A new version of the “Twelve Days of Christmas” …..


♫ On The First Day of Christmas, Biotech Gave To Me ♫

We need a receipt because want to return all the toxic junk that biotech gave to us.

#biotech #gmo #pesticides #Christmas #labelgmos #boycottgmos #bangmos #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa


http://gmofreeusa.org/ GMO Free USA’s mission is to harness education, advocacy, and bold action to foster consumer rejection of genetically modified organisms, until they are proven safe.

GMO Free USA’s mission is to harness education, advocacy, and bold action to foster consumer rejection of genetically modified organisms, until they are proven safe. We support the labeling of GMO foods with the ultimate goal of getting GMOs out of our food system and environment.


Part of GMO Free USA’s mission is to foster consumer rejection of GMOs. We aim to speak collectively to force food manufacturers to come clean with the ingredients they use in their products, and to remove untested and potentially harmful genetically modified organisms (GMO). If they won’t remove GMOs, we will boycott them until they do. We will begin with one industry leader until our numbers gro…w large enough to expand our boycotts.”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead



(The following is information obtained from sources that agree with the process of industrial biotechnology and promote its use and propagation.) 

Industrial biotechnology (known mainly in Europe as white biotechnology) is the application of biotechnology for industrial purposes, including manufacturing, alternative energy (or “bioenergy”), and biomaterials. It includes the practice of using cells or components of cells like enzymes to generate industrially useful products. The Economist speculated (as cited in the Economist article listed in the “References” section) industrial biotechnology might significantly impact the chemical industry. The Economist also suggested it can enable economies to become less dependent on fossil fuels.

The industrial biotechnology community generally accepts an informal divide between industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology. An example would be that of companies growing fungus to produce antibiotics, e.g. penicillin from the penicillium fungi. One view holds that this is industrial production; the other viewpoint is that it would not strictly lie within the domain of pure industrial production, given its inclusion within medical biotechnology.


This may be better understood by calling to mind the classification by the U.S. biotechnology lobby group, Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) of three “waves” of biotechnology.

The first wave, Green Biotechnology, refers to agricultural biotechnology. The second wave, Red Biotechnology, refers to pharmaceutical and medical biotechnology. The third wave, White Biotechnology, refers to industrial biotechnology.

In actuality, each of the waves may overlap each of the others. Industrial biotechnology, particularly the development of large-scale bioenergy refineries, will likely involve dedicated genetically modified crops as well as the large-scale bioprocessing and fermentation as is used in some pharmaceutical production.



The relationship between industrial biotechnology and climate change cuts across three major spheres of climate change science and policy: impacts, mitigation, and adaptation. The impacts of a changing climate on agriculture and land use will affect the availability of biomass and food production.

Biomass and industrial biotechnology can address greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time providing a more sustainable foundation for the developing world’s transition from an agrarian to an industrial economy.


Novel implementation platforms and identification of existing technologies that are under-utilized or inefficiently utilised will generally be preferred to developing new technologies, particularly in smaller and/or poorer developing countries.

The following options could be considered:

  • Improving the efficiency of biomass to energy conversion (e.g. advanced cogeneration, biomass gasification)
  • Creating biomass resource options from agricultural or process wastes
  • Use of agricultural or process wastes as inputs to industrial processes
  • Substitution for products made from fossil sources (e.g. fertilisers, bio-plastics)

Industrial or white biotechnology uses enzymes and micro-organisms to make bio-based products in sectors such as chemicals, food and feed, detergents, paper and pulp, textiles and bioenergy (such as biofuels or biogas). In doing so, biotechnology uses renewable raw materials and is one of the most promising, innovative approaches towards lowering greenhouse gas emissions.



The application of industrial biotechnology has been proven to make quite significant contributions towards mitigating the impacts of climate change in these and other sectors. In addition to environmental benefits, biotechnology can improve industry performance and product value and, as the technology develops and matures, white biotechnology will yield more viable solutions for our environment. These innovative solutions bring added benefits for both our climate and our economy.

Industrial biotechnology is based on renewable resources, can save energy in production processes, and can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The impact that biotechnology has on industry is confirmed by scientific studies and reports, such as the OECD’s report on the application of biotechnology to industrial sustainability and, most recently, by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report on the potential of industrial biotechnology to cut CO2 emissions and help build a greener economy.

