At the end of the day ……



The Windmills of Your Mind” is a song with music by French composer Michel Legrand and English lyrics written by Americans Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman. The French lyrics, under the title “Les moulins de mon cœur”, were written by Eddy Marnay.

The song (with the English lyrics) was used as the theme for the 1968 film, The Thomas Crown Affair. The opening two melodic sentences were borrowed from Mozart‘s second movement from his Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and OrchestraK.

In the original 1968 film, the song was performed by Noel Harrison who took the song to #8 in the UK Singles Chart. It won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1968. A version by Sting was used in the 1999 remake of The Thomas Crown Affair.

Dusty Springfield‘s version of the song from her album Dusty in Memphis is also well known; this version reached #31 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and #3 on the Billboard adult contemporary chart in 1969. This recording also appeared on the soundtrack to Breakfast on Pluto (2006).

Petula Clark‘s recording of the song is heard in the movie Killing Them Softly.


The Windmills Of Your Mind

Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that’s turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind


Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream
Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind


Keys that jingle in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
Why did summer go so quickly?
Was it something that you said?
Lovers walk along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Was the sound of distant drumming Just the fingers of your hand?


Pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half-remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over were you suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning to the colour of her hair!
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel
As the images unwind
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind


What is the meaning of this song?


~~Interpretation from an ardent fan~~

The song is meant to convey the feelings of the singer as he grapples with the almost overwhelming emotional confusion brought on by the ending of a brief, but intense love affair.



As his mind races back to the beginning of their relationship, the first stanza describes the intoxicating joy of their passionate love (possibly a “first” love) with the “circle in a spiral” and “a wheel within a wheel” and the roller-coaster-like effect of new love “never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel”. The joy of the relationship and how fast it grew is also conveyed with “snowball on a mountain” and “carnival balloon”. And “a carousel that’s turning rings around the moon” signifies the giddly heights of his affection and joy.


The repeating line “like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face” represents how fast time flew while in their relationship.

“And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space” represents the purity of their world and of their relationship.



This paragraph represents the feelings of despair as the realization of the relationship’s ending sinks in.

Using imagery that expresses feeling hopelessly lost “Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own, down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shown”.


The nightmare feeling of her leaving him is expressed as “Like a door that keeps revolving in a half forgotten dream” and he feels the loneliness of her rejection with the line “or the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream”.

The repeating lines of “Like the clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face, And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space” are used here to describe the slowing of time as the relationship winds down and the solitary apple is now represents the feeling of sadness of being alone.



This paragraph brings us to the singer’s present consciousness (signified by “Keys that jingle in your pocket”) as he continues to relive his memories in search for answers.

“Words that jangle in your head” represent how distracted he is now.

“Why did summer go so quickly” represents the possible timespan of their affair.

“Was it something that you said?” represents the natural questioning we go through after a breakup.


“Lovers walk along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand” represents his romantic illusions of their relationship and, like footprints in the sand, how fleeting their relationship seemed.

“Is the sound of distant drumming just the fingers of your hand?” again, represents his inability to focus through his sadness or to even be aware of his surroundings.


“Pictures hanging in a hallway, and the fragment of a song, Half-remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?” probably represent the various artifacts of their relationship, including photos of the friends they made while they were a couple. “To whom do they belong?” could be questioning if these people are now HER friends or HIS friends. “Half remembered names and faces” indicates just how much he was emotionally invested in the relationship; to the point where everyone else was just in the background.

“When you knew that it was over, you were suddenly aware that the autumn leaves were turning to the color of her hair.” I cannot do justice to this line, but it probably means that everything beautiful now reminds him of his lost love.



This paragraph is a repeat of of the “circle in a spiral” imagery which is to indicate that his sorrow continues as he tries to recover from a broken heart.




Noel Harrison-The Windmills Of Your Mind



We ALL are ONE!!!


We ALL are connected by MUSIC!! 

Rep. Eliot Engel Statement on Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Uganda ….. you are wrong!! And the world sees it!!

Global Equality Today

“To be clear, the passage of this legislation is a stain on the human rights record of Uganda, and appears to be part of a troubling trend of legislation intended to undermine basic human rights in that country.”

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Eliot Engel, the senior Democratic Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding the Ugandan parliament’s approval of a bill which would criminalize consensual behavior between adults and outlaw the promotion of LGBT rights.

