Seven Cosmic Laws for 2014 ……


The 7 Cosmic Laws – Empowerment Knowledge for 2014

December 29, 2013

~~Higher Knowledge 2014 – The 7 Cosmic Laws~~

These LAWS are valid in all of CREATION, in all Planes of Being. They are eternal and unchangeable. But above all laws stands the unconditional love and the grace of God, able to transcend all LAWS!

All Philosophy is based on seven Cosmic Laws. Thot, the Egyptian God of WISDOM = Hermes Trismegistos, “The triple great Hermes” of the ancient Greeks, had once written them down on Emerald Tables, so that MEN would know and follow them. These tables have not been found up to this day.

(Probably in the vaults at the Vatican).


1. The Principle of SPIRIT (MIND)

Everything is Spiritual.

The Source of LIFE is CREATIVE SPIRIT, without bounds and limitations.

The Universe is mental. Spirit/Mind stands above matter – rules matter. 

The Consciousness determines the BEING. Thoughts are creative and changing powers; they are the means of CREATION. The IMAGINATION creates in Visualization. The intensity of the inner wishing and longing is an important factor of CREATION.


And just like HIS WORD, MAN‘s WORD creates, too – as the action of his mind. So every MAN is able to leave his state of ignorance and consciously enter the STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE at any time, thus accepting the Heritage of MAN’s PERFECTION and of CREATION. He thus changes his world and creates it new.

Be aware of your thoughts – they can create and destroy! Be conscious of your responsibility! Which thoughts and words come from you? What do you CREATE with them? Are they worlds of LOVE – creatures of LOVE


2. The Principle of Cause and Effect = KARMA

Each cause has an effect – each effect has its cause. Each action has a certain energy which requires that the like energy returns to its source, to its creator. 

The effect equals the cause in quality and quantity. ‘Equal creates equal’. Action = Reaction. The cause can be on many different planes. Everything happens in accordance to the LAW.


Each MAN is CREATOR, carrier and surmounter of his fate.  Every thought, every feeling, every action is a cause which has an effect. So there is no blame, no guilt or fault, no sin, no ‘chance’ and no luck – only cause and effect. Between the cause and its effect many centuries and incarnations could extend – as TIME does not exist.  “Luck” and “chance” are expressions of a LAW not yet acknowledged. 

Why do you have certain traits? Where do your patterns of behavior derive from? Be aware of the effect of all your thoughts, feelings and actions! Let go of hatred, aggressiveness and fear and open yourself to Unconditional TRUST and LOVE.

You alone are responsible for yourself!


3. The Principle of Correspondence or Analogy

As above – so below, as below – so above.

As within – so without, as without – so within. As in great – so in small, as in small, so in great. 

For everything there is in this world, there exists an analogy on every plane of BEING. So you can realize the great in the small, and the smallest in the greatest. The way you are yourself determines the way you experience the outside world. Vice versa, the outside world is your mirror. When you change, everything around you will change. 


4. The Principle of Resonance or Attraction

Like attracts like and will be enforced by like. Unlike repels each other.

Your personal behavior determines your personal conditions and the total conditions of your life. Negativity attracts more negativity, darkness attracts more darkness, aggression attracts aggression, hate attracts hate, sorrow attracts sorrow, addiction attracts addiction, so if you do not stop, reconsider and reverse your path, your negativity will increase, leading into a downward spiral that – at a certain point – cannot be stopped and leads into depression, desperation, disaster and death.


5. The Principle of Harmony and  Balance

Harmony is the flow of life. Everything strives for harmony, for balance. The stronger determines the weaker and makes it equal to itself. 

Life is harmonious togetherness, the GIVING and TAKING of elements and powers being active in CREATION. By grasping and holding on we create a blockage which in turn is leading to sickness and death as a result of ERROR.


LIFE supports only what furthers LIFE, and anything causing a blockage weakens and must go, because it is a hindrance to LIFE itself. LIFE is mutual balance or compensation, eternal movement. Different effects are finding to a balance, so that as soon as possible harmony is restored. Life is continuous GIVING and TAKING.


The universe lives by dynamic balance in EASINESS, HARMONY and LOVE. GIVING and TAKING are different aspects of the Cosmic Energy Stream. While giving freely what we are seeking, we are letting PLENTY into our lives. While giving HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE, we are creating HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE, opening us for LUCK, SUCCESS and PLENTY.