However, in order to fully realize the potential of biotechnology it will be critical that international policy makers create a fully supportive biotechnology legislative framework.

Source/for full article/Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_biotechnology


GMO Ticking Time Bomb excerpt





Biotechnology: An Introduction

Uploaded on Mar 11, 2009

Video description: Beautiful 3D medical animation provides a snapshot of how biotechnology starts with a cell — the basis for life — to heal the world, feed the world, heal the world, use nature to change the world, improve the human condition, develop cutting edge drugs, promote healthful food and nutrition, develop renewable products and energy, and spur a new economy.


We ALL are ONE!!


Here we have information from two different standpoints. It seems that there is a clash between “progress and technology” and the “way of nature”. This process promotes the alteration of living organisms by intervention in the natural order of events by insertion of genetic material in places where they we never meant to be.

Organizations, concerned groups and individuals are becoming more educated about this topic and are making sure that their opposition voices are heard. In the meantime, the processes continue because these companies have all the financial backing that they need to roll over any interference. 

It is very important that we research, educate ourselves and become aware of all the information that is out there and that isn’t shared with the common folks.

My point: get involved.

It’s our future, our children’s future, our grand children’s future!! 

We ALL fight the fight!! 


Human Cost – #10kCuts #Atos


Very concerned about this … it’s worldwide!!

Social Action 2014

Human Cost - #10kCuts #Atos

Carl Green‘s photo.

Human Cost – #10kCuts #Atos

ATOS Healthcare carries out disability assessments on behalf of the Cameron government’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Currently, ATOS is being investigated by the National Audit Office (NAO) in a in a a major “value for money study”. Meanwhile, since the inception of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), 10,600 people have died within six weeks of being deemed ‘fit for work’ by ATOS healthcare professionals.

Human Cost documents ‘10,000 Cuts & Counting’, held on the 28th of September, 2013 at Parliament Square, a ceremony of remembrance and solidarity for those who have had their lives devastated by Cameron’s austerity programmes

Stay in touch with the campaign at 10kcuts.org
Wow Petition wowpetition.com


Follow our work on Twitter @youandifilms

 WOW Petition (Resist the War On Welfare). Sick & Disabled People & Carers fighting the Government, Atos, DWP. Click below…

View original post 6 more words

“Massive shower of awards” ….. as seen before, to close 2013!!


As 2013 is getting close to its end, I must tend to unfinished business. In view of the rush, hustle and bustle associated with the holiday season, I’m a bit behind.

For this reason, I’m writing this post to thank my fellow bloggers who have nominatedIt Is What It Is” for several awards. 


As I see it, each and every one of the awards that “It Is What It Is” has been nominated for, carries a huge meaning and a lot of responsibility. To me, this means that what I write and post about is taking a message to the readers. I find this to be a major honor as well as a humbling acknowledgement.

I thank each and every one of you who have come to my “home“, read my posts, made comments and even reblogged some. I really appreciate your visit and take the comments and suggestions to heart. 


~~These are the awards that “It Is What It Is” has received recently~~


It Is What It Is” was nominated for this award by:

Patty … from http://petitemagique.wordpress.com/

Kitty …. from http://dearkitty1.wordpress.com/

These words – Semper Fidelis — mean a lot to me because of my long career with the federal government as a physician with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Even though I was never in the military myself, 28 years of service to these men and women gave me quite a perspective and huge respect for their chosen service to the nation.


~~In the words of the Award Creator~~

The Semper Fidelis Award

“I created this award because I wanted to do something special for my friends on WordPress. Semper Fidelis is Latin and means Always Loyal. Loyalty means the world to me. I am very loyal myself, but I’ve got major trust issues as well. And I think trust is very important if you are sharing so much of yourself with people you meet through the internet.”



It Is What It Is” was nominated for this award by:

Glorialana …. from http://glorialana.wordpress.com/

The IDEALISTIC REBEL at http://idealisticrebel.wordpress.com/2013/12/07/humanitarian-award/ created this award to honor

Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013).

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) from 1991 to 1997. Internationally, Mandela was Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999.


It Is What It Is” was nominated for this award by:

Barbara …. from http://idealisticrebel.wordpress.com/

This award was created by Xena from Blackbutterfly 7 …

~~In her own words~~

“The appreciation of being honored by peers cannot be expressed in words. I am humbled, and decided that rather than spend time today complying with rules to accept additional award nominations, I’d spend time thanking and awarding others.

