At the end of the day …..



At the End of the Day” is the title of a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Kellie Coffey. It was released in July 2002 as the second single from the album When You Lie Next to Me. The song reached number 18 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. Coffey wrote this song with Brett James.

Background and writing

According to the official single cover, Coffey and Brett James wrote the song after talking about how life is crazy when trying to record an album, be an artist, and live daily life. Coffey said that the message of the song is to not forget who you are and where you came from.



Kellie Coffey – At The End Of The Day


Throw the covers off my head, shake my body out of bed
Stretch my arms up and look out the window
Sun is rising, birds are singing
I am greeted by the gift of another new mornin’

And I know, tonight as my head hits the pillow
I will ask myself as I look out the same window

At the end of the day, did I laugh and dance enough
Did I tell my friends, how much they really mean to me
At the end of the day, did I really push myself
Or was I too afraid to give my heart away, at the end of the day

I wanna learn, I wanna love
Take some big chance and just trust in my instincts
And my intuition, if I win or if I lose
Any road that I choose, I will drive all the way

I wanna know, tonight as I fall fast asleep
I am one day closer to who I wanna be

At the end of the day, did I laugh and dance enough
Did I tell my friends, how much they really mean to me
At the end of the day, did I really push myself
Was I too afraid to give my heart away, at the end of the day

To never forget what matters most
Oh, to never have to answer, no

When I ask myself, did I laugh and dance enough
Did I tell my friends, how much they really mean to me

At the end of the day, did I laugh and dance enough
Did I tell my friends, how much they really mean to me
At the end of the day, did I really push myself, was I too afraid

At the end of the day, did I laugh and dance enough
Did I tell my friends, how much they really mean to me
At the end of the day, did I really push myself, was I too afraid
At the end of the day

Read more: Kellie Coffey – At The End Of The Day Lyrics | MetroLyrics


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through MUSIC!! 

“Duet Awards” …. from Glorialana’s Blog!!


~~Today I received a surprise from Glorialana @

She wrote a very touching and whimsical post where she nominatedIt is What It Is” for two blogging awards.

I feel like a child opening her Christmas presents. Both of these awards are valued and significant. They show the connection that there is among the bloggers using the WordPress platform. 

They are indications of solidarity bonds that form among these “family members” that we have chosen freely.

I humbly accept them. Will proudly display them on the sidebar of “It Is What it Is” ….. they will remind me that I’ve committed myself to continue growing, to improve, to learn and to do the best that I can to continue to be worthy of them.

On that …. you have my word!! 

You can find her post here:

~~In her own words~~

“This moment is magic: we know secret of the Universe. The secret is simply: everything is connected. Everything. Our imagination builds that connection. We are the luckiest creatures on the Earth because of our ability to imagine and to build our reality we wish and love to live.”

Searching for the image, I found the following:

What is The Imagine Award?

The Imagine Award” is an award created by Jenn Mulherin (who is the writer of the blog “My Fibrotastic Life!”) in October of 2013. This award was made in order to recognize the bloggers who express their passion and dedication towards their blogs through their creativity.

How is creativity found in a blog?

Just like beauty, creativity is in the eye of the beholder. There are many unique ways which bloggers can express their creativity. Creativity can be displayed through:

  • Words (such as writing fictional stories or real life experiences, poetry, quotes, using metaphors, etc.)
  • Pictures (this can include photos, comics, computer-drawn pictures, etc.)
  • Videos
  • The layout of the blog page

The degree of creativity is one of the qualities in a blog which not only draws more readers, but it shows how much the blogger cares about their blog. The caretaking of a blog is like taking care of a plant. In order to keep it healthy and growing, you need to feed the blog with your ideas and give it a lot of love.

If I am nominated for The Imagine Award … then what??

In your post which is dedicated to your award…

  1. Copy and paste the award to your post.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog page to your post.
  3. List 3-5 things about the nominator’s blog that you like (which you think are very creative).
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers/blogs which you think display a fantastic use of creativity and imagination.
  5. Notify your nominees.
  6. Copy and paste The Imagine Award to your blog page.

*If you decline The Imagine Award, that is okay, but please pass the award to a blog that you find to be very creative.