We will get as much from the PLENTY of LIFE, as we are able to open ourselves to it. To open yourself, you should let go of all your conscious and unconscious thoughts of need and limitations within yourself and dare the NEW, THE UNBOUNDED. He, who does not live PLENTY, will not find it.   

Open yourself to the PLENTY. Do not enrich yourself at the cost of others. You have to pay everything you get (unless it is GIVEN to you). GIVE in order to RECEIVE! Above this LAW – above EACH LAW – is the GRACE of GOD!


6. The Principle of Rhythm or Vibration

Everything flows in and flows out again. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration.  Nothing is static – everything is moving.

The even movement of the pendulum is evident in everything. The swing of the pendulum to the one side equals the swing of the pendulum to the other side. Rhythm equalizes.  Overcome rigidity and live flexibility. Whatever is rigid must break apart.


7. The Principle of Polarity and Sexuality

Everything has a pair of poles. Everything has a pair of contrasting aspects. Like and unlike are the same. 

Contrasts are the same by their nature. GOD’S TRUTH IS ONE. Only in the low-vibrating worlds, like in the 3 dimension, the aspects have different signs marking them as “contrasts”, and thus have different vibrational frequencies.

The human brain is three-dimensionally oriented; for that reason the ONE-NESS or SAME-NESS appears PARADOX to the polaric mind. But each PARADOXON should be brought together – in the middle – only this way we can approach TRUTH. Or else our truths are only half truths. We cannot understand TRUTH – only grasp it with the HEART


In the 3rd dimension we should learn to recognize the ONE-NESS OF ALL by LEARNING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LIVING this LOVE = THAT is our GOAL IN LIVE on Earth! When we are living in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, we are living in NON-POLARITY.   Do not judge or evaluate others. Do not raise yourself above others. Accept the other opinion. Everyone is right. Everything is justified. Everything is well.

Sexuality is in everything. Both sexual aspects are ONENESS at the same time. Sexuality manifests itself in everything. Everything has male and female elements. Everything is male and female in ONE. Sexuality strives for ONE-NESS. But actually sexuality IS ONE-NESS or UNITY, as you can see with TAO. The NON-POLARIC UNITY consists of the male and the female aspect.

You also cannot divide SEA and WAVES – both is ONE – and ONE is not without the other. You yourself are male and female at the same time. Live your male and your female aspect equally.

Be balanced – be in your middle – BE ONE.


All credit/Source:


We ALL are ONE!!


7 universal laws, cosmic ordering, laws of attraction


Uploaded on Sep 11, 2007

These universal laws govern our lives. Know them and apply them to make a difference to you.


We ALL are connected through SPIRIT!!! 

Some farming humor for the day ……



Work life on family farms can be very hard.

Frequently, even the kids join in to help out. A lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff that happens before we even see food at the grocery store starts right here.

To clue us in a bit, one farm family decided to make a video about just some of what they do — but they wrote it to the tune of another strangely fascinating video, “What Does the Fox Say?” by Ylvis.


What Does The Farmer Say? (Ylvis – The Fox PARODY)



Published on Oct 29, 2013


Special thanks to Doug Armknecht and the LaRosh Family Farm from Osborne county, Kansas for the footage of their wheat harvest.

Sound Recording: Doug Krehbiel Studio


Dog goes woof
Cat goes meow
Twitter goes tweet
And my phone goes beep.
Miley Twerks
Katy Roars
And the Chiefs go touch down!
Cy goes quack
The Dow goes crunch
And the government shuts down
But theres one sound
That no one knows
What does the farmer say?

Yip Haw


Big blue skiesstraight corn rows
working nights and dirty clothes
Calloused hands
Working lands
taking care of fertile soil
Your arms are tan
Your legs are white
with a pliers on your side

Next time you eat.
Your Food of your choice.
Listen for the farmers.
Listen for the farmers.

Yum Feed


We ALL are ONE!!! 


We ALL somehow depend on FARMERS!! 



Most Shocking Stand Your Ground Incidents Of 2013

…. and these are only a few!!!

End Stand Your Ground

UPDATED May 31, 2016

2013 was the year stand your ground law became a national controversial issue. A case could fall into this category if a person who takes a life claims self-defense under stand your ground laws or may have the option to invoke the law. Here are some of the most shocking incidents that made headlines:



On November 27, 2013 Ronald Westbrook, a 72-year-old man with advanced Alzheimer’s disease, wandered four miles away from home with his dogs in the middle of the night. He jiggled the doorknob and rang the doorbell of a home in Walker County, Georgia, alerting the resident, Joe Hendrix, 34, who went outside.

