To start the day ….. RUMI soothes my soul!!


~~July 15, 2014~~ 

You are the brightness of the day,
The joy that burns away sadness,

And we know of nothing to sing
Except the song of unknowing

Oh you, unceasing sun, to me
Your particles communicate
The luminous essence of God

I cannot differentiate
Between my drunk and sober state

Oh master come, oh master come!
Oh master, come again, again!

You are the brightness of the day,
The joy that burns away sadness ….




~~Uploaded on Apr 8, 2011~~

Rumi, didn’t I tell by:

Sina Yasavolian

We ALL are ONE!! 

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  1. Pingback: “Smile like a flower” ….. RUMI!! | It Is What It Is

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