Sarah Brightman …. Challenger Center!!



Sarah is honored to be part of the Advisory Council for the Challenger Center, the non-profit science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education organization.“Through my partnership with Challenger Center, I hope to inspire in children the same wonder and excitement for space exploration that I feel myself. As I prepare for my own space journey, I am proud to work with them to impart the sense of magic that has had me dreaming and looking up at the stars since I was a child.”

Ms. Sarah Brightman


Sarah will be joined on the council by other distinguished individuals including President George H.W. Bush, Mr Norman Augustine, Senator John and Mrs Annie Glenn, all of whom will be lending their diverse talents and support of STEM education to help expand the organization’s reach with today’s youth.

“These extremely distinguished individuals have broken down the walls between nations, led us into a new space age, revolutionized modern business strategy and encouraged us to expand our minds to change the way we see ourselves and the world,” said Dr. Lance Bush, president and CEO of Challenger Center. “Each member of our Advisory Council has expressed a commitment to our mission and is dedicated to educating our next generation. We are honored and privileged to have their guidance and support.”

Challenger Center and its network of more than 40 Challenger Learning Centers engage students in hands-on experiences that strengthen knowledge in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and inspire students to pursue careers in these important fields. As a recognized leader in STEM education, Challenger Center uses state-of-the-art technology to create simulated space missions that bring classroom lessons to life. Students are transformed into astronauts and engineers and solve real-world problems as they share the thrill of discovery. Founded in 1986 to honor the seven astronauts of shuttle flight STS-51-L, Challenger Center has reached more than 4 million students around the globe.


Follow Sarah on Twitter and like Sarah on Facebook to ensure you don’t miss out on any of the latest news.



Published on Jul 29, 2013

Travel to new musical worlds with Sarah Brightman as she takes viewers on a cosmic journey featuring both new songs and fan favorites inspired by the wonderment and beauty of space. With evocative lighting, elaborate costumes and powerful imagery, this concert is an out-of-this-world experience.


We ALL are ONE!!

We ALL are connected to the UNIVERSE!! 


At the end of the day …..


The Universe, the largest thing of which we are aware, is so vast and infinite that it is beyond the capacity of human comprehension to visualize.

What we possess as the first fruit of Spiritual Science is in its most practical and noble sense able to lead us to feel that there is within the ordinary outer man an inner man, who to the ordinary idea is really a second man.


In this respect all men in reality consist of two beings; one composed more of our physical body and etheric body and belonging to that which is the external world: external in the sense that this physical body and to some extent the etheric body too are forms and images — manifestations — of the divine Spiritual beings by which we are always surrounded.

Our physical and etheric bodies are in their true essence — though not as we as men at first know them, — images, neither of ourselves, nor of our real being, but of the Gods whose whole life is spent in producing our physical and etheric bodies and bringing about their full development; just as we men bring about the actions and deeds we accomplish. The inner man is of such a nature that he is more closely related to the astral body and ego. To the universe the astral body and ego are younger than the physical body and etheric body. This we know, from what has been given out in the book Occult Science.


The physical body and etheric body compose that which, as it were, reposes when we sleep. It is made ready for us by the divine-spiritual beings that permeate the outer universe and make it manifest; and the ego and astral body, by the experiences, testings and shifting which they undergo in the physical and etheric bodies, are to ascend gradually through the stages of development with which we have also become familiar. 

“If everyone could put aside their differences and work together to help others, then our dreams could turn into our realities…and our reality could forever be like a dream.”
We are all connected as brothers and sisters and the Universe is our parent.  Just like a parent, the Universe only wants the very best of everything for the children and goes out of it’s way to help us and guild us.  Unfortunately, just like children, we don’t always listen.  These are our mistakes. We do, we learn, we grow.The Universe will always forgive it’s children…
We need to remember to forgive ourselves.”

We ALL are ONE!!


Virtual trip in the Universe


We ALL are connected to the UNIVERSE!!! 

