MEDICAL CORNER …. Sleep at the end of the day!


Why do we sleep?  The answer  is short, simple and obvious …

Sleep is a necessary process to sustain life and sleep disorders at any level, rob a person of this sustenance.  Hundreds of thousands of people are dying each year in part because of undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders.  For the estimated 40 million Americans who suffer from a chronic sleep disorder and the 20 to 30 million others who experience occasional sleep disturbances, going to bed doesn’t always mean going to sleep.

According to The National Sleep Foundation, on any giving night, 1 in 4 Americans rate the quality of their night’s sleep as either “fair” or “poor”.  We have tendency to overlook our need for sleep which puts us at higher risk for accidents (more than 100,000 auto accidents, many fatal, are directly attributed to sleepy drivers each year) and more vulnerable to a whole host of physical ailments, including heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, to name a few.


If you think nothing really happens when you sleep, think again.  Sleep is the time when the brain directs the body to heal and repair itself, rebuild damaged or worn-out tissues, and restore chemical balance.  Your immune system manufacturers more natural killer cells to fight infection and disease and your pituitary gland produces growth hormone (in children, growth hormone promotes growth; in adults it helps repair and renew tissue).

Even though your body may essentially be motionless while you sleep, your brain is active, cycling though the Five Stages of Sleep, and organizing and storing memories.  Even with all this activity, your brain still manages to recharge during a good night’s sleep so you feel energized and ready to go.



Sleep is divided into 5 stages and serve different purposes.

Stage 1-4 are non as non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and the 5th is rapid eye movement sleep (REM), the stage when most dreaming occurs.  The brain cycles through these stages about 5-6 times each night.  During the first sleep cycle, you spend a long time in deep sleep  or Stages 3 and 4, and relatively short time in the 5th stage REM sleep.  As the night progresses, your brain continues to cycle through the sleep stages with REM sleep periods getting longer and deep sleep periods shorter.  As morning approaches, deep sleep ceases almost completely and your brain cycles between Stages 1 and 2 and REM sleep.


STAGE 1 : The transition between wakefulness and sleep.  Your brain and body relax, your breathing becomes more regular and your muscle activity gradually decreases, although you may make some jerky movements as you pass from wakefulness to sleep.  You may experience dream-like flashes of images, hear loud noises or even distinct voices.  Most people who sleep normally stay in this stage for about 5 minutes.


STAGE 2 : Your heartbeat and respiration slow and become very regular, your body relaxes more deeply. Most spend about 30 minutes in Stage 1 and 2 before passing into a deep sleep Stage 3.


STAGE 3 & 4 : These are deep sleep states.  There is no visible eye or muscle movement especially as you progress into Stage 4, which is the deepest and most restorative sleep.  The body performs much of its necessary repair work during Stage 3 & 4.

The first deep sleep of the night usually lasts about 1 hour in the young adult before the sleep cycle begins its first REM sleep.  As people get older, their deep sleep shortens and they may feel less rested after sleeping.


STAGE 5 (REM) : This is when you dream. Your eyes move rapidly back and forth.  During REM sleep you are actually temporarily paralyzed, Mother Nature’s safeguard to prevent the physical acting out of dreams.  Brain blood increases, heartbeat speeds up and breathing rate increases.  Sleepers usually spend about 90 minutes in the first four stages of sleep before passing into the first REM of the night.  The first REM usually last about 10 minutes and become progressively longer in successive NREM-REM cycles with the final REM episode lasting as long as an hour.






David Lanz – Dreams Of The Forgotten Child





Why sleep is important?


We ALL are ONE!!


Be proactive for HEALTH!! 


Just for fun ….. a bit of humor!!




1. Pensacola Winterfest 
Pensacala, November 29-December 23
A little bit of snow, a lot of hot chocolate and an abundance of Christmas cheer make this the Panhandle’s Christmas stop for the month. Don’t miss the Polar Express, the laughable Elf Parade or the Snowball Derby.