The Award design isn’t perfect, (I’m no artist), but it’s from my heart.

Truly, I wish that I had more time to post comments and contribute to discussions on other blogs.  When I visit and read other blogs, I do leave behind that I was present by clicking “like.”  Standing in those shoes, I have appreciation for other blog administrators who take out time to do the same.

There are no rules other than to place the award on your blog and present it to others at your convenience.”


It Is What It Is” was nominated for this award by:

Tazein …. from http://transcendingbordersblog.wordpress.com/

This award has many meanings.

In Bishop Eddie Tatro’s own words:

Everyone knows that I love owls and wolves.  We know that a group of wolves is called a pack, but did you know that a group of owls is called a Parliament?  Owls have for centuries been symbols of wisdom and love, and wolves are a symbol of strength, loyalty and family.

I’ve created this award for those people who are in my Parliament & Pack. You mean so very much to me, and you all show what I stand for: Love. 

Hate is not part of your vocabulary.”


Today I’m writing this post to offer these awards to any fellow blogger who doesn’t have them. I’m not creating any conditions or rules for these awards. Please, feel free to accept them and proudly display on your blog.

This is the holiday season, this is the end of 2013. There’s giving in the air …. that’s what the holidays are all about.


In Puerto Rico, where I come from, the tradition is to celebrate the holidays on January 6, the day of the Epiphany, when the Three Magi came to visit the newborn Baby Jesus.




We ALL are ONE!!

As an honor, while delivering these awards, here we have this musical piece:


Mr. Bean/Rowan Atkinson London 2012 Performance


Published on Jul 27, 2012

Rowan Atkinson performs under the guise of his famous character Mr. Bean at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.


We ALL are connected through this wonderful WEB!!


India Criminalizes Gay Sex

Another step backwards!! SMH …..

Social Action 2014

“In a shocking decision, the Indian Supreme Court has reversed the July 2009 ruling of the Delhi High Court decriminalizing gay sex between consenting adults. In doing so, the Indian Supreme Court has re-criminalized gay sex in India, rendering almost 20 percent of the global LGBT population illegal.

Overturning a High Court decision, the Indian Supreme Court upheld Indian Penal Code 377, an archaic and barbaric law that criminalizes “homosexual” acts:

377. Unnatural offenses — Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from Prerna Lal / The Huffington Post:

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Most Beautiful Marriage Moments GAY in the U.S.A. 2013

What is wrong with wanting equality?? This is the way it should be. This doesn’t define me …. it’s only a small part of me!!!!


By Melanie Nathan, December 26, 2013.

View the Video and feel the love:

Love & Equality- First Day of Marriages from www.gayusathemovie.com on Vimeo.


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“Frozen” ….. a Disney movie!!


DECEMBER 26, 2013

I had a wonderful, bonding experience this morning with Angelika, my grand-daughter/godchild. We had some “Mina” time today and went together to watch this movie. This is the third time that she has seen it but was still willing to go with me.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a very well done animated movie and the message it brings couldn’t be missed. This was an opportunity to spend quality time with Angelika and to discuss the deep, thought-provoking message that I received from this tale.


Frozen is a 2013 American computer animated musical fantasy film, written and directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, and produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 53rd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series.

Loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen‘s fairy tale The Snow Queen, and featuring the voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Santino Fontana


The film tells the story of a fearless princess who sets off on an epic journey alongside a rugged, thrill-seeking mountain man, his loyal pet reindeer, and a hapless snowman to find her estranged sister, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.

Frozen underwent several story treatments for several years, before being commissioned in 2011, with a screenplay written by Jennifer Lee, and both Buck and Lee serving as directors. Christophe Beck, who had worked on Disney‘s award-winning short Paperman, was hired to compose the film’s orchestral score, while husband-and-wife songwriting team Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez penned the songs.


The film premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on November 19, 2013, and went into general theatrical release on November 27.

Upon its release, Frozen was a box office success and received widespread critical acclaim, with several film critics considering it to be the best Disney animated musical since the studio’s renaissance era

Frozen (2013 film) poster.jpg

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Chris Buck
Jennifer Lee
Produced by Peter Del Vecho
Screenplay by Jennifer Lee
Story by Chris Buck
Jennifer Lee
Shane Morris
Based on The Snow Queen
by Hans Christian Andersen
Starring Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Jonathan Groff
Josh Gad
Santino Fontana
Music by Christophe Beck
Editing by Jeff Draheim
Studio Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures
Release dates
  • November 19, 2013 (2013-11-19) (El Capitan Theatre)
  • November 27, 2013 (2013-11-27) (United States)
Running time 108 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $150 million
Box office $362,999,000


Elsa, princess of Arendelle, possesses cryokinetic powers.

