The 10 Worst Lies Spread in Uganda about Gays

Here you have it … in a nutshell! The Uganda situation …..


by Anti-Gay Evangelical Christians and those falling for their hate, leading to the Anti-Homosexuality Bill and its current passage through the Ugandan Parliament

By Melanie Nathan, Dec 23, 2013.

The 10 Worst Lies Spread about Gays*

  1. Gays are pedophiles
  2. Gays recruit children – “they are coming for your kids”
  3. It is possible to make someone gay or lesbian
  4. Gays and lesbians promote homosexuality
  5. The Bible says that 2 people of the same-sex cannot love each other
  6. Gays and lesbians have paid people to be gay or lesbian
  7. The members of parliament who voted against the anti-homosexuality bill, including Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi, have been paid off by wealthy lesbians to vote against the bill;
  8. Homosexuality is a Western concept and import
  9. Homosexuality is Un-African
  10. Gays are criminals, being gay is a vice and that homosexuality is a behavior and a choice

The 10 Worst Enemies of Gays in Uganda

  1. Scott…

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“The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas” …. another excellent movie!!


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, released in the United States as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, is a 2008 historical-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne.

Directed by Mark Herman and produced by David Heyman, it stars Asa ButterfieldJack ScanlonDavid ThewlisVera FarmigaAmber Beattie and Rupert Friend.

This film is a Holocaust drama, and it explores the horror of a World War II Nazi extermination camp through the eyes of two 8-year-old boys; one the son of the camp’s Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Mark Herman
Produced by David Heyman
Screenplay by Mark Herman
Based on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
by John Boyne
Music by James Horner
Cinematography Benoît Delhomme
Editing by Michael Ellis
Studio BBC Films
Heyday Films
Distributed by Miramax Films
Release dates
  • September 12, 2008(United Kingdom)
  • November 7, 2008(United States)
Running time 94 minutes
Country United Kingdom
United States
Language English
Budget $12.5 million
Box office $20,416,563

The film opens in Berlin in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust where a little boy named Bruno (Asa Butterfield) is seen playing with his three friends. After arriving home he learns that his father Ralf (David Thewlis) has been promoted to SSObersturmbannführer Commandant.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

After a party to celebrate the promotion, Bruno, his father, Bruno’s mother Elsa (Vera Farmiga) and older sister Gretel (Amber Beattie) relocate to another part of Germany.


Bruno hates his new home as there is nobody to play with and very little to explore. Bruno is also forbidden from playing in the back garden.


Prisoner’s clothing from Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Bruno and Gretel get a tutor, Herr Lizt (Jim Norton), who pushes an agenda of antisemitism and nationalist propaganda. Gretel becomes increasingly fanatical in her support for the Third Reich, covering her bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters, much to the confusion of Bruno.

She flirts with SS-Obersturmführer Lieutenant Kurt Kotler (Rupert Friend), her father’s subordinate, as her budding sexuality becomes fixated on the ideal of the German soldier. Bruno remains skeptical of Nazi Propaganda, because all of the Jews Bruno knows, including the family’s servant Pavel (David Hayman), do not resemble Lizt’s teachings.


Bruno one day disobeys his parents and sneaks off into the back garden. He eventually arrives at an extermination camp which Bruno thinks is a “farm” and befriends a boy his own age named Shmuel (Jack Scalon) who lives on the other side of a barbed wire fence. Shmuel, Pavel and the other prisoners all wear striped uniforms which Bruno thinks are “pajamas”.

Bruno meets Shmuel every day sneaking him food and playing games. Bruno learns Shmuel is a Jew and that he was brought to the camp along with his father.


One day Elsa discovers Ralf’s true colors after Kotler lets slip that the black smoke is really burnt corpses of dead Jews. Elsa confronts and argues with Ralf and is broken-hearted. At dinner that night, after Bruno claims Herr Liszt won’t let him read adventure books and that he teaches them history, Kotler admits history was his favorite subject but that didn’t please his father, who left for Switzerland.

Ralf, upon hearing this, tells him he should have told of his father’s past as it was his duty. Kotler then presumably beats Pavel to death after Pavel accidentally spilled Kotler’s wine glass. The next morning the maid, Maria, is seen cleaning up the blood stains.


Later that day Bruno sees Shmuel is Pavel’s replacement, and finds him cleaning glasses. Bruno offers him some cake and they talk to each other. However Kotler interferes and mistakes Shumel for “stealing food”. Shmuel though tells him Bruno offered him the cake. Scared of Kotler, Bruno frames Shmuel by lying he has never seen him before. Believing Bruno, Kotler orders Shmuel to finish cleaning the glasses and they will have a “little talk” about what to happens to “rats that steal”.

