MEDICAL CORNER …. Eating healthier and cheaper!!


~~February 12, 2015~~ 

Why Grow Food?

Growing your own food at home makes sense.

The benefits include the following

Your organic, home-grown fruit, vegetables and herbs are fresher, more nutritious and more delicious than conventionally farmed fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Most fruit and vegetables lose nutritional value when they are stored for lengthy periods, or when they are being transported from interstate or overseas. Chemical preservatives are also applied, which do nothing for your health.

The fruit and vegetables in supermarkets have been bred for appearance, a long shelf life and resistance to bruising during transport. The fruit and vegetables best to grow in your own back yard, on the other hand, have been bred for being nutritious and delicious.


You don’t have to worry about the prices of vegetables, herbs and fruits continuing to rise.  The best way to ensure food security for you, your family and your neighbors is to source, and even better to grow, your own food locally.

Pride of produce – showing off doesn’t get better than this. Experience the warm glow of knowing you grew that whole salad or vegetable stew yourself!

Food gardening is a gentle, relaxing and stress-lowering form of exercise.


Home food production connects you with the seasons and the cycles of nature. Tomatoes taste better not only fresh of the plant, but when you have to wait for them!

You have reduced your carbon footprint by reducing the food miles of what you eat.

Did you know that the growing, processing, packaging, storing and transporting of what we eat make up 37% of the average eco-footprint?  Freshly eaten home-grown food produces no green house emissions. Your home-grown food travels meters instead of hundreds or thousands of kilometers.


Your organically home-grown food is clean – free from genetic modification, chemical pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

You are improving the health of America’s soils and waterways by not creating demand for agricultural chemicals and practices that negatively effect soils, waterways and our fragile environment.

You are saving water. Common agricultural practices have been shown to use water extremely inefficiently. Home grown food uses significantly less water relative to the amount of food harvested.


“As it appear in …. full read/credit”


#MedicalCorner #EatingHealthier #EatingCheaper #Pictures #HoldingFreshVegetables #OrganicHomeGrown #FruitVegetablesHerbs #FresherNutritiousDelicious #NoChemicalPreservatives #NoGreenHouseEmissions #SavingWater #PlantVegetableGarden #EatBetter #SaveMoney

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #hrexachwordpress


~~How to Plant a Vegetable Garden~~

~~Uploaded on May 22, 2009~~

Grow some of your own food by starting a vegetable garden. You’ll eat better and save money.


We ALL are ONE!! 


2 thoughts on “MEDICAL CORNER …. Eating healthier and cheaper!!

  1. Thanks for spreading this information to more people. If I ever won the lottery, I would create a foundation to assist those in impoverished areas to have a community organic garden and to entice the children to participate. I would encourage folks on a tight budget not to purchase from fast food joints because of their lower costs.

    I like the Marra Farms model in Seattle.

    Lettuce Link (an innovative food and gardening program growing and giving since 1988) creates access to fresh, nutritious and organic produce, seeds, and gardening information for families with lower incomes in Seattle. We work to educate the community about food security and sustainable food production.

    On average each year, Lettuce Link programs get more than 20,000 pounds of fresh vegetables onto the tables of people who need them in the Seattle area!
    This what they do:
    We educate children about nutrition and sustainable food production. At both Marra Farm and Seattle Community Farm, we facilitate experiential learning programs so elementary students learn about healthy food and how to grow it.
    We encourage people to grow food for their families. To promote self-sufficiency, we distribute seeds, plant starts and gardening information to low-income gardeners all over the city.
    We grow organic produce for food banks and community-based programs. At Marra Farm in the South Park neighborhood, we cultivate a 3/4-acre Giving Garden on this historic urban farmland and donate harvests to a nearby food bank.
    Seattle Community Farm: In 2010, Solid Ground, Seattle Housing Authority and Seattle’s P-Patch Program turned unused urban land in the Rainier Valley into a farm for local residents and volunteers. Produce grown at the Farm goes to neighborhood residents with lower incomes and the Rainier Valley food bank.
    We coordinate with the Seattle Giving Garden Network, GROW, and the Department of Neighborhoods to support community gardeners to plant an EXTRA row of produce for food banks and meals programs. In 2014, P-Patch and other community gardens donated 55,198.3 pounds of fruits and vegetables to over two dozen providers, helping hundreds of people supplement their diets with fresh, organic and local produce. You can also download our garden signs to use in your P-Patch or community garden.

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