Surrender ........

Surrender ……..

Keeping America Not So Beautiful 4.0 – Corporate Efforts, McDonald’s

McDonald’s …. not even good for charity!! Stay away!!!

Talk n Trash

McDonald’s corporation communicates their efforts to support sustainability, and to fight litter and pollution. Is it enough? You decide.

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Another one!!

Social Action 2014


SIGN FOR JORDAN: Jordan was sitting in a car, listening to music when a stranger chose to shoot and kill him. That man is now planning to use Stand Your Ground as a defense:

Help us get these laws off the books, to protect other mother’s sons. Sign the petition against Stand Your Ground laws now:

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MEDICAL CORNER ….. Water timetable!


Detailed Analysis

According to a “health tip” that circulates via email, the blogosphere and social media outlets, drinking water at certain times of the day can maximize the water’s effectiveness and provide very specific and immediate health benefits.

According to the message, drinking water after waking up helps activate internal organs, drinking water before meals aids digestion, and drinking water before a bath lowers blood pressure. The message further claims that by drinking water before bed people can avoid heart attacks and strokes. Supposedly the information comes courtesy of a cardiac specialist.

Of course, water is vital for our health and ensuring that we drink enough water to stay well hydrated can certainly have important and ongoing health benefits. However, there is no credible evidence to support the claims that drinking water at certain times of the day will lead to the specific health outcomes outlined in the message.

I discuss each of the message’s claims in turn below:

Claim – 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs

This claim is virtually meaningless. What specific internal organs is it referring to? And one would hope that our organs continue to be active even when we sleep. If not, then a glass of water is unlikely to help us. Given that, after waking, we might not have had liquids for several hours, drinking water early in the morning may help rehydrate us and make us feel better. As at any other time of the day, drinking adequate water in the morning may contribute to overall good health. But, drinking water when we wake up is certainly not required to “activate” our internal organs. That claim is just silly.

Claim – 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion

Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal is unlikely to have much effect at all on digestion. Water passes through your system quite quickly, so it is doubtful that one glass of water 30 minutes before eating would still be around in enough quantities and at the required point in the food digestion process to be of any significant help. In fact, even when water is taken with the meal itself, its impact on digestion is not likely to be very significant. Moreover, unless you have specific health problems or have a very poor diet, your body is likely to do a terrific job of digesting your food without any water at all.


Ironically, another spurious Internet health tip falsely claims that drinking water after a meal can cause cancer.

Claim – 1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure

Drinking water before a bath – or at any other time for that matter – does NOT lower blood pressure. Biomedical researcher Judith Airey, PHD notes:

So the bottom line is that, generally, increasing the amount of water that is consumed will not increase the amount of sodium lost by the blood, so blood pressure will not be lowered.

In fact, drinking water can actually cause a very short term increase in blood pressure in some people, particularly those with some types of very low blood pressure. This is only temporary and has no long term impact on blood pressure. Keeping hydrated is good for health, but overhydration has no benefit for lowering blood pressure.

 Other medical sources also concur that water can raise rather than lower blood pressure.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center newsletter article explains:

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have shown that ordinary water — without any additives — does more than just quench thirst. It has some other unexpected, physiological effects. It increases the activity of the sympathetic — fight or flight — nervous system, which raises alertness, blood pressure and energy expenditure.

David Robertson, M.D., and colleagues first observed water’s curious ability to increase blood pressure about 10 years ago, in patients who had lost their baroreflexes — the system that keeps blood pressure within a normal range.

Blood pressure ....

Blood pressure ….

 Moreover, unless you have significant problems with hypertension, why would it be necessary to lower your blood pressure before having an ordinary bath? In fact, soaking in a hot tub may actually lower the blood pressure of healthy people. So, it is difficult to see any health benefit at all in lowering your blood pressure before having a bath. Given that a hot bath might lower your pressure anyway, taking steps that cause your blood pressure to go even lower might actually have negative health impacts for some people. And, in an article titled “Hot Tub and Sauna Use and High Blood Pressure“, the American Heart Association notes:

Hot tubs and saunas pose no risk to healthy people as long as they are not misused. People with high blood pressure should tolerate saunas well as long as they are not experiencing a hypertensive crisis.