“I am deeply disturbed by the Ugandan parliament’s approval of a so-called ‘anti-homosexuality bill,’ which would in effect criminalize consensual behavior between adults and outlaw the promotion of LGBT rights. To be clear, the passage of this legislation is a stain on the human rights record of Uganda, and appears to be part of a troubling trend of legislation intended to undermine basic human rights in that country. I call…

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Dear ‘Duck Dynasty’ Fans: You Do Know It’s All Fake, Right?

You people … supporting fans!! It’s all FAKE!!!

The Fifth Column


DOH!   This makes me wonder if Phil Robertson was “in character” during his GQ interview?


Amid the turmoil caused by the suspension of “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson in relation to an interview he gave with GQ, an outpouring of support has emerged from those defending the bearded A&E star.

Which only begs the question whether these people really know whom exactly it is they’re defending.

However real and natural it might appear, “Duck Dynasty” is a sitcom. Not all the dialogue is written, but as even the Robertsons freely admitted on the “Today” show, “They come up with ideas and we just get to be ourselves in the situation.”

So while Robertson can be taken at his word that he’s a man of faith, the character that people know from TV is just that: A character.

Other websites, some with way too much time…

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MEDICAL CORNER … My reality check …. an update!


Today, December 20, 2013, I had my first appointment with the pain management doctor. 

I’m happy to report that it was a good experience. I was apprehensive because I was meeting with a new health provider. I knew that this was my last option because I have already tried different types of therapy, including alternative, to obtain relief from the back pain that started in May 2013.


I had an MRI done which was reviewed with my primary care provider.


1. Small, left sided posterolateral disc protrusion at L5-S1 causing some narrowing of both neural foramina

2. Bulging disc at L4-5, L3-4, L1-2 and T12-L1

3. Dextroscoliosis with global disc dessication (drying up, loss of hydration), degenerative end plate changes

Needless to say, this looked ominous! And, I was expecting the worse. 


The doctor turned out to be very professional and, most of all very well prepared and caring. He asked the pertinent questions and performed a physical examination.

He explained everything in detail and listed options. We are going to follow logical steps. We will start with the basics. The changes found in my vertebral spine are not going to change. But symptoms can be treated conservatively. 

Treatment is aimed to reduce inflammation of surrounding tissue, improve quality of life and increase mobility, hence, physical activity. 


In spite of the description of the MRI results, it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

The pain is localized and is not associated with neurological symptoms.

This is an excellent sign.


A Patient’s Guide to Lumbar Facet Joint Arthritis


Arthritis of the lumbar facet joints can be a source of significant low back pain. Aligned on the back of the spinal column, the facet joints link each vertebra together. Articular cartilage covers the surfaces where these joints meet. Like other joints in the body that are covered with articular cartilage, the lumbar facet joints can be affected by arthritis.


The human spine is made up of 24 spinal bones, called vertebrae. Vertebrae are stacked on top of one another to create the spinal column. The spinal column gives the body its form. It is the body’s main upright support.

The back portion of the spinal column forms a bony ring. When the vertebrae are stacked on top of each other, these bony rings create a hollow tube. This tube, called the spinal canal, surrounds the spinal cord as it passes through the spine. Just as the skull protects the brain, the bones of the spinal column protect the spinal cord.

Between the vertebrae of each spinal segment are two facet joints. The facet joints are located on the back of the spinal column. There are two facet joints between each pair of vertebrae, one on each side of the spine. A facet joint is made of small, bony knobs that line up along the back of the spine. Where these knobs meet, they form a joint that connects the two vertebrae. The alignment of the facet joints of the lumbar spine allows freedom of movement as you bend forward and back.

The surfaces of the facet joints are covered by articular cartilage. Articular cartilage is a smooth, rubbery material that covers the ends of most joints. It allows the bone ends to move against each other smoothly, without friction.

Related Document: A Patient’s Guide to Lumbar Spine Anatomy


Why do I have this problem?

Normally, the facet joints fit together snugly and glide smoothly, without pressure. If pressure builds where the joint meets, the cartilage on the joint surfaces wears off, or erodes.

Each segment in the spine has three main points of movement, the intervertebral disc and the two facet joints. Injury or problems in any one of these structures affects the other two. As a disc thins with aging and from daily wear and tear, the space between two spinal vertebrae shrinks. This causes the facet joints to press together.

Facet joints can also become arthritic due to a back injury earlier in life. Fractures, torn ligaments, and disc problems can all cause abnormal movement and alignment, putting extra stress on the surfaces of the facet joints.

