Parliament Award …. from the Bishop’s Studio!


This award was created by Brother (Bishop) Eddie Tatro @

It’s an award that signifies friendship and togetherness.

~~November 28, 2013~~

Thank you so much for creating this award and for nominating my blog “It Is What it Is”.  @

I feel very honored by this nomination because it comes from a very special person who I have met through the wonderful world of blogging that we are immersed in.

I humbly accept and will display the awards on my blog very proudly! 

This makes me want to improve, do better as I continue on this journey …. 



This award has many meanings.

In Eddie’s own words:

Everyone knows that I love owls and wolves.  We know that a group of wolves is called a pack, but did you know that a group of owls is called a Parliament?  Owls have for centuries been symbols of wisdom and love, and wolves are a symbol of strength, loyalty and family.

I’ve created this award for those people who are in my Parliament & Pack. You mean so very much to me, and you all show what I stand for: Love. 

Hate is not part of your vocabulary.”

The Rules for this award are as followed:

  1. Firstly, display the Award on your site (see Award page or sidebar!) You earned it and you deserve it!
  2. List a few things that make you a loyal member.
  3. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  4. Nominate at least five (5) well deserving bloggers whose loyalty and love you value and consider part of your Parliament and Pack; for the Award and let them know the wonderful news by sending them a message on their site.

Loyalty List:

I am available at all times for anyone who may need help, advice or a shoulder to cry on. I have big ears and I’m a good listener.

I have a sense of duty very similar to Eddie’s .. maybe because we both work in a field where caring and dependability are paramount in spite of how we, as individuals, may be feeling at any given time. The “other” comes first.

When I give my word, it’s written in stone. I will do as I said I would.


My list of Nominees is:

First and foremost: &

To Eddie and Shaun …..

Like Shaun likes to say ….. to my dear brothers from another Mother. It’s been established that we are a “together deal” … meaning that we can’t be separated. We now belong to the same pack of wolves and the same Parliament!! I have no other options but to nominate you for this award!! LOL …

~~Birds of a feather, stick together~~

 I hope that you accept, feel the love and the strength behind this award and proudly display on your blog. 




We ALL are ONE!!

Eagle Owl landing in slow motion close-up – Awesome!

Uploaded on Nov 24, 2011

Watch a magnificent eagle owl soar into the camera in slow motion as it lands, coming closer and closer to us and eventually filling the screen with its wings and remarkable face. It was shot at 1,000 frames per second.

We ALL are connected through this wonderful WEB!!


We ARE the LIGHT!! 

To start the day ….



Author: Unknown




  • Meditation – Sitting in silent and calming my mind. 20-30 minutes a sitting. Twice a day.
  • Listening to Meditative Music – Music have the power to shift our moods and calm our minds. I was particularly fond of Stan Richardson’s Japanese Flutes. Everyone who I’ve played it for love its calming effects.
  • Vegetarianism – I was a raw vegan. You can read about Steve Pavlina’s current experiment with a raw diet. I loved the new gained energy I had. I did eat cooked food when dining out, but I refrained from eating meat.
  • Mindfulness – I made a conscious effort to put my full awareness into anything that I was doing. Walking to work, preparing meals, eating, drinking water, listening to others talk.
  • Being Inspired – I spent an hour a day reading or listening to something inspirational. I even hosted a weekly Eckhart Tolle meet-up group where we watched Tolle DVDs, meditated and connected with other people. This turned out to be a deeply enriching experience.
  • Self Dates – I spent a lot of time with myself by myself. I overcame the need to be with other people and the fear of being alone.
  • Daily Focus – From “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success“, I broke the seven laws for each day of the week and focused on one each day. (more details below)
  • Creative Expressions – photography, drawing or writing.
  • Slowed Down – I stopped rushing from place to place, task to task, and started enjoying the miracles of Life; one moment at a time.



We ALL are ONE!!

Paul Miles-Kingston & Sarah BrightmanPie Jesu

Uploaded on Jan 10, 2010

Paul Miles-Kingston & Sarah Brightman – Pie Jesu


We ALL need time to REFLECT!! 


Semper Fidelis Award

Awesome post!!!! Congrats … 🙂

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident


Thank you to Dr. Rex (Horty) of It Is What It Is for this award that signifies loyalty and love between friends.  I am honored that Horty considers me  worthy of this award and as her friend.Friendship1

In the words of this Award’s creator:

The Semper Fidelis Award

“I created this award because I wanted to do something special for my friends on WordPress. Semper Fidelis is Latin and means “Always Loyal.” Loyalty means the world to me. I am very loyal myself, but I’ve got major trust issues as well. And I think trust is very important if you are sharing so much of yourself with people you meet through the internet. So I am working on that!

Why the wolves? Because wolves have very strong ties with their pack. Like a family or a great group of friends. And I just love them!”

This award stands for…

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Anonymous – #Operation Safe Winter

This is awesomr!!! Way to go Anon!! Reblogging!!

Social Action 2014

Greetings Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous.

