SAVE THE ARTIC …. This will affect everyone!!


~~December 3, 2013~~

The Arctic is in danger! If companies like Gazprom and Shell go ahead with their plans to extract oil in the offshore ice covered Arctic, a catastrophic oil spill is just a matter of time.

Shell has just announced they plan to drill in 2014 — take action now to stop Arctic drilling before it starts!

Stop Shell’s 2014 Arctic Drilling Plans Before They Start

Take action today!Shell has just announced it plans to drill for oil in the Alaskan Arctic in 2014.

Shell will stop at nothing to get at the oil it believes is under the Arctic. As a senior Shell official reminded the world last week, drilling for oil in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea is “the single largest exploration prospect in the Shell Group.” The stakes couldn’t be higher for Shell or the environment.

Stopping them is simple: President Obama has the power to pull Shell’s drilling permits any time he wants. But it’s going to take overwhelming public support for the President to do the right thing and stand up to Big Oil.

We must stand with the 28 Greenpeace activists and 2 independent journalists facing disproportionate charges like piracy and hooliganism for peacefully protesting oil drilling in the Russian Arctic.


Send a message right now to President Obama asking him to pull Shell’s permits to drill for oil in the Alaskan Arctic.

Sample letter to the President of the United States:

Subject: Stop Shell from drilling in the Arctic in 2014

On November 6th Shell Oil announced its intention to start drilling next summer for Arctic oil in the Chukchi Sea. As you well know, letting big oil companies drill for oil means exposing the pristine Arctic ecosystem and its people to a higher risk of being affected by an oil spill, which will also undermine all efforts done so far to stop runaway climate change.

The most recent International Energy Agency report flagged that the environmental risks of Arctic oil are substantial, and costs are high. Clean, renewable, and safe energy alternatives are ready to be deployed now.

The efforts to counter the most extreme effects of climate change can’t be undermined by allowing big oil companies like Shell to drill in the Arctic for more oil. Doing that would be a slap in the face of those who were impacted by Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy or Typhoon Haiyan, and of those who faced jail for peacefully raising awareness around the madness of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic.

Nature gives us clear signs of the climate chaos every day around the world. The last thing we need to save the climate is allowing Shell to tap out the oil beneath the Arctic Ocean.

President Obama, Shell has made clear which climate future and Arctic landscape they want. Now is time to hear from you.

Sign petition:



Russian oil company Gazprom is responsible of 206 oil spills on land in at least 2 years (since Greenpeace Russia started monitoring them)!

With this horrific track record, the oil giant is now planning to extract the first offshore oil from icy Arctic waters in December putting the fragile Arctic at tremendous risk.

From an awesome website:


Gazprom is the first company to install an oil drilling platform, called Prirazlomnaya, in the offshore ice covered Arctic Pechora Sea.

Gazprom’s plans to extract the first Arctic oil in December 2013 have been heavily criticized due to the serious risks to the environment. Gazprom has to date refused to make its oil spill mitigation plan public.

From the available summary, it is clear that Gazprom is not prepared for the high risks which drilling under Arctic conditions entails. Nevertheless, Gazprom claims the company is committed to upholding high environmental standards and is moving ahead with its plans.


Vote now to help expose Gazprom’s irresponsible practices:


This #GivingTuesday is about giving back to this big and beautiful planet.

The Arctic 30 are currently facing years of jail sentencing for protecting the Arctic from oil drilling by Gazprom. Gazprom, a Russian oil company, plans to extract oil from the Arctic THIS MONTH.

If you want to, donate to protect the Arctic from drilling now:



Save The Arctic– Greenpeace Project


Save the Arctic and Free the Arctic 30


Published on Nov 13, 2013…
The Arctic is majestic, extreme, and extremely fragile. Companies like Gazprom and Shell want to drill for oil, putting the entire planet at risk. Now 30 men and women are imprisoned in Russia for trying to stop this destruction and protect the region. ACT NOW to Save the Arctic and Free the Arctic 30:…

Illustrations and animation by Emanuele Colombo (
Produced by Latte Creative (

We ALL are ONE!!

FYI .....

FYI …..

We ALL fight the fight!!! 

To start the day ……


“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

~~L.M. Montgomery~~

“Today is a new day. Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!”

~~Steve Maraboli~~

“Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows.”

~~Emil Cioran~~


“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

~~Abbie HoffmanRevolution for the Hell of It~~

“Today is a new day. Even if you were wrong yesterday, you can get it right today.”

~~Dwight Howard~~

“Never mind those failures till yesterday. Each new day is a sequel of a wonderful life; gifted with hopes to succeed.”

~~Aniruddha Sastikar~~


“The new day has greeted us with no rules except for the rules we placed with it, greet it with open arms and endless possibility.”

~Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience~~

“Whatever you do, you need courage. Be a self-starter. Look forward on the new day as another special gift.”

~~Kishore Bansal~~

“Every new day is a once in a lifetime event. How much more exciting would our lives be if we embraced this truth and lived accordingly?!”

~~Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience~~



Shania Twain ~ Today Is Your Day


Today Is Your Day, Make The Best Of It!!

You got what it takes you can win…

You got what it takes you can win
Today is your day to begin
Don’t give up here, don’t you quit
The moment is now, this is it
I know that you can, then you will
Get to the top of the hill
Part of the fun is the climb
You just gotta make up your mind

That today is your day
And nothing can stand in your way
Today is your day
Everything’s goin’ your way

Today, today, today, today

When somebody throws sticks and stones
All they can break are your bones
And life’s gonna kick around
Then kick you again when your down


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through MUSIC!! 

Drones To Deliver Amazon Packages (Sooner Or Later)

Would this work? ….. and not bring any consequences? Let’s see ….

Social Action 2014

“Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Sunday said his firm is working on ways to deliver small packages via drones. That’s right: Amazon “Prime Air” may eventually have thousands of robot flying machines buzzing through neighborhoods across America, dropping off everything from shoes to consumer electronics.

At least, that’s the vision Mr. Bezos outlined on “60 Minutes.”

“It will work, and it will happen, and it’s gonna be a lot of fun,” he told correspondent Charlie Rose.

Well, we would not wager against Amazon, given its relentless march toward US retail dominance. And it’s easy to see how the concept would work, in a technical sort of way: Small “octocopter” unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of carrying five pounds or so already exist.”* Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, Michael Shure and Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Peter Grier / Christian Science Monitor:…

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What drives slavery and human trafficking? PROFIT

Important eye-opening information!!

Social Action 2014

What drives slavery and human trafficking? PROFIT

Human traffickers make money from exploiting other human beings. Using physical and psychological violence, traffickers force girls and boys, women and men to do things they do not want to do…
Poverty, little or no formal education, war, political instability, natural disasters and an unsafe family environment may create a situation of extreme vulnerability for potential victims of human trafficking.
But do these factors cause human trafficking?
No. Not exactly.
Human trafficking is a business. Like any successful business, it cannot thrive without a demand for the product/service.

“Afghan women have been sold into sexual slavery”
Human trafficking, prostitution thrive in Afghanistan

Slavery is in the supply chain of our every products.
“For the past two years, photographer Lisa Kristine has traveled…

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