 Claim – 1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack

Ah, if only life was so simple. Of all the claims in the message, this is the most nonsensical. If preventing strokes and heart attacks were as simple as drinking water before bed, those duel killers and maimers would be pretty much a thing of the past. The supposed remedy is not listed on any credible heart or stroke prevention website. The claim is inaccurate and misleading. Drinking a glass of water before going to bed certainly will not prevent a heart attack or stroke.

But, again, drinking water and staying well hydrated throughout the day can help keep you healthier and perhaps therefore make it a little less likely that you will have a heart attack or stroke. The American Heart Association notes:

Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles remove waste so that they can work efficiently. “If you’re well hydrated, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard,” said John Batson, M.D, a sports medicine physician with Low Country Spine & Sport in Hilton Head Island, S.C., and an American Heart Association volunteer.

Heart attack and stroke ...

Heart attack and stroke …

Dehydration can be a serious condition that can lead to problems ranging from swollen feet or a headache to life-threatening illnesses such as heat stroke.

The message claims the the information comes from a cardiac specialist. However, the alleged specialist is not identified. Nor does the message reference any credible medical sources to support its claims. The message is reminiscent of other spurious health tips that circulate via email including one that claims that an unnamed cardiologist has recommended a dubious technique known as cough CPR.

Another, longer, version of the message falsely claims that the information came from the Mayo Clinic and includes misleading and potentially harmful advice about the use of aspirin and heart attacks.

If we wish to stay healthy, it is important that we stay adequately hydrated and drinking plain old water is one of the best ways to achieve this. But, keeping hydrated is an ongoing task that is dependent on various factors such as the current temperature, what exercise we are doing and our overall health.

Per this source: Drinking water at certain times of the day will not provide the specific health benefits outlined in the message.


The answer .....

The answer …..

Bottom line, the importance of drinking water during the day shouldn’t be downplayed. 

Whatever your likes and beliefs are ….. the important fact is:



We ALL are ONE!! 

The Benefits of Drinking Water | HealthiNation


Be proactive for health! 


Leslie Morgan Steiner. Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave

Always talk about this. Never stay quiet!

Many Small Voices: Speaking out about domestic abuse

Another powerful video, this time a TED talk explaining why domestic violence and abuse victims don’t ‘just leave’

direct link here.


We are looking for your stories of abuse to feature. Many small voices make one LOUD voice.

Domestic abuse damages in whatever form and here at Many Small Voices we hope to gather the stories of those who have survived abuse into one resource to help and support those who are still victims. We also hope to support survivors through recovery once the abuse has stopped because the scars are still there and will remain forever. Support after abuse is just as important.

We are not experts, just people who are passionate that domestic abuse, in whatever form it takes, must be stopped.

If you think you or someone you know needs help please take a look in our links page to find a list of organisations that…

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Good Riddance to Daylight Savings Time

Here’s a good explanation!! Reasons and effects ….

Whatever Works

Have I mentioned lately that I hate/resent/dread Daylight Savings Time? Always have. Always will. And here in The Sunshine State it’s an especial torture when,  every summer, we take an hour away from the coolest part of the day and tack it on to the hottest part of the day.

indian_daylight savings timeSo thank you National Geographic for putting it out there.  First, the premise put forward in 1917 that DST would energy has little relevance 100 years later.

In their 2008 National Bureau of Economic Research study, the team found that lighting demand dropped, but the warmer hour of extra daylight tacked onto each evening led to more air-conditioning use, which canceled out the gains from reduced lighting and then some: Hoosiers paid higher electric bills than before DST, the study showed . . . During the 2000 Sydney Olympics, parts of Australia extended daylight saving time while others did not…

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