Hendrix said that he saw a figure walking toward him in the darkness, ordered the man to stop several times, and fired his weapon, killing Westbrook…

View original post 609 more words

Reality check ……


~~December 29, 2013~~

Thought power is the key to creating your reality.

Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.


~~For Every Outside Effect There is an Inner Cause~~

Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Put another way, the conditions and circumstances of your life are as a result of your collective thoughts and beliefs. James Allen said it best when he said “circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him”.

Every aspect of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing your thoughts and your beliefs.


~~It’s an Inside Job~~

Most people have it back to front, believing that they feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances, not knowing the truth that it is their thought power that is creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted.

By internalizing and applying this Truth, that your thoughts create your reality, you will grant yourself the power to create the changes you want to see manifest in your life. Reality creation is an inside job.


~~Your Thought Power is Limitless~~

There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe, which is all powerful, all knowing, all creative and present everywhere at the same time – the Universal Mind. Your mind is part of this One Universal Mind and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, it follows that your thought power too is limitless.

Once you truly understand that your mind is one with the Single Source of All Power and that this power is within you, you will have found the only true source of infinite power for which nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Know that thought power comes from within. Accessing the source of All Power starts by looking inwards. 


The following words of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha perfectly capture the essence of thought power:

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”


In a nutshell, your life is the perfect mirror of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. Whether you realise it or not you are already creating your reality through your thought power. Every effect you see in your outside world has its original cause within you – no exceptions.
To gain access to the greatest creative power at your disposal, you must learn to control the nature of your habitual thoughts and to align yourself with the One Source of All Power of which you are a part. Your thoughts create your reality – know, internalize and apply this Truth and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.
For full article:

Power of Thought – A Quantum Perspective – By Kent Healy



Uploaded on Apr 12, 2009

A scientific approach to explaining the power of thought. We have all heard it before, “Your thoughts create your reality.” Well, new quantum physics studies support this idea. Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter.

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through the UNIVERSE!! 



Facebook and privacy

Don’t do anything you don’t want you “Mum” to know!!

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video says about itself:

27 Sep 2011

An Australian computer expert has raised Facebook privacy concerns, after discovering the website is able to track your web activities.

Editorial of weekly The Observer in Britain:

You think Facebook is free? Well, it’ll only cost you your private life

Digital behemoths have perfected surveillance as a business model

Sunday 29 December 2013

An extensive European study last week found that Facebook was “dead and buried to teenagers” as the young sought refuge in messaging apps such as Snapchat and Whatsapp, away from the prying eyes of their parents. What could be worse than to be digitally stalked by parents, aunts and uncles? Teenagers want their privacy back.

But the real danger to Facebook – and other digital behemoths that make money from our data and content – is what will happen when the grown-ups decide they want…

View original post 689 more words

On a spiritual, meditative, pensive mode ….


~~December 29, 2013~~

This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.

This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought

Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;

His hand the wonders wrought.


This is my Father’s world, the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, declare their Maker’s praise.

This is my Father’s world: He shines in all that’s fair;

In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;

He speaks to me everywhere.







This Is My Father’s World – Beautiful Piano Version



We ALL are ONE!!



We ALL are connected by NATURE!! 




Fernando Ortega This Is My Father’s World



Collaborator: Yahtzee!!

A Republican vision for America – ‘If Republican Led ‘Real America’ Was a Country – It Would Be the 3rd Poorest on Earth’

Come on! Take it … pry it off my dead hands!!!

The Last Of The Millenniums

republican teaparty real american

This is the Country they want the rest of us to live in :  

“Republicans and their teabagger comrades are wont to claim they are the real Americans, and those residing in the former Confederacy like to claim they live in the real America”.

  • ’11 of the top 12 states with the highest mortality rates are located in the South’.

‘The top 10 states with the lowest mortality rates are in the Northeast and Western United States’

‘Of the 25 states that are above the national average, 19 are blue and just six are red’.

