At the end of the day ……..




Norah Jones – What Am I To You?


What am I to you
Tell me darling true
To me you are the sea
Vast as you can be
And deep the shade of blue

When you’re feeling low
To whom else do you go?
See I cry if you hurt
I’d give you my last shirt
Because I love you so

Now if my sky should fall
Would you even call?
I’ve opened up my heart
I never want to part
I’m giving you the ball

When I look in your eyes
I can feel the butterflies
I will love you when you’re blue
Tell me darlin’ true
What am I to you?

Now if my sky should fall
Would you even call?
I’ve opened up my heart
I never want to part
Giving you the ball

When I look in your eyes
I can feel the butterflies
Could you find a love in me?
Would you carve me in a tree?
Don’t fill my heart with lies

I will you love when you’re blue
Tell me darlin’ true
What am I to you?

Jones, Norah

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Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing

Read more: Norah Jones – What Am I To You? Lyrics | MetroLyrics


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected by MUSIC!! 

Aiyana Jones was a innocent 7 year old girl from Detroit

SMH!!! What else??

Social Action 2014

Aiyana Jones was a innocent 7 year old girl from Detroit

Aiyana Jones was a innocent 7 year old girl from Detroit that was brutally killed by the police who then engaged in a coverup… WE HAVE A CALL IN CAMPAIGN TO THE JUDGE THAT IS PRESIDING OVER THE AIYANA JONES CASE. Please Call because Aiyanas court hearing will be in the coming months and your voice can make a difference… When you call the office of Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway you should say:
“I am calling today because i want Justice for Aiyana Jones. I am calling for the immediate arrest of officer Joseph Weekley for the killing and coverup of 7 year old Aiyana Jones.”
Please call between 10am-4pm
Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway
tele: (313) 224-2120

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The Afghan Mona Lisa

We are supposed to be advancing not going backwards!!

Social Action 2014

The Afghan Mona Lisa

Did you know that today we have Human Slaves, actually the number is in Millions?
“Afghan women have been sold into sexual slavery”
Human trafficking, prostitution thrive in Afghanistan

Slavery is in the supply chain of our every products.
“For the past two years, photographer Lisa Kristine has traveled the world, documenting the unbearably harsh realities of modern-day slavery. She shares hauntingly beautiful images — miners in the Congo, brick layers in Nepal — illuminating the plight of the 27 million souls enslaved worldwide. ” TED

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“Westboro Baptist Chuch” … Topeka Kansas .. spreading hate!!


The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an American unaffiliated Baptist church known for its extreme ideologies, especially those against gay people

The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.

It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists primarily of members of his large family; in 2011, the church stated that it had about 40 members. The church is headquartered in a residential neighborhood on the west side of Topeka about three miles (5 km) west of the Kansas State Capitol. Its first public service was held on the afternoon of November 27, 1955.

The church has been involved in actions against gay people since at least 1991, when it sought a crackdown on homosexual activity at Gage Park six blocks northwest of the church. In addition to conducting anti-gay protests at military funerals, the organization pickets other celebrity funerals and public events that are likely to get it media attention. Protests have also been held against Jews and some protests have included WBC members stomping on the American flag.

The WBC is not affiliated with any Baptist denomination. The Baptist World Alliance and the Southern Baptist Convention (the two largest Baptist denominations) have each denounced the WBC over the years. The church describes itself as following Primitive Baptist and Calvinist principles.

Westboro Baptist Church
Classification Baptist
Theology Primitive Baptist & Calvinist
Region TopekaKansas
Members 40[1]
Ministers Fred Phelps
Official website

The Westboro Baptist Church originated as a branch of the East Side Baptist Church in Topeka, established in 1931. In 1954, East Side hired Phelps as an associate pastor, and then promoted him to be the pastor of their new church, Westboro Baptist, which opened in 1955. Soon after Westboro was established, Phelps broke all ties with East Side Baptist.

Protest activities begin

Westboro Baptist began picketing Gage Park, Topeka in 1991, alleging it was a den of anonymous homosexual activity. Soon their protests had spread throughout the city, and within three years the church was traveling across the country. Phelps explained in 1994 that he considered the negative reaction to the picketing to be proof of his righteousness.

In 2011 the BBC’s Louis Theroux reported that Westboro was in a state of “crisis” and documented the departure of several young members. Since then, two more prominent members have left the church.


Phelps and his family picket approximately six locations every day, including many in Topeka and some events farther afield. On Sundays, up to 15 churches may receive pickets. By their own count, WBC has picketed in all 50 U.S. states.