One night while playing, she accidentally injures and knocks out her sister, Anna. The king and queen seek help from the troll people who heal Anna and remove her memories of her sister’s powers. In order to protect Elsa and keep her powers top secret, the royal family lock themselves away in their castle.

Elsa, who was being hidden from people for their safety, spends most of her time hiding in her room, creating a rift between the two sisters as they grow up, one that is strained again after their parents die at sea during a storm.



Three years later, the people of Arendelle prepare for Elsa’s coronation ceremony. Among the dignitaries is the Duke of Weselton, a tradesman who wants to exploit Arendelle for profit. Excited that the castle’s gates will finally open to the public, Anna explores the town and meets Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, with the pair quickly developing a mutual attraction for each other.

Elsa’s coronation goes off without incident, and the two sisters begin to bond again at the reception. During the reception, Hans proposes to Anna, who hastily accepts. Elsa, however, refuses to grant her blessing on the marriage, setting off an argument between the sisters, which culminates in Elsa’s abilities being exposed to the guests.


Panicked, Elsa flees, inadvertently unleashing an eternal winter on the kingdom in the process. Free of her secret and far from Arendelle, she builds herself an ice palace and unknowingly brings to life her and Anna’s childhood snowman, Olaf.

Anna sets out on horseback on her Fjord horse in search of Elsa, determined to return her to Arendelle, end the winter, and mend their relationship. While getting supplies, she meets mountain man Kristoff and his reindeer Sven. Anna convinces Kristoff to guide her to the North Mountain in search of her sister.

The group encounters Olaf who leads them to Elsa’s palace.


Anna and Elsa are reunited, but while Anna tries to persuade her older sister to return, Elsa still harbors the fear of hurting Anna. Elsa becomes agitated and accidentally strikes Anna in the heart with her powers. Desperate to get her to leave, Elsa creates a giant snow creature that throws them out.

As they flee, Kristoff notices that Anna’s hair is turning white, and decides to take her back to his adoptive family of trolls. Grand Pappie reveals that only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart, otherwise Anna will freeze forever. Kristoff races back to Arendelle, believing a kiss from Hans will save her.


Meanwhile, Hans, who had gone on a search for Anna, encounters Elsa and brings her back to Arendelle after she is knocked unconscious during a fight with Weselton’s men, shackling her in the dungeon for her own protection. Hans pleads with Elsa to undo the winter, but Elsa admits she is unable to control her powers. When Anna is reunited with Hans and begs him to kiss her to break the curse, Hans refuses, revealing his true plan of marrying Anna to seize control of Arendelle’s throne.

Leaving Anna to die, Hans charges Elsa with treason for her sister’s apparent but false death.

Elsa escapes and heads out into the blizzard on the fjord. Olaf finds Anna and reveals Kristoff is in love with her. The two then travel together onto the fjord to find him. Hans confronts Elsa and tells her Anna is dead because of her actions. In Elsa’s despair, the storm immediately stops, giving Kristoff and Anna the chance to reach each other. However Anna, seeing that Hans is about to kill Elsa, throws herself between the two and subsequently freezes solid, blocking the blow.


As Elsa grieves for her sister, Anna begins to thaw, her decision to sacrifice herself to save her sister constituting an “act of true love.” Realizing love is the key to controlling her powers, Elsa is able to thaw the kingdom and even provide Olaf with the means to survive outside of winter.

Hans is sent back to the Southern Isles to face trial for his attempt of assassination, and Elsa cuts off trade with Weselton. Elsa reconciles with Anna and promises to never close the palace again, and while Anna and Kristoff share a kiss, Elsa uses her powers to entertain the residents of Arendelle.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_(2013_film)



Let It Go – Idina Menzel (Official Full Song from Frozen!)











Frozen Official Elsa Trailer (2013) – Disney Animated Movie


Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.



As Elsa grieves for her sister, Anna begins to thaw, her decision to sacrifice herself to save her sister constituting an “act of true love.”



