Monsanto, los transgénicos en España y la compra de políticos..Wikileaks

Keep on reading … the translation to English follows!!

The Free


  Según reveló Wikileaks la empresa Monsanto y el gobierno de EEUU ‘compraron’ secretamente el permiso de políticos españoles para introducir su  OMG Maíz, que depende de su producto cancerígeno Roundup Ready. Luego presuraron la EU con el lema Si España cae, el resto de Europa va a seguir. “ 

Nota sobre peligros del maiz transgénico

El maiz transgénico en España es de las variedades BT que matan el European Bore Beetle y mejoran algo la cosecha. ( Son de Monsanto, Sygenta y Bayer). Sin embargo son más caros y muchas veces hay que usar insecticida  también, y cada vez más debido a la creciente resistencia de los bichos. Además falta la herbicida, o la tradicional, muy tóxico o la herbicida Roundup (glifosato y el glufosinato de amonio ) según la variedad. 

Hay peligros de efectos imposibles de saber o rectificar a largo termino. Además campos de maiz…

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My gift to you for Christmas!

A beautiful story ….. warm with Spirit!!

The Why About This

A feel good Christmas story. For children too. Enjoy! ○♡○

five glowing orbs

The Five Golden Orbs

The children found them hidden inside the bushes in the back yard just as the sun was setting. They noticed the glow of lights coming from within the small holly bush. Mystified, they had walked up slowly to the shining bush and peered in through the holly leaves.

Five shining orbs of gold lay nestled hidden in the crooks of the branches inside the bush.

“What are they?” The girl child asked.

“I don’t know!” The boy child answered.

They were curious and the glow coming from the shiny orbs was not scary. The emitting light was golden and soft.

one golden orbThe boy reached in and grabbed one of the orbs. It was warm to the touch. But not too warm, just pleasantly so. The girl seeing that the orb rested comfortably in the boy’s hand reached…

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Snowden’s Christmas message: Privacy first

Thank you Mr. Snowden …. wishing you a better year. Be protected!!

Social Action 2014

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden released an alternative Christmas message on Britain’s Channel 4. It is the network’s annual response to Queen Elizabeth’s royal Christmas message. Snowden focused on why he values privacy so greatly. RT’s Ameera David brings us Snowden’s message.

Edward Snowden Declares Mission Accomplished

“Fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who had been keeping a low profile in Moscow since being granted asylum there in August, has broken out of his seclusion with a lengthy interview with the Washington Post and a recorded television address to be aired in Britain on Christmas Day.

Snowden used his first significant direct media contacts since arriving in Russia in June to portray his disclosure of secret intelligence gathering programs as a public service alerting Americans and people around the world to the risks those operations pose to individual privacy.

Since he fled his National Security Agency job in Hawaii and…

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Children of Innocence ….



Children of Innocence

May the adults of the world
Nurture you in Faith and Hope
Love and Kindness
Peace and Joy.


May you reach out to each other
In Appreciation of your Diversity
In Respect for your Cultures
In Caring for your Needs.


May you walk together
In Peace.


May your future witness
Bells that ring out in Justice and Equality
In Freedom and Charity
In lasting Peace and Friendship.


May adults prepare your world
By laying down weapons
And reaching out in Trust and Love
In Harmony and Reconciliation.



Doves Of Peace by Marcus Kane


Published on Jul 5, 2012

Doves Of Peace – This song is available for publishing or taken up by a working band or singer. When you think you’ve got troubles, just take a look around you, or turn on your TV and you’ll witness madness, mayhem and misery.


A touching video song about the need for peace throughout the world and the theme of the song is all about releasing The Doves of Peace to set us free from war.

I hope you enjoy this very special song.


We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through the CHILDREN!! 

Peace on Earth …..


ChristmasPeace on Earth‘ Means ‘No More War

~~Browsing through the web, looking for pictures, sayings and quotes, I found this article which I think states a main message for Christmas.

It may well be THE message. Take a look!!~~

The link is provided for a full read. 

By: John Dear


When the nonviolent Jesus was born two thousand years ago into abject poverty to homeless refugees on the outskirts of a brutal empire, the story goes that angels appeared in the sky to impoverished shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth!”

Peace was coming to the world! They were so excited, they couldn’t contain themselves.

That’s what Christmas is about — the coming of “peace on earth.”


That child grew up to become, in Gandhi’s words, “the greatest nonviolent resister in the history of the world.” Jesus taught peace, lived peace and blessed peacemakers. “My peace is my gift to you,” he said. When we refused to learn “the things that make for peace,” he broke down and wept.

