The United States public debt is THREE HUNDRED times higher than that of Puerto Rico

Wasn’t this ‘person’ elected to decrease the American national debt? Re: Puerto Rico … ‘If we don’t send this Financial Control Board immediately, the debt-addicted US will devalue Puerto Rico’s currency by 40%, take 80% of our land, cut wages by 50%, close 200 schools and 9 hospitals, raise electricity rates by 300%, hike water rates by 60%, raise gasoline taxes twice in one year, impose an 11.5% sales tax, raise the tolls on PR-5, PR-22 and the Teodoro Moscoso Bridge, privatize our electrical system, steal our pensions, buy our beaches, imprison our leaders, accuse us of “owing” them $73 billion, send us a Financial Control Board, and pass a Jones Act.
Oh wait a minute … I’m sorry, I forgot…the US already did that.’


Book - 12-10

According to the Treasury Department, the US public debt is now $22 trillion. This is the highest level of debt, by any government, in all of human history.

It also places the alleged “debt” of Puerto Rico in a clearer perspective. Consider these figures:

When you compare $22 trillion to $73 billion (the alleged “debt” of Puerto Rico), the US owes three hundred times (30,000%) more money than Puerto Rico.

With a population of 326 million, the US government now owes $67,484 for every man, woman and child in the US. But with a population of 3.4 million, Puerto Rico owes only $21,470 for every person on the island.

And so, on a per capita basis, the US is more than three times (300%) in debt than Puerto Rico. Every man, woman and child in the US has over three times more debt service and interest payments on…

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About Dr. Rex

I'm originally from Puerto Rico. I was born in Santurce and raised in Rio Piedras. Have lived in Florida since 1999. I have a doctorate degree in Medicine; completed in 1976. My Internal Medicine specialty was completed in 1979. Worked for Puerto Rico's health system until 1985. At this time, I'm happily retired after working for the federal government for almost 28yrs. I want to offer any knowledge that I have to anyone "out there" who is interested. My views are liberal in almost every sense. My knowledge is "eclectic" - a bit of everything. Music and reading are my passion. Blogging has also become a very interesting endeavor. Metaphysical topics attract me. I'm interested in news reporting human issues like injustice, discrimination and abuse - the "wrongly" affected. My intention is to bring this knowledge to an understandable level and to help anyone in need. I'm open to questions and will answer them to the best of my ability. Currently working on an enterprise whose main mission will be to bring peoples of all walks of life together. To be one .... since we ALL are ONE!! The future looks bright and promising!!!

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