The Last Time Conservatives Dismissed a Major Encyclical, It Ended Terribly for Them

Ah!!! As always, taking what is individually convenient over the words of the “expert” … Leave theology & morality to him, we’ll take care of the rest! Ha! Doesn’t surprise me …. “the level of hypocrisy is too damn high”!

The Fifth Column

William F. Buckley, Jr. | attribution: None


Despair is ranked as one of the unforgivable sins, yet right-wing Catholics deserve some mercy in their despondency. The bulwark of their political creed is being subverted by both the new direction Pope Francis is taking the church and also by changes in the broader cultural landscape.

For more than three decades neo-conservative Catholics like Michael Novak, George Weigel, and the late Richard John Neuhaus struggled mightily to demonstrate that there is a near perfect congruence between church teachings and the policies of the Republican Party. Even though these GOP apologists managed to win ears in the court of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, their project always seemed inherently implausible, given longstanding traditions in Catholic social thought criticizing unfettered capitalism. But now the goals of Catholic neo-conservatives are more than just unlikely: The entire Catholic neo-con agenda lies in ruins…

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About Dr. Rex

I'm originally from Puerto Rico. I was born in Santurce and raised in Rio Piedras. Have lived in Florida since 1999. I have a doctorate degree in Medicine; completed in 1976. My Internal Medicine specialty was completed in 1979. Worked for Puerto Rico's health system until 1985. At this time, I'm happily retired after working for the federal government for almost 28yrs. I want to offer any knowledge that I have to anyone "out there" who is interested. My views are liberal in almost every sense. My knowledge is "eclectic" - a bit of everything. Music and reading are my passion. Blogging has also become a very interesting endeavor. Metaphysical topics attract me. I'm interested in news reporting human issues like injustice, discrimination and abuse - the "wrongly" affected. My intention is to bring this knowledge to an understandable level and to help anyone in need. I'm open to questions and will answer them to the best of my ability. Currently working on an enterprise whose main mission will be to bring peoples of all walks of life together. To be one .... since we ALL are ONE!! The future looks bright and promising!!!

2 thoughts on “The Last Time Conservatives Dismissed a Major Encyclical, It Ended Terribly for Them

  1. I think one of the main problems with our thinking these days is the groupings we make – ALL Catholics think this – ALL Republicans feel that – ALL Blacks are whatever – it goes on and on. Just When did we ALL lose our individuality?

    Liked by 1 person

    • We lost our individuality when we started losing our values, when the families where to busy for the kids, when education turned unimportant … when progress was so valued, when simple things weren’t enough …. when riches separated us! We all are one yet we seem to have forgotten! Sad …


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