The group carries out daily picketing in Topeka and travels nationally to picket the funerals of gay victims of murder, gay-bashing or people who have died from complications relating to AIDS; other events related or peripherally related to homosexuality; Kansas City Chiefs football games; and live pop concerts. As of March 2009 the church claims to have participated in over 41,000 protests in over 650 cities since 1991. One of Westboro’s followers estimated that the church spends $250,000 a year on picketing.


The pickets have resulted in several lawsuits.

In 1995, Phelps Sr.’s eldest grandson, Benjamin Phelps, was convicted of assault and disorderly conduct after spitting upon the face of a passerby during a picket. In the 1990s the church won a series of lawsuits against the City of Topeka and Shawnee County for efforts taken to prevent or hinder WBC picketing, and was awarded approximately $200,000 in attorney’s fees and costs associated with the litigation.

In 2004, Margie Phelps and her son Jacob were arrested for trespassing, disorderly conduct and failure to obey after disregarding a police officer’s order during an attempted protest. In response to pickets at funerals, Kansas passed a law prohibiting picketing at such events. In the autumn of 2007, the father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by the WBC was awarded $5 million in damages. The award was later overturned on appeal by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in a decision upheld by the Supreme Court in Snyder v. Phelps.

In June 2007 Shirley Phelps-Roper was arrested in Nebraska and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The arrest resulted from her allowing her eight-year-old son to step on the American flag during the demonstration, which is illegal under Nebraska law. The defense contends that the child’s actions were protected speech, and that the state law is unconstitutional. The prosecution claimed the demonstration was not intended as political speech, but as an incitement to violence, and that Phelps-Roper’s conduct might also constitute child abuse. Prosecutors later dropped charges against Phelps-Roper.

On two occasions, the church accepted offers for radio air time in exchange for canceling an announced protest.


The group came into the national spotlight in 1998, when it was featured on CNN for picketing the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a young man from Laramie, Wyoming who was beaten to death by two men allegedly because of his homosexuality.

Since then, the church has attracted attention for many more actual and planned funeral pickets.


Westboro Baptist Church praises Arizona wildfires that killed 19 firefighters, vows to picket their funerals

  • The hateful church sent out multiple tweets thanking God for the fire
  • The group’s website lists all planned protests, but the firefighters’ funerals are not listed
  • Arizona has a law making funeral protests a criminal offense





On October 5, 2011, Fred Phelps’ daughter, Margie, announced via her Twitter account that the church would be picketing Apple Inc. founder Steve Jobs‘ funeral. CBS News and The Washington Post noted the irony in the fact that Margie used an iPhone to create the tweet.




The church announced on December 16, 2012, it would be picketing at the funerals of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.




On April 15, 2013, the church posted a press release to its Twitter account in which it thanked God for that day’s Boston Marathon bombings, and announced its plan to “picket the funeral of those killed”. Pointing out that the federal government is classifying the bombings as a terrorist attack, yet is being unclear about whether it is of a “domestic or foreign nature”, the release went on to claim to answer the question with, “Here’s a hint — GOD SENT THE BOMBS!


How many more terrifying ways will you have the LORD injure and kill your fellow countrymen because you insist on nation-dooming filthy fag marriage?!”

By early the next morning, nearly 4,000 people had signed a We the People petition on the White House website asking for the banning of such demonstrations by the church at victims’ funerals. Additionally, a posting that same day on a Twitter account affiliated with the hacker group Anonymous warned that Church leaders would be targeted if they made good on their threat to picket the funerals.




Leaders of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church today vowed to “quadruple” the number of protests at military funerals around the country following a Supreme Court ruling that the displays are protected under the First Amendment.

“We are trying to warn you to flee the wrath of God, flee the wrath of destruction. What would be more kind than that,” a fiery Margie J. Phelps, the lead legal counsel for the church and daughter of pastor Fred Phelps, told reporters. “We have not slowed down and we will not.”

Phelps and other members of the Topeka, Kan., church have picketed outside many military funerals holding signs with offensive messages such as “God Hates You” and “God Hates Fags.” The church believes military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are God’s punishment for U.S. tolerance of homosexuality and a sign the nation’s destruction is imminent.


Protests against Jewish institutions

A protest against Jews, held by the Westboro Baptist Church.