Bruno goes to his room distraught and decides to apologize to Shmuel, but Maria is seen cleaning the glasses instead. Every day Bruno returns to the same spot but does not see Shumel. One day Shmuel is seen behind the fence with a black eye. Despite Bruno’s betrayal, Shmuel forgives him and renews his friendship.


After the funeral of his grandmother, who was killed in Berlin by bombing, Ralf (after another argument with Elsa) decides Bruno and Gretel are to stay with a relative while he “finishes his work” at the camp, accepting that it is no place for the children to live in.

Shmuel has problems of his own as his father has gone missing in the camp. Bruno decides to redeem himself by helping Shmuel find his father. 


The next day Bruno, who is due to leave, arrives back at the camp, and digs under the fence disguised as a Jew. Bruno soon discovers the true nature of the camp after seeing many sick and weak looking Jews.

At one of the huts the boys are taken on a march with other inmates by Sonderkommandos.


At the house, Bruno’s absence is noticed. After Gretel and Elsa discover the open window Bruno went through and the remains of a sandwich Bruno was taking for Shmuel, Elsa bursts through Ralf’s meeting to alert him that Bruno is missing.

Ralf and his men mount a search to find him. 


They enter the camp, searching for Bruno. Bruno, Shmuel and the inmates stop inside a changing room and are told to take their clothes off for a “shower”. They are packed into the gas chambers, where Bruno and Shmuel hold each other’s hands.



 An SS soldier pours some Zyklon B pellets into the chamber. The prisoners start yelling and banging on the metal door. Ralf, still with his men, arrives at an empty dormitory, signalling to him that a gassing is taking place. Ralf cries out his son’s name, and Elsa and Gretel fall to their knees.



The film ends by showing the closed door of the now-silent gas chamber.




The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Book Trailer By Michael Dye





The Boy in the Strped Pyjamas Movie Trailer


We ALL are ONE!! 


We ALL are connected by HUMANITY!! 

Mother Shoots Through Door, Kills Daughter Holding Baby

This is so sad ….. she will never be the same ever again!! Guns ……. SMH ….

End Stand Your Ground

In a horrible accident a few days before Thanksgiving a Florida woman shot through a door thinking it was her boyfriend, killing her daughter – who was holding a 4-month-old baby. This is the latest in a month-long string of “doorstep shootings” where someone claiming to be in fear fired a gun at the door.

On Monday night, November 25th, Adele Bing, 52, of Winter Haven Florida, had a fight with her boyfriend, James Lane, 39, and hit him in the head with a gun. Bing told police he left, but not before telling her he’d be back to kill her. Unbeknownst to Bing, Lane instead went to a hospital to be treated.

While he was at the hospital, Adele Bing claimed she heard a banging and kicking at her apartment door, and, thinking it was Lane, went to the door holding a baseball bat in one hand and a .22 caliber pistol in…

View original post 267 more words

12 Friends

This is a beautifully done post!! Take a look at how Glorialana represents her friends!! A must see ….. you’ll enjoyit!!

Glorialana Magazine

Hello God!

Thank You for the 2013. The year is significant for me because of my friends I have met here, on our WordPress planet. I have received the one star of the Award Blog of 2013 from Dr.Rex and the second star is from Wall Grimm. My grateful heart hugs you with all love I am granted by Universe. You know sometimes the words are weak to describe the feelings. It is the case. I am able to say just “Thank You!”

Blog of the Year Award 2 star jpegIn my life 2013 was rich and generous for beautiful experience and wonderful meetings. One of the brightest experience of the year I have felt in Luxembourg. It is was the magical time of Elephant Parade. Could you imagine a city where wonderful, beautiful, kind elephants are everywhere?!  Oh no, again a words can not express my admiration! Only my singing heart are vocalising the…

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How to…make a blog badge with IPiccy

How to make a badge for your blog!! Awesome!!! TY Patty ….


Yesterday two of my friends came up with the idea to make a blog badge which their followers can show off in their sidebar. I like this! You can offer extra support to someone’s blog, or collect them in your sidebar!

They cooked this up on the WordPress Facebook page! (check out the image in my sidebar if you want to join, it’s so much fun!)

Thank you, Jade and Eddie, for this lovely idea!