We are saddened that we must announce ‘Operation SafeWinter’ in this day and age where we have so many and others have none. In this age of consumerism there is very little love or care about each other, we’re here to change that.

No longer shall we stand by and watch isolation and fear be spread by the establishment, which is killing and destroying community and lives. We all have a voice, so make yours heard, it is your choice, you are the power, you are the motivation for justice, it can happen to all of us. Mission of the Op is, to highlight the homeless situation in areas throughout the world. Build up a resource network for food supply, blankets, clothes, socks, amenities for warm showers and other similar things that can be donated.

1st Mission, — Please list the current…

View original post 242 more words

Good African black rhino news

Kudos for Ol Pejeta Conservancy! I wrote a post on the rhino poaching bandit broke my heart.

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Saving the Black Rhino.

From Fauna & Flora International:

East Africa’s largest black rhino population hits 100

Posted on: 28.11.13 (Last edited) 28th November 2013

The birth of Ol Pejeta Conservancy’s 100th black rhino offers new hope for a species on the brink.

On a continent where rhino populations have been plagued for decades by illegal wildlife trade, and where poaching is just as much a threat today as it was three decades ago, the birth of a new black rhino shows there is still hope for this Critically Endangered species.

October saw the arrival of Ol Pejeta Conservancy’s 100th black rhino, making the Kenyan sanctuary’s black rhino population the most important in East Africa for conservation.

The conservancy, located in Kenya’s Laikipia County, has steadily built up its black rhino population from 20 individuals in the 1990s to the 100…

View original post 651 more words

Which Side Are You On? (remix by Rebel Diaz, dead prez, Rakaa Iriscience)

Merits a listen!!

Social Action 2014

Official remix to the internationally acclaimed song by Rebel Diaz, “Which Side Are You On?” featuring dead prez and Rakaa Iriscience. Featured on Rebel Diaz’s full length debut Radical Dilemma, available worldwide 12/4/13 on Produced by Rebel Diaz with contributions from Grupo Raiz, and Rude Mechanical Orchestra.

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US war drone kills Afghan child

This HS to stop!!! PLEASE …

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called NATO airstrike kills Afghan children.

Reuters reports:

Afghan president condemns U.S. airstrike that killed a child, wounded two women

KABUL Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:14pm GMT

Afghanistan‘s president Hamid Karzai said U.S. forces had bombed a home in Helmand killing a small child and wounding two women on Thursday and condemned the attack as another sign of disregard for civilian life, his spokesman said.

The strike could not have come at a worse time, as Karzai is engaged in a stand-off with the American government over a bilateral security agreement that will help shape the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan after 2014.

“It shows that U.S. forces have no respect for the decisions of the Loya Jirga and life of civilians in Afghanistan,” said Karzai’s spokesman, Aimal Faizi.

Karzai says U.S. drone strike killed child, won’t sign security…

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This Christmas Thing

My gosh!!! This post is so descriptive I can feel every detail that you’ve described! Reminds me of Puerto Rico, where I come from. Would love to try that hibiscus drink!
Back to your main thought …. I never feel ready for Xmas either!!
It arrives so fast and it’s done even faster!! It’s bittersweet …. I look forward to it but I can’t wait to get over it.
Wonderful post. Thx for sharing!!

Petchary's Blog

OK, I don’t feel ready for Christmas, this year. But then, I never do.

I always buy charity Christmas cards (by the way, Youth Opportunities Unlimited has a great range of bright and beautiful cards this year) and send them out to dozens of friends and family (mostly overseas, so it costs a fortune in postage). I always feel “virtual” Christmas cards are a bit of a cop-out, since I only communicate with many of these people once or twice a year. They deserve something in their hand – something they can display on their mantelpiece or hang from the beams in the ceiling, as my sister does in her old English farmhouse. It’s a touch of Jamaica, bright and cheerful on a cold winter’s morning in New York or London.

It’s a ritual I enjoy. I write my cards in strict alphabetical order, so people whose…

View original post 1,052 more words

At the end of the day ……


Credit: Sue Krebs

You do matter …. one drop … major ripples!! 


~~We are One ….One Love …..One Heart ~~

Thanks for sharing space!!!

We ALL are ONE!!

Bob Marley – One Love


One love, One heart
Let’s get together and feel all right
Hear the children crying (One Love)
Hear the children crying (One Heart)
Sayin’ give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
Sayin’ let’s get together and feel all right

Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love)
There is one question I’d really love to ask (One Heart)
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?
Believe me

One Love, One Heart
Let’s get together and feel all right
As it was in the beginning (One Love)
So shall it be in the end (One Heart)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
One more thing

Let’s get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One Love)
So when the Man comes there will be no no doom (One Song)
Have pity on those whose chances grove thinner
There ain’t no hiding place from the Father of Creation

Sayin’ One Love, One Heart
Let’s get together and feel all right
I’m pleading to mankind (One Love)
Oh Lord (One Heart)

Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
Let’s get together and feel all right


We ALL are connected by one HEART!!