LIGHTWORKERS …. ‘What and Who are They?


What is a Lightworker?

Any being dedicated to the cultivation of inner presence and the elevation of awareness in self and other selves. This being is called a lightworker and is an evolutionary step toward a state of “LightBeing“. 


What’s happening in the world?

There is an awakening happening all around the world. And that awakening involves you and every being that exists on our lovely home planet, mother earth.

We are truly entering a renaissance of spiritual evolution, an evolutionary process that proceeds and transcends the physical. Our wisdom stems from coming to understand how little we conceptually know about life, god, the universe and everything, and embracing the fundamental truth of inherent divinity within all life.


Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all.

Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, “Am I aware of who I am?” Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the answer to that question. Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view. But the sun is always shining.

A Lightworker is awake to this truth, aware of their true presence and living in accordance with the divine plan. All beings that exist are a channel between eternal, formless heaven and the temporary world of form and illusion, earth. Why am I here? One does not always need to consciously realize the answer to this question, but living your life purpose is achievable in every moment, right now. Sit in peaceful contemplation, in pure awareness. Allow yourself to be present in every moment and feel within the depths of your heart for your inner truth, your guidance.

The work is easy and the burden is light. Your true essence of being is so vast, it is beyond any concept, any word, thought or form. A Lightworker then is any being, who is aware of their true non-dual nature, their eternal “I Am” Presence and acting in accordance with it. A Lightworker is active in enlightenment, or in cultivating enlightenment.


What is Lightworking?

Just as the sun rises each morning, to shine its light into the world, so it is with lightworking. To walk upon the face of the planet lightly, light in spirit and bearing, and shine love, happiness, tranquillity and peace into the world. To calm the inner turmoil, to just be, and be at one with who you truly are, to love and honor life as an expression of divinity, to love all that is, that power some call god, and of course to love one and other unconditionally.


In being true to the divine presense within all beings, and releasing all false thought forms, all masks and illusions, is the essence of lightworking. In this lightworking emanates love, happiness, joy, faith, hope and inspiration into the inner and outer world. This not only helps to awaken the lightworker, but also to awaken others to their own natural state. What can be called enlightenment, what may be called ascension.

A Lightworkers divine mission then comes to life, as one enters the flow of creation and maintains the presence of awareness without being caught up in the turmoil of the creation. This is done in the service of all. For all beings (self included), all the time.

What does a Lightworker do?

All life exists for a sacred purpose. A Lightworker, that is a being, aware of their true presence, their inner awareness and non-dual nature then becomes a vehicle for divine activation. This role is a very simple and a natural one. When the illusionary self is dissolved into the true sense of being, the IAM presence, a being begins to shine and resonate this mandala field of pure state bliss.

The transition starts from Lightworker to Light Being. This activation can occur anywhere, in any situation, in all places, roles and demographics, from the mother at home to the soldier in the military, even in the depths of the darkest regions of human nature this blossoming occurs. It can be slow, or instant. It has been this way for eternity. For all the people, all the time. All for one and one for all.

This is the effortless state of being, devoid of all grasping, all seeking. This is existence under a blue sky, and bright sunshine, exposing all to the life giving energies of our divine source.


What is the Light Energy?

Light Energy has many names. Some names include, the oriental Chi, Yin and Yang, the Indian Prana, and the Greek Aether. The light Energy pervades all. It encompasses all things.

It is of the source, but not the source. It is the flow itself. It is the essence of all things. The primordial essence of spirit before it manifest into form. It is from where all things emanate, and all things return. It is the stuff of stars and the stuff of souls.

We see it, and experience it in this material world as both form/matter and energy vibration. We experience it as thought and emotions. All these things are waves on the primordial ocean, resonating in various frequencies. All energy is frequency, and all frequency is harmony. Everything before you now is connected through frequency.

The sounds you hear .. Do Re MI Fa So La Ti DO.. to the light you see.. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Magenta, Violet, RED, winding its way up through the frequencies. Even the course elements of matter are connected to this harmony H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N. Each is the same, just operating on a different frequency, at a different harmonic. All is Light.

All is Energy. And its master is divine consciousness.

We are constantly, directing spirit into form, thought, actions and endeavors. The question arises. “From what level of consciousness to I create?” This will determine the results and experiences of life. Each being, operates in various levels of consciousness. Yet when creation emanates from the source itself, free from resistance and obstruction, divine will manifests. Heaven is made manifest on earth. The cards are stacked for growth and learning. We will be guided by angels or pushed by demons.

Where do I start?

Being a Lightworker is both very easy and very hard. How hard is it to be the real you? Are you prepared to let go of everything? Think of who you will be when all form and material life is gone. That is the real you. Are you prepared to forgive and release all? There is nothing you must do, it’s all about what you no longer need to do. To stop hiding, to face the true awesome reality of who and what you are, free from all illusions.

Are you a thinking, breathing, centered person? Do you control your ego, or does your ego control you? Do you live in a state of awareness or reaction? Where are you looking for your answers? Within or without? These are all serious questions we must contemplate and come to accept for ourselves.. To “Know Thy Self” beyond mind, beyond ego, beyond words is the first and only step.


Is there anything else I can do?

Once the flow of creation is embraced, great energy is released, life becomes the adventure it truly was meant to be. What needs to be done, will present itself in every moment. All that needs to be accomplished, resolved and understood, will be. Be present, be still within the vortex of creation, in humble awe. We are all children of the one source, we are all babes. Take time out, take it easy, awaken and reconnect within yourself at your own pace. Take nothing personaly.