In 1996 Phelps led a protest at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., proclaiming:

Whatever righteous cause the Jewish victims of the 1930s–40s Nazi Holocaust had (probably minuscule, compared to the Jewish Holocausts against Middle Passage Blacks, African Americans and Christians—including the bloody persecution of Westboro Baptist Church by Topeka Jews in the 1990s), has been drowned in sodomite semen. American taxpayers are financing this unholy monument to Jewish mendacity and greed and to filthy fag lust. Homosexuals and Jews dominated Nazi Germany … The Jews now wander the earth despised, smitten with moral and spiritual blindness by a divine judicial stroke … And God has smitten Jews with a certain unique madness … Jews, thus perverted, out of all proportion to their numbers energize the militant sodomite agenda … Jews are the real Nazis.








Meaning of “God Hates Fags”

“GOD HATES FAGS” — though elliptical — is a profound theological statement, which the world needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water and bread. The three words, fully expounded, show:

1. the absolute sovereignty of “GOD” in all matters whatsoever (e.g., Jeremiah 32:17, Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6, Proverbs 16:4, Matthew 19:26, Romans 9:11-24, Romans 11:33-36, etc.)

2. the doctrine of reprobation or God’s “HATE” involving eternal retribution or the everlasting punishment of most of mankind in Hell forever (e.g., Leviticus 20:13,23, Psalm 5:5, Psalm 11:5, Malachi 1:1-3, Romans 9:11-13, Matthew 7:13,23, John 12:39-40, 1 Peter 2:8, Jude 4, Revelation 13:8, 20:15, 21:27, etc.)

3. the certainty that all impenitent sodomites (under the elegant metaphor of “FAGS” as the contraction of faggots, fueling the fires of God’s wrath) will inevitably go to Hell (e.g., Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 7, etc.).

The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell. Heb. 13:4. Decadent, depraved, degenerate and debauched America, having bought the lie that It’s OK to be gay, has thereby changed the truth of God into a lie, and now worships and serves the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.

Amen! Rom. 1:25. But the Word of God abides. Better to be a eunuch if the will of God be so, and make sure of Heaven. Mat. 19:12. Better to be blind or lame, than to be cast into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Mk. 9:43-48. Abstain, you fools.



Related articles:









Westboro Church Official Website:



OFFICIAL Video: Russell Brand Interviews Westboro Baptist Church


We ALL are ONE!! We ALL fight the fight!! 

Eating Their Own: The Rise Of Obamacare McCarthyism

Uncanny!! They even look alike!!

The Fifth Column



When House Republicans unveiled a proposal in the fall aimed at avoiding a dead-end government shutdown over Obamacare, the conservative backlash was swift and brutal: they called it a surrender, a betrayal, an appeasement of the health care law they all abhor.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) decried it as “procedural chicanery” that would make House Republicans “complicit in the disaster that is Obamacare,” should they go along with it.  called it a “bait and switch to give the Senate a hall pass to fund Obamacare” and accused House GOP leaders of wanting to “cave and run.”

Since then the phenomenon has grown and taken hold in the 2014 primaries as Republicans accuse their opponents of privately harboring sympathies for Obamacare.

“I’ve not seen anything like this before,” said Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It is just such an interesting phenomenon — call…

View original post 439 more words

“Castle Knights” …. closes its doors!!



-on WaterMark Onlinne

An Orlando bar that has previously operated primarily as a lesbian-focused establishment is returning, this time as an “everybody bar.”

Nadia Lazzano, Jackie Gilmore and Kathleen Bones have teamed up to create Castle Knights, a medieval-themed bar located on Edgewater drive in the space previously occupied by Faces, R-Bar and Recko’s. Castle Knights will open Nov. 9, 2012. 

“It’ll be a live band for the grand opening,” Lazzano said, but no word yet on who would be performing.

The bar will be open each week Thursday through Sunday, from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.


“Thursdays we’ll have some drag shows and Fridays we’ll do karaoke, Saturdays we’ll do bands and Sundays will be acoustic,” Lazzano said.

The club’s license covers beer and wine only. It was unclear whether the bar would eventually incorporate a liquor license.

Lazzano said there’s still quite a bit of work to do before she and the other owners open their doors, including renovations, fixing up the DJ booth and “a lot of cleaning because it was closed for a few months and there are a lot of cobwebs.”


“Apparently a club operating just a lesbian bar didn’t work and so we figured we’ll give it a shot as an everybody bar,” Lazzano said. “We lesbians don’t really support each other, unfortunately, and I think that’s one of the reasons it hasn’t worked.”

She said they’re excited about their new venture because they’ll “get to meet new people and entertain people.”






I want to thank you so much for the call you sent out to rescue Castle Knights — (The Round Table of Knights was created as I looked at us all sitting there).

It was heartfelt and so very appreciated.