  • ‘Conversely, of the 25 states below the national average, 17 are red and just eight are blue’.
  • ‘Republican policies have transformed the former Confederacy into a poverty-ridden region including the 14 states with the highest child poverty rates in the nation’    

teabagger REAL Americans

‘Americans living in the Southern states have the…

View original post 227 more words

Lieutenant Uhura/Nichelle Nichols …… turns 81 years old!!


~~~December 29, 2013~~

Happy 81st birthday, Lieut. Uhura!!

The Star Trek character played by Nichelle Nichols broke racial barriers on TV, and when she thought of quitting the series at one point, none other than Martin Luther King, Jr., encouraged her to stay on! “He said I had the first nonstereotypical role, I had a role with honor, dignity and intelligence. He said, ‘You simply cannot abdicate, this is an important role. This is why we are marching. We never thought we’d see this on TV.



Nyota Uhura is a character in Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Animated Series, the first six Star Trek films, the 2009 film Star Trek, and its 2013 sequel Star Trek Into Darkness.

The character was portrayed by Nichelle Nichols in all but the last two Star Trek films, in which a younger Uhura was portrayed by actress Zoë Saldana.

Uhura was an important part of the original series’ multicultural crew and one of the first characters of African descent to be featured in a non-menial role on an American television series.

Nichelle Nichols, NASA Recruiter - GPN-2004-00017.jpg

SpeciesHumanHome planetEarthAffiliationUnited Federation of Planets
StarfleetPostingUSS Enterprise chief communications officer
Starfleet Command
USS Enterprise-A chief communications officer
Starfleet AcademyRankLieutenant
Lieutenant commander
CommanderPortrayed byNichelle Nichols
Zoë Saldana


Gene Roddenberry had intended his new female communications officer to be called “Lieutenant Sulu”. Herb Solow pointed out how similar this was to “Zulu” and thought it might act against the plan for racial diversity in the show, so the name Sulu remained with George Takei‘s character. “Uhura” comes from the Swahili word uhuru, meaning “freedom”.

Nichols states in her book Beyond Uhura that the name was inspired by her having had with her a copy of Robert Ruark‘s book Uhuru on the day she read for the part. When producer Robert Justman explained to Roddenberry what the word uhuru meant, he changed it to Uhura and adopted that as the character’s name. Coincidentally, in the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, the end credits incorrectly refer to Uhura as “Uhuru”.


Uhura’s first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams’s 2009 film, in a scene where the young Spock calls her “Nyota” in a moment of intimacy. Although other non-canon names had previously existed, “Nyota” had been the most common. Author William Rotsler created the name “Nyota” for his 1982 licensed tie-in book, Star Trek II Biographies published by Wanderer (Pocket) Books.

Seeking approval for the name he contacted Gene Roddenberry and Nichelle Nichols. Gene Roddenberry approved of the name. Nichelle Nichols also approved and was very excited when Rotsler informed her that Nyota means “star” in Swahili. After originating in Star Trek II Biographies “Nyota” started appearing in Star Trek novels, such as Uhura’s Song by Janet Kagan.

  • In appearances at Star Trek conventions, Nichols had indicated that the character is “Nyota [U]penda Uhura”; perhaps coincidentally, in Nichols’ 1996 novel Saturn’s Child she named the mother of the titular character “Nyota”.
  • That “Nyota” is the Swahili word for “star” is mentioned by William Shatner in his book Star Trek Memories.
  • uses the name Nyota on its character biography page for the Animated Series but not on the TOS biography page.
  • “Nyota” was also used as Uhura’s first name when Nichols reprised the character in the fan film Star Trek: Of Gods and Men.


Until the 2009 film became part of the franchise’s canon, “Nyota” was one of three possibilities; the other two were “Penda” and “Samara”:

  • According to FASA‘s Star Trek RPG, Uhura’s first name is “Samara”.
  • The non-canon book The Best of Trek suggests that Uhura’s first name is “Penda”, coined when a group of fanzine authors suggested it to her at an early convention.

In the 2009 film, the mystery regarding Uhura’s first name is the subject of a running joke as Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is before finally hearing Spock utter it.



Uhura, from the United States of Africa, speaks Swahili and was born January 19, 2233. James Blish‘s non-canon novels identify her as Bantu, as does Gene Roddenberry’s novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Uhura first appears in the episode “The Man Trap,” joining the crew of the USS Enterprise as a lieutenant, and serves as chief communications officer under Captain Kirk. She is later promoted to lieutenant commander in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and to full commander in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock sees Uhura take an assignment in the transporter room as part of a plot to steal the Enterprise. After locking a colleague in a closet, Uhura uses the transporter station to beam Kirk, Leonard McCoy and Hikaru Sulu to the Enterprise so they can use it to rescue Spock from the Genesis Planet. As planned, Uhura later meets up with her crewmates on Vulcan and witnesses Spock’s successful renewal.