He took action to end systemic injustice, and he did it in a nonviolent way and, for his civil disobedience, he was brutally executed by the Roman Empire and died forgiving his killers. When he rose from the dead, he came back not seeking vengeance or retaliation, but once again, offering his gift of peace. “Peace be with you,” he said over and over again. Now you practice nonviolence and go forth as a peacemaker into the world of war.

That was his message.

Two thousand years later, the world continues to reject “the things that make for peace.” It remains stuck in the old cycle of war, militarism, empire, poverty and injustice.

This time, however, the empire’s weapons have the power to destroy the entire planet. The money spent funding our wars and weapons bankrupts us and leaves millions in hunger. On top of that, our greed and systemic violence destroys the environment. Catastrophic climate change is upon us, and looks to bring unprecedented new levels of violence and destruction in its wake.


That’s why I’ve come to the conclusion that no one can claim to be an authentic Christian any more if they support warfare and weapons. You cannot seriously call yourself a follower of the nonviolent, peacemaking Jesus, whom we celebrate and honor at Christmas, if you own guns, support our wars, defend our nuclear weapons arsenal, tolerate executions and catastrophic climate change, and participate in violence in any form.

Anyone who supports warfare, weapons or killing, even if they be a priest, minister or bishop, goes against the nonviolent Jesus. To be a Christian is to be a practitioner of creative nonviolence.

To follow the peacemaking Jesus means becoming a peacemaker.


Christmas invites us to reclaim our common imagination for peace, to herald a new future of peace, and so to resist the old paradigm of global war-making.

That vision of peace, announced by the nonviolent Jesus as God’s “reign of peace,” is breath-taking. It upholds a world without borders, one human family where everyone sees everyone else as a beloved sister or brother. When we pray for the coming of that reign, we welcome God’s gift of peace with all its challenging global, social, economic and political implications.

To state the obvious: “Peace on earth” means “No More War.” From now on, nonviolent Christians, resist war, call for the immediate end of our war in Afghanistan and our nuclear arsenal, and work for a world beyond our wildest imagination — a new world without war, weapons, drones, killings, nuclear weapons, poverty, starvation, corporate greed, violence or environmental destruction.


Full credit give to Mr. John Dear.

For full article/Full read:


Deep Peace

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL want PEACE!! 

“Walk Together, Talk together, All ye people of the earth; Then and only then, Shall ye have peace”.

Motto of the AFS Student Exchange Program




Richard Branson Calls for Boycotts to Uganda if Anti-Homosexuality Bill is Law


There is someone with “power” and common sense. And a sense of equality and justice!!


“I would urge other companies worldwide to follow suit.”

By Melanie Nathan, Dec 24, 2013, 8:41 am.

Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 8.38.28 AMRichard Branson, was about to do business with Uganda when he changed his mind.  The Virgin founder said Uganda must abandon the recently passed Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would make homosexuality punishable by up to life in prison.  Unless the Bill is abandoned, Uganda, according to Branson will find itself “ostracized by companies and tourists worldwide”.

“I have been courted by various people and government officials to do business in Uganda. I was seriously considering it,” Branson wrote on his website on Monday.

“However, the dreadful witch hunt against the gay community and lifetime sentences means it would be against my conscience to support this country.

“I would urge other companies worldwide to follow suit. Uganda must reconsider or find it being ostracised by companies and tourists worldwide.”

He added: “Governments must realise that people…

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Magnificent Gay Marriage South African Style

Excellent true story … invitation!!


By Melanie Nathan, December 24, 2013.

Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 9.18.13 AMOur friends at Inkanyiso have done it again. Recording every aspect and extreme, with amazing visuals, from the worst sadness to the ultimate joy, here is an exciting report by Yaya Mavundla. This was all about love and with given names like “Promise” and “Gift” all was perfect for what may have been the first same-sex marriage in the South African Township of Daveyton.*

The invite:-

“You are hereby Summoned to Appear as a Witness for the two Accused, Promise Meyer & Gift Samonne.
Charges: Falling in love.
Court: 607 Vivian Drive, Chris Hani Park, Daveyton.
Sentencing: 22nd December 2013, 14h00 for 14h30”

READ MORE HERE and see the amazing pictures of renowned South African photographer Zanele Muholi.

Daveyton is a township in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality of Gauteng in South Africa. It borders Etwatwa to the north, Springs to…

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