The body responds to this extra pressure by developing bone spurs. As the spurs form around the edges of the facet joints, the joints become enlarged. This is called hypertrophy. Eventually, the joint surfaces become arthritic. When the articular cartilage degenerates, or wears away, the bone underneath is uncovered and rubs against bone. The joint becomes inflamed, swollen, and painful.

Full article/Source:


After the doctor’s full explanation, I asked: “When can we do this?”

He said …. “Right now”.  Let’s get this ball rolling!! 

Initially I had an IV inserted, received conscious sedation (a medication called Versed) and was taken to the procedure room.

Today I underwent injection of four facet joints at the level of the lumbar spine, two on each side. The procedure was done under fluoroscopic control which means that the doctor used an Xray machine to know exactly where he needed to inject the medication.

What is a lumbar facet joint block?

A lumbar facet joint block is an injection of local anesthetic (numbing medicine) into one or more of the small joints located along the side of each vertebrae on both sides of the spine in the lower part of the back. Multiple injections may be performed, depending upon how many joints are involved.

Facet joint blocks are typically requested for patients who have pain primarily in their back as a result of arthritic changes in the facet joints or for patients who have mechanical low back pain. A facet joint block may be diagnostic (a test to see if your pain is coming from this area) and/or therapeutic (to relieve your pain).


How do I prepare for the procedure?

No solid food or fluids after midnight prior to the procedure unless directed otherwise. You may take your medications with a small amount of water. Diabetics should not take their medication for diabetes until after the procedure is complete. Please check your blood sugar at home before arriving at the PMC. If you are taking any blood thinners such as Coumadin, Warfarin, Plavix, or any others, these medications must be discontinued well before the procedure.

You will be directed by our staff as to when you should stop this medication. Please make your Pain Management doctor aware that you are taking a blood thinner, and contact your primary care physician or prescribing physician before stopping this medication.


What are the risks of the procedure?

As with most procedures, there is a remote risk of bleeding, infection, nerve injury, or allergic reaction to the medications used. Other short-term side effects may occur. If local anesthetic spreads to nearby nerves you may have weakness or numbness that can last for several hours. If this happens, you may have to stay in the Pain Management Center until it resolves.

You may have increased pain for a few days after the injections, including localized pain at the injection site.


What happens during the actual procedure?

The procedure will be done in the fluoroscopy (X-ray) room with you lying on your stomach. An intravenous (IV) line may be started in your hand or arm to give fluids and/or medication to help you to relax. Your back will be thoroughly cleansed with an antiseptic soap. Sterile drapes will be placed over your lower back. Your back will be numbed with injections of local anesthetic using a very small needle. You may feel a brief stinging or burning sensation, which will go away in about 15 seconds. Using X-ray guidance, longer needles are then advanced into the facet joints along the spine. Once the needles are in the proper location, a local anesthetic medication (with or without steroids) will be injected, and the needles will be removed. Your skin will be cleaned again, and Band-Aids will be applied.

You will be moved to the recovery area, where your vital signs will be monitored for an appropriate time, usually about 20-30 minutes. You will be given verbal and written discharge instructions, and you will be able to leave with your driver after your doctor authorizes discharge.


How will I feel after the injection?

Your back pain may be improved immediately after the injection as a result of the local anesthetic. It is important to keep track of how you feel for the rest of the day. We encourage you to move around and do your usual activities, provided they are not too strenuous.

It is important that you keep track of the amount of pain relief you receive as well as how long the pain relief lasts.

Some local tenderness may be experienced for a couple of days after the injection.

Using an ice pack three or four times a day may help alleviate this. We would like you to hold off taking pain medication the day of procedure so you will be able to accurately see how much of your pain is relieved by the procedure alone. Your feedback about pain relief after the procedure will guide us in deciding the next step in your treatment.


Will I have any restrictions on the day of the procedure?

You may not drive for the remainder of the day after your procedure. A responsible adult (over 18 years old) must be present to drive you home or to go with you in a taxi.

The procedure will be cancelled if you don’t have a responsible adult with you! This is for your safety.

No heat is to be used on the injected area for the remainder of the day. No tub bath, shower or soaking in water (i.e., pool, hot tub, etc.) for the remainder of the day. You may resume normal diet and medications after the procedure unless told otherwise by your doctor.

