For Investors, Puerto Rico Is a Fantasy Blank Slate

Puerto Rico is opened for business!! … “how tech companies and private capital are poised to reshape the US colony.” … Remember this: P3s …
‘The PROMESA bill, which was enacted by the US Congress to deal with the debt crisis, paved the way for these government assets to be sold, or simply handed over, to private industry to repair, operate, and manage.’

Repeating Islands


Or “how tech companies and private capital are poised to reshape the US colony.” In The Nation, Yarimar Bonilla offers an analysis of Puerto Rico’s present state of affairs and the designs that various sectors have on the “fantasy blank slate” after Hurricane Maria.

Puerto Rico is open for business. So declared leaders from the devastated island on February 15 at an investors’ conference convened to explore the opportunities generated by what was described as “the greatest disaster in US modern history.” The event, in New York City, was organized by the Financial Times and Puerto Rico’s Department of Economic Development and Commerce, and it featured Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares and several members of his cabinet, who addressed a room of corporate investors eager to learn about the role they could play in Puerto Rico’s economic future. With sleek PowerPoint presentations and relentless optimism, government figures described the post-hurricane context…

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Depopulation threatens Puerto Rico

My country is undergoing a process of ‘depopulation’ … beyond sad!!
‘ … all the people interviewed answered that they intend to move to the United States at some point. 65.2 percent said that once they emigrate, they would stay indefinitely.’

Repeating Islands


[Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.] The experiences of thousands of Puerto Ricans who have emigrated are reflected in a study by Professor Jorge Duany that outlines their concerns. José Javier Pérez (El Nuevo Día) reports:

The devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in the community where Desireé Torres used to live was the last straw for her. Long before the hurricane, she had plenty of reasons for deciding to leave Puerto Rico and move to central Florida seeking for better opportunities for her and her three children. And although the road has not been easy, it seems that life has been getting better for this 31 year old woman. Recently, she managed to get the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to extend her stay at the small hotel in Kissimmee where she has been living since she arrived in Florida three months…

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Alex Schachter …. ” 🎢 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School …. Parkland, Florida …. A Name, Face and a Poem …. 🎢 “!!



Alex Schachter participated in the school marching band and orchestra


Father reads poem of son killed in Florida school shooting

In the midst of a terrible mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, young voices are loudly raising to decry the lack of action from GOP politicians, including the ‘so-called president’, who are beholden to the NRA in view of the political campaign donations.

This voice was silenced by the bullets that wildly flew on the day of this massacre.

Alex’s father made sure that his son, in a very special way, would be honored and remembered forever.

The sad loss of a promising American teen.

May he Rest in Peace!



By Amanda Jackson, CNN

Alex Schachter was one of the 17 victims that were killed by a gunman last week at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
During CNN’s town hall on Wednesday, FEbruary 21, 2016, his father, Max, recited a free verse poem the 14-year-old wrote two weeks prior to his death.

“He decided to write about roller coasters, because Alex loved roller coasters,” Max said. “He wasn’t writing about his life and had no idea his poem would become his future.”


~Read the Full Poem~

‘Life is like a Roller Coaster’

by Alex Schachter

Life is like a roller coaster
it has some ups and downs
Sometimes you can take it slow or very fast
It maybe hard to breath at times
but you have to push yourself and keep going
Your bar is your safety
it’s like your family and friends
You hold on tight and you don’t let go
But sometimes you might throw your hands up
Because your friends and family will always be with you
Just like that bar keeping you safe at all times
It maybe too much for you at times — the twists, the turns, the upside downs
But you get back up
you keep chugging along
eventually it comes to a stop
you won’t know when or how
but you will know that’ll be time to get off and start anew
Life is like a roller coaster


#AlexSchachter #MaxSchachter #MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool #ParklandFlorida #NameFaceAndPoem #YoungVoice #Silenced #ParklandShootingSurvivors #Talk #GunControl #MarchForOurLives #NRA #NationalRifleAssociation #NeverAgain #NNTownHall #BePositive #BePassionate #BeProudToBeAnEagle #NeverAgain

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach

Angel Wings 2

Pair of angel wings on heavenly blue background
