To start the day …..


~~January 19, 2014~~

It’s the top of the morning. It’s Sunday … the beginning of the week. The weekend is almost done and a new week is about to begin.

It Is What It Is” wishes all of those visiting today a good day …. a peaceful Sunday ….. and a great week as it begins tomorrow.


A new morning gives a fresh lease of life and bountiful of love to share with them who dreamt with us of this beautiful day. Good Morning !!

I think of you and a smiling face i always visualize, wishing you is a happy act to see my thoughts realize . Good Morning !!

Your happiness and smile is the wheel and spoke of my day. The longer it lasts the farther I can reach . Good Morning !!

My wishes are like a butterfly ,mesmerizing with their bright colours and adding the sweet nectar to your life . Good Morning !!

Source/Full credit:


The big bright sun is here to give you a tight warm hug and lots of blessings to start your day with new hopes. Good Morning. Have a wonderful day ahead.

Another day to make hay, to come forward and say, an opportunity within it lays, so be no more late, get up and rise high with hopes above the sky. Wishing you a very Good Morning. Have a bright day ahead.

Do you know what the past day symbolized? It symbolized a lesson, a lesson that was taught and was left to you to learn or leave and let go. Do you know what today represents? It is an opportunity to use the lesson learnt the last day and to move forward towards your goal and your aims. Good Morning and have a wonderful day.



“May your body be blessed.
May you realize that your body is
a faithful and beautiful friend of your soul.
And may you be peaceful and joyful and
recognize that your senses are sacred thresholds.
May you realize that holiness is mindful gazing,
feeling, hearing and touching.
May your senses gather you and bring you home.
May your senses always enable you to celebrate
the universe and the mystery and possibilities
in you presence here.
May the Eros of the Earth bless you.”

Found in Anam Cara – John O’Donohue



The Beatles Here Comes The Sun (2009 Stereo Remaster)



What Is A Friend

© Barbara M. Zellner
A good friend is someone
who care about you
they are someone who will be
there when you’re downA good friend is someone
who’s willing to help you
when you are in a little trouble
that’s hard to get out

A good friend is someone
who you can talk to
and trust with your problems
in not telling anyone else

A good friend is someone
who will come and stop
you from taking your life
and sit down to show you
all of the good things
to live for

That’s What A Good Friend Is


Source: A Good Friend Poem, What Is A Friend
Family Friend Poems


Photo Credits:

We ALL are ONE!!


We ALL are connected through the UNIVERSE!!