Her blog is beautifully presented. Delicate, sweet, whimsical.

Her imagination is beyond compare …. takes you through wonderlands of magic, candies, tender stories and realities.

The layout of her blog is so inviting. It gives the impression of warmth and naivete

The strength and passion within is easily felt through her stories which cover a variety of topics. This pulls the reader in and leaved you wanting more.


Glorialana and her daughter created a special gift for you, my brother and sister, from the sequins and needles.

Meet our Happy Unicorn! He becomes your talisman and reminder about our family.



As a beautiful being of Light, Glorialana also nominated me for the WordPress Family Award . 

~~In her words~~

“We all are connected, but we are more powerful when we are connected as a family. Thank you, WordPress, for our meeting and love from the first sight, and creating a beautiful strong Family we love and live in.”

This is something I really believe in. We all are connected and WordPress has created this platform where we can come and visit. We share stories, experiences information. We feel the warmth of other like-minded people.

~~From the award’s creator .. SHAUN GIBSON~~

“This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before.

This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award.

Thank you, Shaun @


Display the award logo on your blog.

Link back to the person who nominated you. (No Point I am doing this, as I made the award)

Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your wordpress experience and family

Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them

That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as  a friend, and spread the love


I altered the rules. I’m combining these two awards because this is the way I received them.

The bloggers that I’m nominating for these dual awards are:

~~In Glorialana’s own words~~

“The Unicorn is singing his happy song about my nominees for the Duet of Awards now. Please enjoy the Duet of Awards and keep blogging. We are family where everyone is loved endlessly and connected strongly. We can create reality and remake the world together! Thank You for You!”


All of you are very special to me. I look forward every day to your posts. You have made a difference in my life. I learn, I see life from others’ perspectives. You bring joy to my life every day as I follow your thoughts, your feelings and your experiences.

Know that there is a warm spot in my heart that has your name on it.


Imagine John Lennon Lyrics


We are family Lyrics Ice Age 4


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through this wonderful WEB!!! 

The eyes may be the window

Eyes and heart!!!

Social Action 2014

The eyes may be the window

The eyes may be the window to the soul but the soul is the mirror to the heart that reflects one’s inner beauty, uniqueness, character, strength, and courage to the world showing just how extraordinarily amazing each special trait makes them. Just as life is a gift you are given, you are a gift the world has been given.”

Jenna Kandyce Linch

Copyright © Jenna Kandyce Linch

View original post

Dark Poetrics: Crawling




Note: The lyrics always stay the property of the band or artist who wrote them. All the credit goes to them.

My poetry is written in White, the Lyrics are written in Yellow.

Part of the lyrics of ‘Crawling’ by Linkin Park

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self-control I fear is never ending
Controlling. I can’t seem…

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take)
I’ve felt this way before
So insecure

Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It’s haunting how I can’t seem…

There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface…

View original post 30 more words

Reflections Prompted by Veterans’ Day

Never forget!!!!


As the Veterans’ Day holiday recedes into the past, I am reminded of how my views on military veterans have changed — and just how dramatically — all within the past six months.

veterans day eagle

This blog is still relatively new and (like most blogs) a work in progress.

One of my very first posts was a short contemplation on the Memorial Day weekend late this past spring.  (  I still stand by what I wrote, but my perspective has absolutely undergone some change.

You see, I now work among veterans, probably to a greater degree than I ever have previously.  And I now see with greater clarity than ever before what happens when the flower of the country’s youth are sent to wage war in a foreign land.

Back in the day, in MY day, when I was personally concerned about such things, “the war” was Vietnam.  Like its predecessor in…

View original post 923 more words

Happy Unicorn

Glorialana’s Blog …. has nominated “It is What it Is” … for a duet of awards!! I’m honored and humbled by this distinction … and very thankful for being part of the WP family … we were meeting awesome people with similar likes. We are “vibrating” at the same level!! Very thankful …..

Glorialana Magazine

Hello God!

Thank You for You. I am writing these words and I see your smile. I imagine your deep and beautiful eyes. You know that “Hello God!” in my every post I write to You. This moment is magic: we know secret of the Universe. The secret is simply: everything is connected. Everything. Our imagination builds that connection. We are the luckiest creatures on the Earth because of our ability to imagine and to build our reality we wish and love to live.