After much consideration and buckets of tears I have decided to close the doors to our castle our “Home away from Home“. I can’t see spending more money and involving wonderful women in something where the outcome would not end well. I today am lifting my head high because I know that there are real people in this world.

Even on my darkest day I was lifted by so many angels.


This hurts more than anyone could ever know but don’t count me out.

I am bruised and down but I am not beaten.

Castle Knights may sleep for awhile but that round table of woman was created for something bigger I can feel that.

I will be making a Facebook announcement soon.

Tell the Round Table of Lady Knights.


DJ L.D.N. Sox



Life gives us what we need and what bad comes into it makes us so much more appreciative of the good in it. I came to this bar as a young woman just trying to figure out what the world as a lesbian would hold for me. I was scared to even walk in the door but I heard somebody in the corner say “Hello Welcome”. I never forgot that and think of Sue Hanna every moment I breath the air in this wonderful place we call “HOME”.

I needed this place to exist. All of us needed this place to exist. I worked hard and saved and went many places that never felt HOME.

I knew what I had to do — MAKE OUR HOME a CASTLE FOR EVERYONE.


I took every dime and penny I had with every idea that would roll in or out or around me. I tried it all. I felt like a dancing bear with every trick I tried. I just couldn’t get people in the door.

Many KNIGHTS I was just sit and watch an empty door and close at the end wondering what ball to throw in the air for the next trick. I am sorry I wasn’t more for this community because I wold have liked to been all we needed to find our HOME our CASTLE.

I wish this community unity and peace.

This is all I can say today. 


I may have lost the battle but the war is still within me. I am broken in so many places but I will find my place to heal.

The Round Table of Lady Knights showed me there is still community alive and well.

Thank you — Table of Lady Knights — for your interest in how we are. That means so much. We will keep in touch.

~~Good always Follows Good~~

I feel its like learning how to walk again. Feel lost but not aimless and I am a pretty good shot when I Aim at something. I still have the licenses and I still want to be part of this community so never count me out because I am still searching. It may not be in these doors but soon we will swing something wide open

 ….and you my Dear Friend will be the person I would love to see walk on in…. 



We want to thank you on behalf of all of us who have enjoyed the existence of Castle Knights. I didn’t know all the effort you had put in. I can understand your feelings and sadness.

I do like your fighting spirit. It means that, although hit & bruised, YOU are still there

Keep us posted.



Castle Knights is proud to have completed its first year with many long lasting memories that we hold dear … to our heart. We are thankful to the “family” that was created. We are also thankful for the great respect and loyalty we received in return.

You have touched our lives forever. Some of you come on a daily basis and we share so much. Some of you came in for a few great memories that will last forever …

To our strength. 


Many rolled your sleeves up and took on great tasks because it was HOME. Never did we need, every spot was filled with love and support – (To our service) – Those who came to be part of our team to entertain and show people every effort to help them feel at home. We are grateful and our memories are filled with joy forever.



It’s time to say GOODBYE …. To Castle Knights. We may have lost the battle but the war has just started.

Castle Knights was part of a community effort for unity. Every day that battle goes on. Never quit the fight. Never let them see you with your head held down.

Fight for unity of community and all things that make this a better world to call home.

Love you all.

Castle Knight Dragon …. 


We ALL are ONE!! 


My Way-Frank Sinatra with Lyrics


We ALL fight the fight!! 

Phoenix and Dragon ...

Phoenix and Dragon …

Google Doodle for today ….. Maria Callas would have been 90 years old!!


December 2, 2013

Maria Callas (December 2, 1923 – September 16, 1977), was an American-born Greek soprano and one of the most renowned and influential opera singers of the 20th century.

Critics praised her bel canto technique, wide-ranging voice and dramatic gifts. Her repertoire ranged from classical opera seria to the bel canto operas of DonizettiBellini and Rossini; further, to the works of Verdi and Puccini; and, in her early career, to the music dramas of Wagner. Her musical and dramatic talents led to her being hailed as La Divina.

Born in New York City and raised by an overbearing mother, she received her musical education in Greece and established her career in Italy. Forced to deal with the exigencies of wartime poverty and with myopia that left her nearly blind onstage, she endured struggles and scandal over the course of her career.

She turned herself from a heavy woman into a svelte and glamorous one after a mid-career weight loss, which might have contributed to her vocal decline and the premature end of her career.

The press exulted in publicizing Callas’s allegedly temperamental behavior, her supposed rivalry with Renata Tebaldi and her love affair with Aristotle Onassis. Her dramatic life and personal tragedy have often overshadowed Callas the artist in the popular press.