We ALL are ONE!! 


To start the day …..


DECEMBER 26, 2013

Today I want to thank all the friends that I have found in cyberspace through this wonderful WordPress platform. 

This has opened the door to wonderful worlds in distant lands. My path has crossed with the path of many of you that I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t started this wonderful new “mission”.

I strongly believe that we had met for a reason. It’s not by chance.

It’s synchronicity!! 

And I keep meeting more and more and more ….. every day.


With a Little Help from My Friends” (originally titled “A Little Help from My Friends”) is a song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, released on the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967.

The song was written for and sung by the Beatles’ drummer Ringo Starr as the character “Billy Shears“. It was ranked No. 311 on Rolling Stone‘s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.


Lennon and McCartney finished writing this song in mid-March 1967, written specifically as Starr’s track for the album. It was briefly called “Bad Finger Boogie” (later the inspiration for the band name Badfinger), supposedly because Lennon composed the melody on a piano using his middle finger after having hurt his forefinger; but in his 1980 Playboy interview Lennon said: “This is Paul, with a little help from me. ‘What do you see when you turn out the light/ I can’t tell you, but I know it’s mine…’ is mine.”

However in a 1970 interview Lennon stated: “Paul had the line about ‘a little help from my friends.’ He had some kind of structure for it, and we wrote it pretty well fifty-fifty from his original idea.” McCartney said: “It was pretty much co-written, John and I doing a work song for Ringo, a little craft job.”


Lennon and McCartney deliberately wrote a tune with a limited range – except for the last note, which McCartney worked closely with Starr to achieve. Speaking in the Anthology, Starr insisted on changing the first line which originally was “What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you throw ripe tomatoes at me?”

He changed the lyric so that fans would not throw tomatoes at him should he perform it live. (In the early days, after George Harrison made a passing comment that he liked jelly babies, the group was showered with them at all of their live performances.)


What would you think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me.
Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song,
And I’ll try not to sing out of key.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm,I get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends.


What do I do when my love is away.

(Does it worry you to be alone)

How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you’re on your own)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, gonna to try with a little help from my friends


Do you need anybody?
I need somebody to love.
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love.


Would you believe in a love at first sight?
Yes I’m certain that it happens all the time.
What do you see when you turn out the light?
I can’t tell you, but I know it’s mine.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends


Do you need anybody?
I just need someone to love.
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love


Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Ooh, I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends,
with a little help from my friends



The Beatles – With a Little Help From My Friends


We ALL are ONE!! We


ALL are connected through this wonderful WEB!! 

Are the Police Doing Enough as Community Searches for Missing LGBT Activist

SMH ….. are they even looking for him???


Come out for Tomorrow Night’s Gathering for Frank Goldberg

By Melanie Nathan, December 26, 2013.

Screen Shot 2013-12-26 at 6.06.18 AMFrank Goldberg, a 36-year-old activist for LGBT groups in Buffalo, New York, has been missing since Monday 16th December. A video put out by friends notes that up to Dec 21, the police had yet to open a file, despite the fact that the missing persons report was filed on December 17th. We are trying to determine what effort has been put into the case to date. A detective was assigned to the case on December 23rd. Family and friends were questioned.  There is no information as to whether any official police search has been conducted.

In the meantime it is imperative that the community put out this alert, as friends and family believe Frank may still be alive.

Frank Goldberg identifies as genderqueer, prefers the use of feminine pronouns, and is described as being…

View original post 1,069 more words

Corporations Are People Too! – The ‘Do What I Say Not What I Do’ Edition – ‘McDonald’s Warns Employees To Stay Off Fast Food’

This is so wrong!! And hypocritical!!

The Last Of The Millenniums


‘People’ that want to make a profit off of selling products that aren’t good for you.

‘McDonald’s McResource Line, the website where their employees can get ‘help’, actually gave seemingly good advice. They suggested that employees should stay away from the kinds of foods McDonald’s sell. In fact even the picture above seems to suggest their employees get a sandwich from Subway and salad over a Mac and Cheese, fries, and a drink’.
From : http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/12/24/mcdonalds-says-fast-food-is-bad/

And of course McD’s McResource Line’s great advice on McEmployee’s budgeting :

Get a SECOND Job!!

$20.00 a Month for Health Insurance!! (Because you’re so frickin poor.)

$0.00 for Heat!! What!!??!!



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