I thought it would be nice to show you how to make one of those! 🙂

This is how mine looks like: (feel free to use it if you want!) 🙂

Blog Badge

Photo editing programs can be a bit hard to work with when you are not used to them.

IPiccy is a free program on internet that’s very easy to use and has a lot of great possibility’s.

I hope you will have fun…

View original post 1,072 more words

“The Book Thief” ….. a movie!!


The Book Thief is a novel by Australian author Markus Zusak.

Narrated by Death, the book is set in Nazi Germany, a place and time when the narrator notes he was extremely busy. It describes a young girl’s relationship with her foster parents, the other residents of their neighborhood, and a young Jewish man who hides in her home during the escalation of World War II. First published in 2005, the book has won numerous awards and was listed on the The New York Times Best Seller list for over 230 weeks.

In April 1938, the movie opens with a voice (representing the Angel of Death) telling about how the young Liesel Meminger (Sophie Nélisse) has piqued his interest. Liesel, her brother and mother are on a train to meet with foster parents when Liesel’s brother dies. After she finds her first book beside her brother’s graveside, she is sent to foster parents Hans (Geoffrey Rush) and Rosa (Emily Watson) Hubermann. When she arrives she makes an impression on a neighbor boy, Rudy Steiner.

The Book Thief – By Markus Zusak
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak book cover.jpg

1st Edition front cover
Author Markus Zusak
Illustrator Trudy White
Cover artist Colin Anderson/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Country Australia
Language EnglishGerman
Genre NovelHistorical Fiction
Publisher Picador, Australia; Knopf, USA
Publication date 14 March 2006


Liesel is on the train, on her way to be fostered when her brother dies. At his funeral, she picks up a book and keeps it to remind her of him. However, she can’t read. When she arrives at her foster home, her papa (Hans Hubermann) teaches her how.

At a Nazi book burning ceremony, an officer gives a speech about the importance of cleansing of the German society from “immoral” and “indecent” thoughts through burning books, which provokes Liesel.

After the book burning ceremony, Liesel hides a book that survived the fire and takes it home. She is seen by Ilsa Hermann, the mayor’s wife and mama’s (Rosa Hubermann) customer. When Liesel is at the mayor’s to drop the laundry, Ilsa shares her magnificent library and its books with her. The mayor eventually discharges Liesel.

This forces her to start “borrowing” books from Ilsa’s library, hence earning the nickname “The Book Thief”.


Kristallnacht (English:Crystal Night), also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, and November pogrome, was a pogrom (a series of coordinated attacks) against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians. German authorities looked on without intervening. The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues had their windows smashed.

But things get dicey when they, along with hot tempered Rosa Hubermann, begin to hide a Jew named Max in the basement. As a security measure and to save his life, Max is not allowed to leave the basement.

Max and Liesel start bonding as they read and share stories together. But he is forced to leave after an incident in which Hans defends a Jewish prisoner against a Nazi officer.


Main Characters

~~Liesel Meminger (born February 1929)~~

The protagonist of the story. She is an adopted girl on the verge of adolescence, with blonde hair that “was a close enough brand of German blonde” and dangerous blue eyes. She is fostered by the Hubermanns when her father “abandons” their family and her mother is forced to give her up for adoption. Her brother Werner dies on the journey to the Hubermann household. She is very close to her foster father, Hans Hubermann, and has a rough but loving relationship with her foster mother, Rosa.

She befriends Max, the Jew whom the Hubermanns are hiding, as well as the mayor’s wife, who allows Liesel to read, borrow, and “steal” books from her home library. She also befriends the other children of Himmel Street, among them Rudy Steiner, who becomes her best friend.

Despite her many refusals of Rudy’s requests for a kiss, her love for him is clear. Liesel finally grants Rudy’s much-awaited kiss as he lies dead among the ruins of Himmel Street. Liesel eventually marries, moves to Australia, and has several children and grandchildren. Liesel then dies in Sydney.


~~Hans Hubermann~~

Liesel’s foster father. He works as a painter and enjoys rolling and smoking cigarettes. He served in the German army during World War I. During that war, Hans became his company’s only survivor when he was left behind because of a job, when they were sent on what became a suicide mission.

In The Holocaust era, he does not agree with the Nazi party but is forced to join, and after being accepted into the Nazi party is drafted into the German army. He has silvery-grey eyes and is tall, although despite this he is described as being very capable of blending in with the crowd. He was taught the piano accordion by Max’s father Erik Vandenburg, a friend from the army (who saved Hans’ life), and he occasionally performs in pubs to make extra money.