I love today, I am with you and because of you. A poetic Soul of Clayton Paul nominated me for The Imagine Award. His blog reflects his beautiful personality and sharp intellect. Thank you, Clayton.


Another beautiful being of Light, my dear sister Linda nominated me for the WordPress Family Award. We all are connected, but we are more powerful when we are connected as a family. Thank you…

View original post 242 more words

Lorde … New Zealand songstress!!


New Zealand songstress Lorde just released a new music video for her excellent ballad “Team.”
It’s a beauteous, slightly melancholic series of striking images — and a must-see.

Lorde, the 17-year-old New Zealand chanteuse, can apparently do no wrong.

Her hit tune “Royals,” a witty ode (and send-up) to the monotony of bling-obsessed raps, has spent nine straight weeks at No. 1 on Billboard’s pop singles chart, fending off stiff competition from the likes of more seasoned divas Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. The song has sold a stellar 3.7 million copies to date. If that weren’t enough, Rolling Stone recently named her debut LP, Pure Heroine, the seventh best album of 2013.


Now, the singer formerly known as Ella Yelich-O’Connor has just released her latest music video for one of the best tracks off her debut album, “Team.”

The video opens with picturesque shots of the ocean, similar to those featured so prominently in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, before settling on a giant abandoned edifice on the water.

Inside, sporting a set of braids that would make Katniss Everdeen green with jealousy, is the self-anointed “queen bee,” Lorde. Surrounded by greenery, the singer is flanked by her minions—who’ve all been transported to this mystical commune, and pass around a gallon jug of some mysterious blue liquid—as she croons the song’s addictive chorus:

“We live in cities you’ll never see on screen / Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things / Living in ruins of the palace within my dreams / And you know, we’re on each other’s team.”


This is the “palace” within Lorde’s dreams and it is, by the looks of it, a pretty magical place. Lorde posted the following message about the video to her Facebook page:

“This video was borne from a dream I had a few months ago about teenagers in their own world, a world with hierarchies and initiations, where the boy who was second in command had acne on his face, and so did the girl who was Queen.

I dreamt about this world being so different to anything anyone had ever seen, a dark world full of tropical plants and ruins and sweat. And of this world, I dreamt about tests that didn’t need to be passed in order to be allowed in: sometimes the person who loses is stronger. Enjoy.”




Team by Lorde Official Music Video


Published on Oct 22, 2013

Sily Films offical Music Video.
Song: Team 
Artist: Lorde
Album: Pure Heroin

Starring: Samantha Meeker, Emily Mazoch, Brooke Mazoch and Mitchell Meeker
Directors: Samantha Meeker and Emily Mazoch
Produced by: SILY Films

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are united by MUSIC!! 

Tom Daley …. Olympic Diver … Comes out!



Thomas Robert “Tom” Daley (born 21 May 1994) is a British diver and television personality.


Daley specializes in the 10 meter platform event and was the 2009 FINA World Champion in the individual event at the age of 15. He started diving at the age of seven and is a member of Plymouth Diving Club. He has made an impact in national and international competitions from age 9.

He represented Great Britain at the 2008 Summer Olympics where he was Britain’s youngest competitor, the youngest competitor of any nationality outside the sport of swimming, and the youngest to participate in a final. In 2009, Daley reached a career best ranking of number one in the FINA World Diving Rankings for the ten-metre platform.

He won two gold medals for England at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, in the 10 metre synchro diving (with Max Brick) and the 10 m Individual Platform competition, and won the bronze medal for Great Britain in the individual competition at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

After his success at the 2012 Olympic Games and a summer of great sporting interest amongst the public in the UK, television network ITV approached Daley to have a role in their new celebrity diving reality TV show Splash!. Daley made his debut in the show’s premiere on Saturday 5 January 2013 as a mentor to the celebrity competitors taking part



Tom Daley London (cropped).jpg
Daley at Our Greatest Team Parade in 2012

Personal informationFull nameThomas Robert Daley
Born(1994-05-21) 21 May 1994 (age 19)
Plymouth, EnglandHeight177 centimetres (5 ft 10 in)
Weight74 kilograms (163 lb)
Websitetomdaley.tvSportCountry United Kingdom


Event(s)10 m, 10 m synchro, 3 mClubPlymouth Diving Club


Olympic Diver Tom Daley Comes Out



“I still fancy girls, but right now I’m dating a guy and I couldn’t be happier.”

