COLORBLIND …. a benefit for whites only!

~~December 6, 2014~~ 

This information/statement has been in its entirety posted here from Lady Grey‘s source. No credit is taken by “It Is What It Is“.

“As it appears in … “


Like a good white, middle-class American woman, I used to pride myself on trying to be “colorblind,” on saying to my friends of different ethnicities, “I don’t think of you as Black or White, as Hispanic or Asian. Heck, I don’t even *see* the color of your skin.”

Until the day my friend Isobel brought me up short. “What you are saying when you say that,” she said, “is that you don’t even see who I am. You are saying that you are choosing not to see a huge part of my identity, because who I am — the experiences I have had, the prevailing culture I grew up in — has been profoundly shaped by the color of my skin.” (Or words to that effect; I am taking some editorial license here.)

It was a slap across the face that opened my eyes and changed me. Because the harsh truth, once I admitted it, is that when I was saying, “I don’t see you as Black or Asian,” I was really saying, “I am pretending that you are just like me white.” The harsh truth is that I was projecting my own life experiences and expectations onto them. The harsh truth is that my nonwhite friends have been subjected to prejudices and humiliations and fears that I will never, ever experience. And those experiences are part of who they are as human beings.

Yes, we must treat all people the same, regardless of the color of their skin, but we — especially we white Americans — have to stop pretending that we don’t see the differences, have to stop pretending that we all have the same “American experience.” We must be willing to say that our society is NOT colorblind, that our society does not treat all people the same.

We must stand up and say, “This is wrong.”

~~Lady Grey~~

The quote in this meme is from Isobel’s blog. Read more here:

You can follow Isobel here on Facebook: What a Witch.

It’s worth noting that she wrote this in 2012, two years before the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, two years before he was blamed for his own death because his toy gun didn’t have a bright orange plastic piece at the end.


Officer Who Shot Tamir Rice Had ‘Dismal’ Handgun Performance

The Cleveland police officer who shot a 12-year-old boy carrying a pellet gun last month had been judged not up to the job of police work two years earlier when he worked for a different force, according to internal memos published by on Thursday.

On November 22, Officer Timothy Loehmann of the Cleveland Division of Police shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice within seconds after arriving at a Cleveland park where Rice was playing with the gun.

“As it appears in …. full read”



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#Colorblind #BenefitWhitesOnly #LadyGrey #IsobelDeBrujah #ProfoundlyShaped #SkinColor #AmericanExperience #MiddleClassAmericanWoman #StandUp #ThisIsWrong #BlackLivesMatter #WalkingWhileBlack #CrimingWhileWhite #TamirRice #ToyGun #OfficerTimothyLoehmann #ClevelandDivisionOfPolice #Unfit #DismalHandgunPerformance #HorriblyInsensitiveFacebookPost

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #hrexachwordpress


St Louis PD Posts Horribly Insensitive Tamir Rice Facebook Post

Published on Dec 4, 2014

“The St. Louis County Police department in Fenton decided to weigh in on the fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland.

The status message, entitled “Kids will be Kids?” was posted to the Fenton police department’s Facebook page.


We ALL are ONE!!