Meditation, practicing awareness, observing your thoughts and mind flow are all stages of re-awakening to your true enlightened nature. Allow it to happen just as a flower opens itself to the sunshine each day, so too will you blossom when the time is right. Remember, in this creative experience, this world of perpetual change and form, everything is a perfect manifestation in relation to the consciousness that is creating it.

The world is a mirror. Every moment brings with it a perfect experience that is tailored by you, for you. Learn from it. For many, this can be a hard truth to face.


Are Lightworkers religious?

Lightworkers are not bound by any religion or ideology. If you are part of a religious organization then so be it. That’s just perfect for you. But in this world of form, change is inevitable. Lightworkers are not a religious ideology.

There is a vast difference between spirituality and religion. Many religions formed to assist the process of re-awakening in practitioners and adherents. They can all point the way, but only serve as tools and methods. The tools used to build the house, are not the house.


What about God?

There is no concept that can define God.

That power some call God is the source of all. It is the over arching divine consciousness that guides and directs all life in form and non form. We know God by knowing our true selves. We do not need to consciously understand, rationalize or define God for God to be real. Like us, God Just IS.

We accept there is great power in who we are, and the processes of how we each came to be. Yet each is free to formulate their own interpretation of what that power is, yet to do so may prove futile. However we can come to understand aspects of God. LIke the fact that God pervades each and everyone of us, exists both within us, around us and is intricately connected to us. God works, with us and through us and for that we honor and love God through divine service and existing in a state of least resistance to God.

We honor the process and honor our own role within it. To see through the illusionary nature of form and see clearly each and every beings, non dual nature. To see the God aspect in each other, and to love God.


What about Ascended Masters, Messiahs & Prophets?

Each are free to follow their inspirational hero’s and teachers throughout history. And each should never fear to question, rationalize, or reason. But realize the ever changing nature of thought. Go within to the source for guidance. Believe what you will, but do so in deep consultation with the inner master.

In Spiritual teachings you will surely find wisdom, in your questions you will find reason, and in your doubts, you will find learning and growth. But in awareness you will find the only perspective that truly matters.


~~Shine on. Love always~~



We ALL are ONE!!! 


We ALL are called to be LIGHTWORKERS!! 




~~Published October 2013~~


Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all. Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, “Am I aware of who I am?” Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the answer to that question.

Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view. But the sun is always shining. A Lightworker is awake to this truth, aware of their true presence and living in accordance with the divine plan. All beings that exist are a channel between eternal, formless heaven and the temporary world of form and illusion, earth. Why am I here?

One does not always need to consciously realize the answer to this question, but living your life purpose is achievable in every moment, right now. Sit in peaceful contemplation, in pure awareness. Allow yourself to be present in every moment and feel within the depths of your heart for your inner truth, your guidance.

The work is easy and the burden is light. Your true essence of being is so vast, it is beyond any concept, any word, thought or form. A Lightworker then is any being, who is aware of their true non-dual nature, their eternal “I Am” Presence and acting in accordance with it.

A Lightworker is active in enlightenment, or in cultivating enlightenment.


Happy Thanksgiving! Marissa Alexander Free On Bond

One Happy Thanksgiving for Marissa and her family!!

End Stand Your Ground

Marissa Alexander, a Florida mom who fired a warning shot at an abusive husband, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison, only to be granted a new trial, is free on bond and home with family – in time for Thanksgiving and the holiday season.

After a bond hearing, Alexander – who has served almost three years of the sentence handed down in 2010, was released on three bonds – one for each of her charges for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon – totalling $200,000 – just before midnight. She is under house arrest.

State Attorney General Angela Corey released a statement earlier this month stating that her office “will continue to seek justice for our two child victims and their father who were endangered by the shot the defendant fired at them.”

Supporters had hoped that Corey would drop the case against the 33 year-old mother of three…

View original post 298 more words

To start the day …. A Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Prayer …..


Greetings to the natural world!

Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue.

We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as People.

Now our minds are one.

We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our Mother, we send greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.


We give thanks to all the Waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms – waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of water.

Now our minds are one.


We turn our minds to all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.


Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come.

Now our minds are one.


With one mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting and thanks.

Now our minds are one.


Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning, they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us.

We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how to use these plants for healing. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines.

Now our minds are one.


We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so.

Now our minds are one.


We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many peoples of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With one mind, we greet and thank the Tree life.

Now our minds are one.


We put our minds together as one and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds – from the smallest to the largest – we send our joyful greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.


We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds.

Now our minds are one.


Now we turn to the west where our Grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers.

Now our minds are one.


We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun.

Now our minds are one.


We put our minds together and give thanks to our oldest grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of women all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon.

Now our minds are one.


We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to all the Stars.

Now our minds are one.


We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring Teachers.

Now our minds are one.


Now we turn our thoughts to the Creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator.

Now our minds are one.


We have now arrived at the place where we end our words.

Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way.

Now our minds are one.


This Haudenosaunee “Thanksgiving” Prayer was found on the First People of American and Canada: Turtle Island website — — a site offering reference materials for 1,400-plus legends, 400-plus agreements and treaties, more than 10,000 images and other information about American and Canadian Indians.


We ALL are ONE!!

*For Thanksgivings Day*