Read more:

~~The next option it facet intra-articular injection isn’t effective~~

Facet Rhizotomy

Rhizotomy describes a surgical procedure in which a nerve is purposely cut or destroyed. Facet rhizotomy involves severing one of the small nerves that goes to the facet joint. The intent of the procedure is to stop the transmission of pain impulses along this nerve. The nerve is identified using a diagnostic injection.


Then the surgeon inserts a large, hollow needle through the tissues in the low back. A special probe is inserted through the needle, and a fluoroscope is used to guide the probe toward the nerve. The probe is slowly heated until the nerve is severed.



Let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet.

For now I’m doing better. I am still sore but that is a natural effect. The test will be tomorrow when I have to get out of bed in the morning. 



Facet Joint Steroid Injection


In the meantime, if this is effective, the quality of life will improve. I will be able to be more active and have no pain or decreased intensity in the pain. I’m hopeful … This will get better. It has to ….




We ALL are ONE!! 


Bigot of the Week Award, December 20: Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty (and his defenders)

I have no words ….. I can’t understand why so many are standing up for this fool!! Bigotry, hated, potential damage to homosexuals …. remember Matthew?? And so many un-named ones!! SMH ….

Social Justice For All

Long-time readers will know that I don’t watch much television. My husband and I have a few favorite programs but don’t keep on top of all the big shows. As a result, I barely knew what a Duck Dynasty was, much less who Phil Robertson might be. Sadly, this week he burst painfully into my consciousness, using his questionable celebrity to spew bigotry. In an interview with GQ, Robertson felt the need to wax homophobic at length.

Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong… Sin becomes fine. Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.

He then misquoted the Bible to substantiate his position. Just for fun, he also spent some time discussing anatomy. What hatred, ignorance, bile, and bigotry! What a sad abuse of power, especially power afforded on…

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Free Speech vs. ‘Bible Thumpers’ – ‘Sarah Palin Defends Anti-Gay Bigot’s Freedom Of Speech Against ‘Intolerant’ Liberal ‘Haters’

This one I will reblog …. because of the bible lessons that we are supposed to learn from this “incident” …. OMG, we are going to burn in holy hell!

The Last Of The Millenniums

free speech

Former Half Term Governor Sarah Palin : “Free speech is an endangered species. Those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us.”
@ :

If you only want to take the parts of the Bible you like and ignore the rest, then yes we are ‘taking on all of’ you.

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson – : “We’re Bible-thumpers who just happened to end up on television. … You put in your article that the Robertson family really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and let’s get on with it, and everything will turn around.”
@ :

Now everyone has the right to ‘free speech’. But when you say you are a ‘Bible thumper’…

View original post 1,144 more words

Google Doodle for December 20, 2013! Crossword puzzles …..



~~Google celebrates 100 years of crossword puzzles with doodle~~

By Salvador Rodriguez ….. December 20, 2013, 11:29 a.m.

What’s a 10-letter word for the 100th anniversary of something, in this case crossword puzzles?

Google is celebrating the centennial of crossword puzzles Friday, December 20, 2913, with an interactive doodle on its home page. Users can head to to play the crossword puzzle, which features 78 words across and 70 words down.


Newspaper editor Arthur Wynne is credited with publishing the world’s first crossword puzzle in the Dec. 21, 1913, edition of the New York World, which called the game a “word-cross puzzle” at the time. The paper instructed readers to “fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions.”

To build the Google Doodle crossword puzzle, the company brought on noted crossword constructor Merl Reagle, who makes the games for several papers including the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle.


As a hint for users who plan on taking a stab at Google’s crossword, Reagle told the Washington Post that he filled the puzzle with words that contain the word “fun” both forward and backward, such as “perfunctory” and “snuff.” This is a nod at Wynne, who once edited a newspaper section of the same name.

Users can play the game on and leave whenever they want. The website will have their answers saved for when they come back. Google does not plan to release an answer key for the puzzle, the Post reports, but rather, it will let users check each other using social network sites, such as YouTube.,0,4742352.story#ixzz2o3NMntEu


The crossword puzzle—that staple of newspapers across the country—turns 100 years old, Dec. 21. In honor of its centennial, Google challenged its doodlers yetagain, leading to today’s fun, interactive crossword.

Earlier this week I spoke with the people behind the project. The doodle team worked on the idea for a bit earlier this year, but the project was shelved when there was not enough interest among doodle staff. Their minds were changed when Google programmer and crossword enthusiast Tom Tabanao, a consultant in the project’s early stages, asked a colleague what he could do to help get it going again. When she suggested that he create a demo to drum up interest, he revealed that he’d already made one that was ready to go.