However, her artistic achievements were such that Leonard Bernstein called her “the Bible of opera“; and her influence was so enduring that, in 2006, Opera News wrote of her: “Nearly thirty years after her death, she’s still the definition of the diva as artist—and still one of classical music’s best-selling vocalists.”


Family life, childhood and move to Greece

September 16 marks the anniversary of the silencing of the voice of the great Greek soprano, Maria Callas, who died of a heart attack, in Paris, robbing the world of one of its greatest talents ever at the age of only 53.

Her name was written in golden letters in the history of opera and she turned into a worldwide legend.

Her full name was Maria Anna Sofia Cecilia Kalogeropoulos. She was born on Dec. 2, 1923 at a hospital in Manhattan. Her childhood was rather difficult because of the tumultuous relationship of her parents, which ended when her mother Evangelia took Maria Callas and her older sister back to Greece shortly before the World War II.

The great soprano remembered with bitterness her childhood and blamed her mother, who made her work and sing from a very young age. “My sister was thin, beautiful and friendly and my mother always preferred her. I was the ugly duckling. Ugly, clumsy and unwanted. I will never forgive her for depriving me from my childhood,” she had said in an interview to the magazine Time in 1956.


In May 1953, she realized that she needed a slimmer silhouette to interpret the dramatic roles with greater success. She lost nearly 36 kilos within a year and changed her wardrobe. Her transformation wasn’t left unnoticed by the international press which gave her rave reviews for that as well as her vocal abilities and her stage performance.

In 1957, Callas met the shipowner Aristotle Onassis at a party given in her honor. Their relationship was stormy and powerful, as their characters were. Callas had already gained the nickname “tiger” because of a wild facial expression when she got angry in front of some photographers and she was characterized as an artist with an intense temperament.

Callas broke up with Meneghini in 1959 and she left her career aside in order to stay next to Onassis. For nine years, she waited for the shipowner from Smyrna to ask her hand in marriage.

In 1968, Onassis suddenly decided to marry Jackie Kennedy, the widow of the American President, John F. Kennedy. Her world collapsed and according to witnesses of her friendly environment, she fell into depression. Her last performance took place in December 1974 in Japan.



Some say I have a beautiful voice, some say I have not. It is a matter of opinion. All I can say, those who don’t like it shouldn’t come to hear me.

Television interview with Norman Ross, Chicago (17 November 1957)

I admire Tebaldi’s tone; it’s beautiful — also some beautiful phrasing. Sometimes, I actually wish I had her voice.

Discussing rival soprano Renata Tebaldi, in a television interview with Norman Ross, Chicago (17 November 1957)


Don’t talk to me about rules, dear. Wherever I stay I make the goddamn rules.

On her controversial personality and performance, quoted in Wild Women Talk Back: Audacious Advice for the Bedroom, Boardroom, and Beyond (2004) by Autumn Stephens.

What [Tulio Serafin] said that impressed me was: “When one wants to find a gesture, when you want to find how to act on stage, all you have to do is listen to the music. The composer has already seen to that.” If you take the trouble to really listen with your soul and with your ears — and I say soul and ears because the mind must work, but not too much also — you will find every gesture there. And it is all true, you know.

On advice from Tulio Serafin, in “Harewood Conversations – 1968”, an interview in Paris with Lord Harewood for the BBC (April 1968) on Maria Callas : The Callas Conversations (2004) EMI Classics DVD


Callas was a diva in the classic sense of the word as well as in the sassier modern definition –– she was a great operatic performer, and she was also glamorous and temperamental, bombastic and beautiful. She transformed her appearance dramatically mid-career, losing weight and becoming as visually striking as she was vocally gifted.

Scandal followed her in her professional life, as she feuded with La Scala opera house, fought a lawsuit from a former agent and gained a reputation as a tigress. Her personal life was no less fiery, with a high-profile affair with Aristotle Onassis that kept her in the gossip columns. But Callas didn’t need scandal to stay in the public’s mind. The power of her voice made her famous, and she would not have stayed in the spotlight without it.

See more at:



Maria Callas, “O mio babbino caro” (Puccini)


Uploaded on Jan 21, 2009

Maria Callas
Georges Prêtre, Orchestre National de France, 1965

O mio babbino caro
Mi piace è bello, bello
Vo’ andare in Porta Rossa
a comperar l’anello
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare
e se l’amassi indarno,
andrei sul Ponte Vecchio,
ma per buttarmi in Arno
Mi struggo e mi tormento
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!
Babbo, pietà di me!

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are united through MUSIC!!!