Following these events and the destruction of the Enterprise, Uhura joins her crewmates on a stolen Klingon ship amid a crisis on Earth in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Traveling to the 20th century, they attempt to save a pair of humpback whales in order to repopulate the species. During a trip to San Francisco, Uhura and Pavel Chekov infiltrate the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise and use emissions from the carrier’s nuclear reactor to recharge the Klingon vessel’s power supply. Kirk and Spock then procure the whales so the crew can return to the 23rd century and save Earth.

In light of their heroics, Starfleet Command exonerates Uhura and the rest of Kirk’s crew for their illegal activities. Kirk is demoted to the rank of captain after a prior promotion to admiral, but is assigned to command the USS Enterprise-A.

Uhura joins Kirk’s crew, and once again serves as chief communications officer throughout the events of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In The Final Frontier, a romantic interest between Uhura and Montgomery Scott is briefly implied while Uhura seemingly is under the influence of Sybok, but the subplot is never fully developed in the following movies and we’re to assume that they remain just friends.



Hello Universe!


Nichelle Nichols Tribute


Uploaded on May 12, 2008

Although arguably best-known for her portrayal of communications officer, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura on the original sci-fi television program “Star Trek”, African American actress Nichelle Nichols is likewise a formidable vocalist. She was born in 1936 in Robbins, a progressive Illinois community founded by blacks in the 1890’s. Nichelle sang with the Duke Ellington and Lionel Hampton bands, then performed as a single in nightclubs.

Garnering acting experience in supporting roles in such films as “Mister Buddwing” (1965) and “Doctor, You’ve Got to Be Kidding!”(1966) (and a bit – and uncredited – part in Otto Preminger’s silver screen adaptation of Porgy and Bess in 1959), Ms. Nichols was cast in her signature role in 1966: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura on “Star Trek”. But at the end of the first season, Nichols was poised to quit the series. She was persuaded to stay by one of Star Trek’s biggest fans: Dr. Martin Luther King, who felt that Uhura was a positive role model for black women. Before the series’ three-year run was out, Nichols made television history by participating in an interracial kiss with William Shatner. 

Concurrent with her work on “Star trek”, Nichols recorded for Epic Records in 1967. She then teamed up with jazz arranger Gerald Wilson to create “Down to Earth” (1968). Her tremendous talents stylistically run the gamut from the up-tempo and soulful “Feelin’ Good” to the torch balladry of “Tenderly” and the touching “The More I See of You”. She effortlessly takes on “The Lady Is a Tramp”, adding a few hip and timely humorous asides. The lesser-known title “You’d Better Love Me” and the cover of Georgia Gibbs’ “Home Lovin’ Man” are brought to life with equal aplomb. Nichols occasionally revisits her musical skills on-stage as well as in the studio, releasing “Uhura Sings” (1986) and “Nichelle: Out of This World” (1995).

We ALL are ONE!!! 


Back in November of 1968, the TV landscape was shaken to its core by the first interracial lip-lock between scantily clad Capt. Kirk (William Shatner) and Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) on a third-season episode of Star Trek: TOS.

But did you know that it wasn’t the womanizing Kirk Uhura was supposed to lock lips with?

Maybe some of you already know this (and maybe some of you don’t), but Uhura was to have been kissing our favorite green-blooded Vulcan, Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy).

In a Vancouver Sun interview, actress Nichelle Nichols recalled the story of that famous kiss, revealing that she had been practicing with Leonard Nimoy (not a bad way to spend the time) when Shatner saw them smooching.


“Bill Shatner saw what was going on and he said, ‘Woah, woah, woah. If anybody is gonna get to kiss Lieutenant Uhura it’s gonna be me.’ And he had the whole thing changed so the first interracial kiss was with Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk.”

“Bill wanted to rehearse all the time. He said he wanted to get this right! I said to him, “It’s right, it’s right. I promise you, it’s right.” And the camera was shaking and the director was laughing his head off. We really had a good time.”



We can’t say we’re surprised by Shatner’s reaction. (We’re actually truly amused by it, as was Nichols, who apparently laughed a lot at the recollection.)

And the rest, as we say, is history.


Spock & Uhura Moments (TOS)


Uploaded on Jun 10, 2009

Spock and Uhura: unfortunately we only saw glimpses of them together on the original series. Moments from Who Mourns for Adonais?, Charlie X, That Which Survives, Is There No Truth in Beauty, Tomorrow is Yesterday, The Immunity Syndrome, The Man Trap, The Changeling and Bread and Circuses.

