At the end of the day ….




What Does It Really Mean?

The literal translation of the word “Namaste” breaks down into three sections …

Nama means bow; as means I; and, te means you. Thus, I bow to you.

The gesture is one of greeting in India. Most often we hold our hands together in the prayer position at our heart chakra. Often our hands move from our third eye to our heart in acknowledgment of our fellowman.


What Does Saying Namaste Mean To You?

Namaste is a way to “send out to the universe something good, something that makes sense in that instant, the possibility of a time when all strife, suffering and harm inflicted upon each other and other living things, will simply stop”.


The Divine In Me, Honors The Divine In You …..

For full article:


Namaste (/ˈnɑːməst/ NAH-məs-tay; Hindi: [nəməste; Devanagari: नमस्ते; formal: Namaskar/Namaskaram) is a common spoken valediction or salutation originating in the Indian subcontinent. It is a customary greeting when individuals meet, and a valediction upon their parting. A non-contact form of salutation is traditionally preferred in India and Nepal; Namaste is the most common form of such a salutation.


When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. This gesture, called Añjali Mudrā or Pranamasana, can also be performed wordlessly and carries the same meaning.


Namaste is derived from Sanskrit and is a combination of two words, “Namaḥ” and “te”. Namaḥ means ‘bow’, ‘obeisance’, ‘reverential salutation’ or ‘adoration’ and te means ‘to you’ (dative case of ‘you’). Therefore, Namaste literally means “salutations to you”. ‘Namaskar‘ is derived from Sanskrit and is a combination of the two words, “Namaḥ” and “kaar”.


As noted above, “Namaḥ” is a salutation. “Kaar” means ‘form’ or ‘shape’ and refers to the phenomenon that the other entity (person) presents. Thus, the older salutation essentially means “I salute [your] form”, which implies an understanding that all beings in this existence are part of the surface phenomenology of Maya and that beyond the surface, so to say, all beings are part of Brahman, or the One ultimate essence that underlies, and is, all. In the same light, ‘Namah’ originates from a benevolent unselfishness or admission (“salutation”) of unity in One essence, and, therefore, ‘Namaste’ can also be interpreted (roughly) as a way of saying “Not-myself to you” (a benevolent expression of both respect and impersonality).

Another variation “Not for me … but for thee” gives the sense of doing ‘in service’ or ‘in honor’ of the person spoken to, removing any personal agenda of the speaker.

We ALL are ONE!!




Uploaded on Mar 1, 2007

~~The real meaning of the ancient Blessings~~


We ALL are connected through the DIVINE!! 

Blog badges …. a gift for our followers!!


~~DECEMBER 22, 2013~~

Seems that today, the imagination and creativity of a few fellow bloggers, was really flowing.

The inspiration muses and the artistry of great friends united in one thought. Great minds got together, a seed was planted and an idea blossomed into ….. 


The main characters are:

Bishop Eddie Tatro …. from

Jade … from

Patty …. from


These three incredible and unique human beings came up with an idea to celebrate those of you out there who follow our blogs, read our musings, share our adventures or misadventures and are willing to comment and interact with us. Those who offer continued support, cheer from the stands and help us carry on.

I believe that this is very important to the blogger because we really don’t know how is out there taking a look at what we post. Sometimes it feels as if you are flying blind … all of a sudden … the comment, the gentle nudge, the inspiration, the constructive criticism!!

It makes all the effort more than worth it. 


In Bishop Tatro’s words:

“I give you my dear readers a gift to display on your pages, it was created by Patty for everyone to enjoy!  Thank you so much Sis!”


To those that are reading this post, please feel free to take these badges and display them on your “spots” if you so desire.

They were created with YOU in mind. 

They were created as a way of recognizing YOU and your continued support. 


Most of all, on these holidays, we want to give YOU, the reader and follower, a GIFT. 



Feel free to take this as our recognition of the effect that YOU have in our lives!

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through this wonderful WEB!!! 

Raysa Molina ….. our local artist!!





Creator of Emotional Digital Art

Founder, Graphic RM Consultants

Raysa Molina is an Architect with expertise in Architectural Illustration, Landscape Design and Cad Design as well as a passion for digital art.

​Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, she pursued her passion for design and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from one of the most prestigious colleges in her country of origin (Universidad Nacional Pedro Enriquez Ureña UNPHU) in 1989.


She migrated to the United States in 1990 where she continued her studies at Valencia Community College in Orlando, FL in Graphics, Building Construction and Design Technologies in 2004.

The expansion of her acquired knowledge motivated her to start what is today her company Graphic RM Consultants.


The expansion of her acquired knowledge motivated her to start what is today her company Graphic RM Consultants.


Artist Statement:

My abstract artwork is inspired by nature, emotions and different human shapes.

I celebrate beauty and magnificence through my creation of organic forms. I unleash my mind through dream interpretations, simple yet strong compositions using pure colors, mixing light with darkness to arouse the deepest emotions through spiritual realization.​


As my emotions, struggles and inner sadness get stronger I can only describe them as a walk through different experiences reaching a range of countless human sensations.


I’m influenced by everything I see, feel and experience in life. I employ visual languages to awaken the interest and array of feelings not visualized by the simple eye.





2013: the best year of my LIFE


We ALL are ONE!! 


We ALL are connected by EMOTION!!