He becomes very close to Liesel, as he calms her after her nightmares of her brother’s dying, and teaches her to read. However, he has a falling-out with his actual son, Hans Jr., because of his son’s support of the Nazis. Hans Hubermann is killed in the Himmel Street bombing.


~~Rosa Hubermann~~

Liesel’s foul-mouthed, often aggravating, foster mother. She is short, with a wrinkled face, brown-grey “elastic” hair often tied up in a bun, and “chlorinated” eyes. To supplement the household income, she does washing and ironing for five of the wealthier households in Molching.

However, as the war causes economic problems, she loses her jobs one by one, the last being at the Hermann household. She has a quick temper, rules the household with an iron fist, and is known for straightening out previous foster children; however, though she often swears at Liesel, she cares very much for her.

She has two children of her own, Trudy and Hans Jr. She is killed in the Himmel Street bombing.


~~Rudy Steiner (born June 1928)~~

Liesel’s neighbor. He is eight months older than Liesel, has bony legs, sharp teeth, blue eyes, lemon-colored hair and likes to mess with the ladies. Despite being the German ideal (blond hair and blue eyes), he does not support the Nazis. As part of a household with six children, Rudy is habitually hungry.

He is known throughout the neighborhood due to the “Jesse Owens incident” in which he colored himself with coal one night and ran one hundred meters at the local sporting field. He is academically and athletically gifted, which attracts the attention of Nazi Party officials, who try to recruit him; when he declines, they take his father, Alex Steiner.

He also gets into trouble at the Hitler Youth due to his smart mouth and rebellious nature, and their vindictive group leader. Rudy becomes Liesel’s best friend, often accompanying her on her adventures and talking her through her problems. He also teases her, regularly (though always unsuccessfully) asking her for a kiss mostly after he has helped her to accomplish something – for instance when one of Liesel’s books (and most prized possession) is thrown into a river, he rescues it.

Rudy is killed in the Himmel Street bombing; Liesel finally grants him a kiss after his death.


~~Max Vandenburg (born 1916)~~

A Jewish fist-fighter who hides in the Hubermanns’ basement. He is the son of a WWI German soldier who fought with Hans Hubermann. He has feather-like hair and swampy brown eyes. Max’s father saved Hans’ life in WWI. When visiting his widow, Hans gave her his address and told her if she needed anything to contact him.

Years later, during the Nazis’ reign of terror, Max’s mother calls upon Hans for help. Max’s friend travels to Himmel Street to ask Hans to shelter Max, and Hans agrees to do so. After a tortuous journey to the Hubermanns’ residence, Max finally regains his health, and befriends Liesel due to their shared affinity for nightmares and words. He writes two books for her and presents her with a sketchbook that contains his life story.


~~Tommy Müller~~

Another child on Himmel Street. A hearing problem, due to being stranded in the snow, caused him to have multiple ear surgeries. One surgery caused nerve damage that makes him twitch.

As a result, he is frequently teased by his classmates and later punished by the head of the Hitler Youth, when he is unable to obey commands promptly. Tommy is killed in the Himmel Street bombing.


~~Ilsa Hermann~~

The wife of the mayor of Molching. They had a son, Johannes Hermann, who was killed in Russia. Rosa and Liesel do the Hermanns’ washing and ironing for a time; eventually the bad economy forces the Hermanns to discontinue the arrangement, in reaction to which Liesel causes a scene.

Despite this, Ilsa allows Liesel to continue visiting and read books in the large library in her home. Ilsa takes Liesel into her home after Liesel survives the Himmel Street bombing.


~~Frau Holtzapfel~~

A neighbor of the Hubermanns, whom Rosa initially hates because she always spits on the Hubermanns’ door due to an old and now-baseless feud between the families. She eventually asks Liesel to read to her, stops her door-spitting, and pays Liesel for her service by giving her coffee ration to the Hubermanns.

Of her two sons, Robert died on the battlefield, while his elder brother Michael committed suicide a few months later because of his guilt at “wanting to live”. Frau Holtzapfel is killed in the Himmel Street bombing.



The narrator throughout the story, Death is sympathetic to humankind and dislikes all of the despair and destruction brought upon humans by War, contrary to the common assumption that Death and War are friends. He comments on the thoughts, morals, and actions of humanity throughout the story while keeping a close eye on Liesel, even though at the beginning of the story he states that it was stupid for him to follow her. He does not seem to have any control over life and death, and frequently calls upon God with, “I don’t understand”, and answers himself with, “But it’s not your job to”.