Photo: Getty Images

In a YouTube video, diver Tom Daley, who became an instant star and sex symbol during the 2012 Olympics, says he has had a “difficult” and “hectic” life but still wanted to maintain a “private life,” although he published a book and did a documentary. In the personal video he explains, “I only talked about things I felt comfortable talking about.”

He says he didn’t like talking about bullying at school or his dad, but he did, and that he recently felt compelled to set the record straight when he was recently misquoted in an interview and it made him feel “angry” and “frustrated,” explaining that these were “emotions I’d never felt before when I’d read about myself.”


He goes on to say that he’s always been honest, “if vague,” and he hates being asked about his relationships and if he’s dating girls. Daley, who is still 19, says that in the spring he met “someone” who made him feel great, and “that someone was a guy.” He said something “just clicked” and felt right. “My whole world changed, right there and then. Of course, I still fancy girls, but right now I’m dating a guy and I couldn’t be happier. I feel safe and it just really does feel right.”


Daley says it’s “not a big deal” and knows people will “call me a liar.” But he says people want him to keep quiet and he wanted to “say something” and not “get my words twisted” and end the rumors and speculation.

Daley makes a plea to his fans to join him on this journey and support him as he’s preparing to head off to Houston for a training camp and plans to participate in the 2016 Rio Olympics.




Tom Daley: Something I want to say…


Published on Dec 2, 2013

“This has been a hard decision to make, but I wanted you to hear this from me.”

We ALL are ONE!!

Dustin Lance Black

Dustin Lance Black

The Hollywood hunk has given Olympic hero Tom Daley the courage to open up about his sexuality.

The pair met at the Kids Choice Awards in LA in March and since then Tom, 19, has been inseparable from 39-year-old Dustin.

The close pair were first pictured together enjoying a day out in Hollywood in October.

A source close to Tom said: “Tom and Dustin hit it off straight away and they have been seeing a lot of each other ever since.

“Tom had the end of August and September off training and he spent it with Dustin.

“Tom has been filming a gap year documentary which Lance traveled with him on behind the scenes. The pair have fallen for each other.”


Dustin won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 2008 for iconic gay civil rights film Milk starring Sean Penn.

He is a founding board member of the American Foundation for Equal Rights which has been the forefront of gay marriage in the US.

"I do ... "

Equality …..

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We ALL fight the fight!! 

Something to think about ……. Ripple effect!!


Mother Theresa

Source: Small things are God‘s Blessings/FB


The Ripple Effect: The Heartbeat to Eternity


Uploaded on Dec 11, 2007

Drop a pebble in a still pond
and watch the ripple travel out in an ever expanding ring
The Ripple Effect is rooted in the belief that all we are all connected by our shared Humanity.


~~Description of Physics~~

Drop a pebble in a still pond and watch the ripple travel out in an ever expanding ring.
Two well known Principles of Physics are Wave Theory and Entrainment.
Wave Theory teaches us that a wave will continue to travel out, never changing its initial shape or frequency.
It also teaches us that when two waves intersect each other, the height of the effect is the sum of the heights of the two individual waves.
Entrainment is the tendency for two vibrating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony.


For a full description of the science behind The Ripple Effect, please visit our blog at:


~~The Goal~~

The Goal of Humanity Healing™ is to make a lasting difference for positive change by supporting Humanitarian efforts that create sustainable solutions for the World’s problems.

We believe that through a multifaceted approach of organizing Good Works, Education
and Promoting Spiritual growth; we can bring about mutual respect and understanding. 
We can each send out Ripples of Blessings, Ripples of Social Justice, Ripples of Goodness Ripples of Peace and Ripples of Loving-Kindness past all barriers and across all borders.


The Pond is the World,
Your Heart is the Pebble,
Drop a pebble in a still pond and watch the ripple travel out in an ever expanding ring
with every Heartbeat.

All credit given to/Source: Humanity Healing Copyright 11 December 2007


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through the UNIVERSE!!