They eventually decided that a “legitimate crossword constructor” should be brought on board to help design the doodle, and Tabanao’s first choice was Merl Reagle, long-time creator of the San Francisco Chronicle’s Sunday puzzle. Reagle “appeals to a broad audience,” Tabanao told me. “You know there are some edgier constructors, there’s some constructors that do kind of crazy things with unusual letters … but it seemed like a good fit between Merle’s audience and Google’s audience.”


The goal, Reagle explained, was to make a “populist puzzle” that most people could solve, with ideas that would have “some sort of visual angle” after they were revealed.


Reagle created the puzzle, Tabanao, who served as the lead engineer, offered some feedback, and then the rest of the Google team, including lead artist Brian Kaas, took over.

1387554741Photo courtesy of GoogleRelated articles/Source:





Today’s Google Doodle honors British crossword inventor Arthur Wynne, as this weekend marks the 100th anniversary of the first crossword puzzle, which was published in the Dec. 21, 1913, edition of New York World. As crossword constructor Merl Reagle explained the design in The Washington Post:

he drew a diamond-shaped grid with numbered squares and numbered clues. It contained 32 words, and his simple instruction read: ‘Fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions.’

Reagle designed a custom puzzle for today’s Google Doodle, which “is save-able as you go, the team notes, so you can leave the screen and return,” The Washington Post reports. And fun fact: he created it at the last minute after another crossword creator published a homage to Wynne that was too similar, according to the newspaper.


To honor the anniversary, NPR has also published a version of the original puzzle grid with updated clues and words with the cheeky headline 100 Years of Solvitude.” 

And in an interview with The Atlantic published this morning, New York Times crossword puzzle writer Deb Amlen talks about how the game “brings people together” and the way technology has transformed the way people play: “I think that some people, who are called speed solvers and who like to time themselves to see how fast they can solve, like solving on a computer, because most of them can type faster than they can write.”


There is also a documentary called Wordplay (2006) about renowned New York Times puzzle editor Will Shortz that focused on the 2005 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament and featured celebrities such as Jon Stewart and Bill Clinton.

Read more: Crossword Inventor Arthur Wynne Google Doodle |


Wordplay Trailer (2006)


Published on Aug 30, 2013

Wordplay is a 2006 documentary film directed by Patrick Creadon. It features Will Shortz, the editor of the New York Times crossword puzzle, crossword constructor Merl Reagle, and many other noted crossword solvers and constructors.


We ALL are ONE!! 


Uganda Parliament Passes Anti-Homosexuality Bill

No!! This can’t be!! Uganda has passed the “Kill the Gays” bill!! Another country ….. emulating Russia!!


Bill includes Life in Prison | Ugandan Speaker Rebecca Kadaga delivered her Xmas present to Ugandans, just one year later than promised

By Melanie Nathan, Dec 20, 2013.  7.00 AM

I have received several accounts that Uganda has passed the Anti-homosexuality Bill, once referred to as the The Kill the Gays Bill. The BBC is now reporting the same.

Helen Kawesa, spokeswoman for Uganda’s Parliament, told Warren Throckmorton today that the Bill has indeed passed.  Apparently the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was affirmed by the lawmakers in Kampala during today’s session.

I have been watching the Bill and keeping an eye for some years and again these past months, and I thought it was odd that I have not seen the Bill appear on the Parliamentary Agenda for a while.  However for months had suspected that it would be passed furtively.  The West as a rule has also been so focused in…

View original post 1,372 more words

Semper Fidelis Award, thank you Horty and Ajaytao!

I’ve been nominated by Dear Kitty!!! Thank you so much!! I’m honored and humbly accept!!! TY …

Dear Kitty. Some blog

Semper Fidelis award

I want to thank Horty at It Is What It Is blog for nominating my blog for the Semper Fidelis Award. Thank you dear blogging sister, for this nomination, and for all you do!

I want to thank Ajaytao of the blog Ajaytao 2010 as well; congratulating him with his awards, and thanking him for his generosity, in nominating my blog for the same award!


1-Add the Semper Fidelis Award logo on your blog.

2-Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3-Nominate 5 bloggers whose loyalty and friendship you value and you consider being part of your “pack of wolves” on WordPress.

4-Post something special for each of your nominees and dedicate it to them.This can be a quote, saying, poem, picture, anything you think that would fit that person.

5-Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them.

My five nominees are:


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