Love Conquers Hate.

We ALL are connected by LOVE!!