Death says that he has a “circular” heartbeat, making him immortal, though he says that he looks like a human and acts like a human most of the time. He is not invincible. He is tired of his job and wants a vacation, but cannot take one because there would be nobody to replace him. While many people find Death devastating, he is surprisingly humorous.



On the way home from school one day, Liesel believes she has seen Max in a Jewish refugee line that is being marched through their town and she begins screaming his name, walking through the line. She is thrown off the street twice by a German soldier and finally relents when Rosa picks her up and takes her home.

Within a few days, Hans returns from the front because he was injured in a bomb that hit his unit’s truck. The family is reunited only for a short time though as one night the city is bombed and no air raid siren alerts the citizens. Hans, Rosa and Rudy’s family, excluding his father who has joined the Army, have been killed in the blast. Liesel was spared from the bombing by falling asleep in the basement while writing in the journal given to her by Max.

Rudy is brought out of his house by neighbors and he is barely alive. He begins to tell Liesel that he loves her but he dies before he can finish the sentence. Liesel begs him to not die, telling him that she will give him that kiss he has been asking for and actually kisses him, but he has already died. During this scene, Death is heard speaking again telling about how he received the souls of the dead.

Two years later, Liesel is seen working in Rudy’s father’s tailor shop, who has returned safely from the war, and she looks up to see Max enter and she runs to hug him. The final scene is Death speaking again, telling us about Liesel’s life, and death at the age of 90, as we look over her apartment.

Death says that he has seen many good and bad things over the years but that Liesel is the only one that ever made him wonder how it would be to live life.


The Book Thief | Trailer US (2013)


We ALL are ONE!!


I have always found this period in history a fascinating one. There is some sort of attraction to the era. It feels as if I was there … could it have been a past life?

Any story, movie, tale related to that moment in time, attracts me.

This was a very interesting movie … not directly related to the incidents surrounding the Holocaust but definitely affected by those events and Nazi Germany.

We ALL remember the TIME!! 


The Big Bang Theory …. my favorite sit-com!


The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show along with Steven Molaro.

All three also serve as head writers.

It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007. The seventh season premiered on September 26, 2013.


The show is centered on five characters living in Pasadena, California: roommates Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper; Penny, a waitress and aspiring actress who lives across the hall; and Leonard and Sheldon’s equally geeky and socially awkward friends and co-workers, mechanical engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny’s social skills and common sense.

Over time, supporting characters have been promoted to starring roles: Leslie Winkle, a physicist colleague at Caltech and, at different times, a lover of both Leonard and Howard; Bernadette Rostenkowski, Howard’s girlfriend (later his wife), a microbiologist and former part-time waitress alongside Penny; neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler, who joins the group after being matched to Sheldon on a dating website (and later becomes Sheldon’s girlfriend), and Stuart Bloom, the cash-strapped owner of the comic book store the characters often visit.

On January 12, 2011, CBS announced that the series had been renewed for an additional three years, extending it through the 2013–14 season.

Genre Sitcom
Created by Chuck Lorre
Bill Prady
Directed by Mark Cendrowski
Theme music composer Barenaked Ladies
Opening theme “Big Bang Theory Theme”
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 7
No. of episodes 146 (List of episodes)
Executive producer(s) Chuck Lorre
Bill Prady
Steven Molaro
Producer(s) Faye Oshima Belyeu
Editor(s) Peter Chakos
Camera setup Multi-camera
Running time 18–22 minutes (without commercials)
Production company(s) Chuck Lorre Productions
Warner Bros. Television
Original channel CBS
Picture format 1080i (HDTV)
Audio format DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Original run September 24, 2007 (2007-09-24) – present


Official Website:

The Big Bang Theory is nominated for two Golden Globe awards, the Hollywood Foreign press Association evealed today as it announced the nominees for the 71st annual Golden Globe Awards.

The Big Bang Theory is nominated in the Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy category. This the show’s third nomination. The other nominees for the award are Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Girls, Modern Family and Parks and Recreation.


Jim Parsons is nominated for the Best Actor in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy category. This is his third nomination for the award, which he won in 2010. The other contenders this year are Jason Bateman, Don Cheadle, Michael J. Fox and Andy Samberg.

The Golden Globe Awards ceremony will take place January 12, 2014 and will be broadcast live on NBC. For the second consecutive year, the ceremony will be hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.


Big BangTheory Season 6 Bloopers



Published on Nov 15, 2013

Big Bang Theory Season 6 Bloopers.


Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki) is an experimental physicist with an IQ of 173 who received his Ph.D. when he was 24 years old. He shares an apartment with colleague and friend Sheldon Cooper. The writers have toyed with a romance between him and neighbor Penny, with their unresolved sexual tension being a major force for drama.


Penny (family name is not revealed) (Kaley Cuoco), (appeared in all but two episodes in season 4, but credited for the episodes in which she did not appear) is Leonard and Sheldon’s neighbor across the hallway. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, she is a waitress at the local Cheesecake Factory and also an aspiring actress. Penny is very outgoing, kind, and assertive, her personality contrasting with those of the guys.

Jean-Paul Aussenard

Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper (Jim Parsons) is a theoretical physicist with an I.Q. of 187, possessing a B.S., a M.S., a M.A., a Ph.D., and aSc.D. Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy, starting college at the age of 11, and receiving his first Ph.D at age 16. He is calculating, cynical, and asexual. Sheldon exhibits a strict adherence to routine, a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor, and a complete lack of humility; these characteristics are the main sources of his character’s humor and the center of a number of episodes.


Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik) is a neurobiologist who was determined to be Sheldon’s perfect match by an online dating site that Howard and Raj secretly signed him up on. Amy is very plain, and the way she carries herself makes her the female version of Sheldon. Amy was Sheldon’s “friend, who’s a girl, but not his girlfriend” until they became official during The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition. Amy became the latest member of the gang, and quickly became best friends with Penny and Bernadette, who taught her to be more like a normal girl and do girly stuffs with her. Amy admires Penny a lot and calls her her “Bestie”.


Dr. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz (Melissa Rauch) is a microbiologist that used to work at The Cheesecake Factory with Penny to pay for her grad school. Penny set her up with Howard and the two found out that they have the same issue with their overprotective mothers. This similarity brought the two together. They got in a relationship which ended when Bernadette found out that Howard was having cyber sex with Glacinda the troll. Not long after, they decided to rekindle the relationship, and the two got engaged during The Engagement Reaction. Bernadette has a squeaky voice and when she is angry, she sounds exactly like Mrs. Wolowitz.


Howard Joel Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) is a Jewish engineer at Caltech’s Department of Applied Physics who often hangs out at Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. Unlike Sheldon,Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a doctorate. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master’s degree in Engineering from MIT. Howard fancies himself a ladies’ man and provides outrageous pick-up lines whenever a female is present.


Dr. Rajesh Ramayan “Raj” Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar) is Howard Wolowitz’s best friend, and yet another genius of the group; his name is usually shortened to “Raj”. He is originally from New Delhi, India, and he works in the Physics department at Caltech, where his area of expertise is particle astrophysics. Raj is extremely shy when it comes to dealing with women; he is unable to speak to them unless he drinks alcohol or is on medication. When Penny is around, Raj usually whispers what he wants to say to Howard or Leonard, who then responds out loud.


Stuart Bloom (Kevin Sussman): Stuart runs the comic book store that the guys frequently go to. He is also a nerd, but he has a talent for drawing, is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design and possesses a few more social skills than they do. During Stuart’s first appearance, the guys brought Penny along to the store and he managed to ask her on a date. The date went fine until Stuart was dragged into discussing comic books by Sheldon. On a second date with Penny, Stuart asked for Leonard’s advice, but feeling threatened, Leonard ultimately gave him bad advice. The date went fine, but when Penny was getting romantic with Stuart she accidentally called him “Leonard,” leaving him devastated.



We ALL are ONE!!


LAUGHTER is the best MEDICINE!! 

Another South African Lesbian Murdered in Township


Why? Why? Why all this senseless violence?? They were who they were … living their life!! All this intolerance ….. why???


By Melanie Nathan, December 22, 2013.

Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 9.32.26 AMMaleshwane Radebe died from a stab wound to her neck after she and her girlfriend were attacked and robbed in their  East Rand township  shack in Ratanda.

Charl Blignaut who blogged this at City Press has spent time with Inkanyiso, the visual activists documenting the ever-growing number of rapes and murders of lesbians in South Africa

“They’d been out with friends that night, the sixth of December. When she and her girlfriend did go out, they moved in a group, eight of them, four couples. She did everything she was told to stay safe. But it didn’t help,” says Charmain Carrol.

“They were vulnerable at the place they called home … When I saw the shack I asked myself, ‘Would I feel safe behind those doors?’ ” (Source)

Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 9.32.06 AMAt about 3.30am on December 7, Maleshwane Radebe’s girlfriend came running outside, screaming, according…

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