2. ICE! At Gaylord Palms
Lake Buena Vista, November 23-January 5
With over 20,000 square feet of hand-carved ice sculptures and two-story tall ice slides, you won’t even notice the 9-degree temperature inside this winter wonderland. (Don’t worry — coats and gloves are provided). This year’s theme is a tribute to beloved holiday classic, Frosty the Snowman.


3. Annual Key West Holiday Fest
Key West, November 27 – December 14
Celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus himself at Key West’s Holiday Fest! Grab a glass of eggnog and tour historic inns, be a part of the two holiday parades (on and off the water), and and visit the harbor of lights

4. 59th Annual St. Augustine Christmas Parade
St. Augustine, December 7
To kick off the Nights of Lights celebration (pictured), the annual Christmas parade weaves up and down the streets of the historic city, starting at 10 a.m. Picture time with Santa himself follows in the Plaza de la Constitucion.


 5. Light Up UCF
Orlando, November 15-January 5
For 50 days, University of Florida’s UCF Arena gets into the Christmas spirit with free holiday light shows, film festivals and Orlando’s largest ice-skating rink.

6. 26th Annual Holiday Festival and St. Pete Illuminated Boat Parade
St. Petersburg, December 14
Live entertainment on Vinoy Pier and twinkling Christmas lights bedecking boats on the water make this a must-see event in the Tampa Bay area.


7. Holiday Happenings
Brevard Zoo, December 20-22
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! What does Santa do before heading off to the North Pole to gather his reindeer and deliver presents? He gives tours with Mrs. Claus at Brevard Zoo! Bring Christmas spirit to the jungle with night hikes and weekend camps for boys and girls.

8. Christmas Celebration of Lights at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park
Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, December 19-24
This synchronized light and sound show even has an after-party on December 26 so you can keep the holiday spirit alive after the presents have been unwrapped and the last of the eggnog has been polished off.


9. Santa’s Enchanted Forest
Miami, October 31-January 5
Head down to Tropical Park in South Florida for the biggest holiday event of the year. Win prizes at the carnival booths or give yourself a Christmas thrill on over a 100 rides!

10. 19th Annual Holiday Tour of Bed and Breakfast Inns
St. Augustine, December 8-9
Featuring a “12 Days of Christmas” theme, the self-guided tour of 24 historic inns decked out for the holidays is as delicious as it is pretty — culinary treats prepared by local restaurants await you at each stop. Historic and delicious? We’ll see you there.




Walking in a Winter Wonderland-With lyrics







We ALL are ONE!!


Just for FUN!! 

United States wars in South Sudan, elsewhere in Africa

So interesting!!

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Africom: The New American Empire in Africa.

By Peter Van Buren in the USA:

Any More U.S. “Stabilization” and Africa Will Collapse

Monday December 23, 2013 10:39 am

History is just one of those hard things to ignore, especially in South Sudan.

In 2011, the U.S. midwifed the creation of a new nation, South Sudan. Though at the time Obama invoked the words of Dr. Martin Luther King speaking about Ghana (“I knew about all of the struggles, and all of the pain, and all of the agony that these people had gone through for this moment”) in officially recognizing the country, many were more focused on the underlying U.S. motives, isolating the rest of Sudan as part of the war on terror, and securing the oil reserves in the south for the U.S. The State Department rushed to open an…

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Amazing Grace-Celtic Woman

Awesome!!! For today …. Christmas day!!

Coaching Horizons International Radio

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

T’was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come
T’was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home
And grace will lead us home

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

Was blind but now I, I see (2013).  Amazing Grace. Retrieved from

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A Holiday Invitation…

What to do now???

Social Justice For All

As this year draws to a close,  I suspect many of us are in an introspective mood.  Many of us are reflecting back on the losses of family and friends and social justice pioneers, such as Nelson Mandela and Lou Reed and to a certain extent Pope Francis and of course Wanda Coleman.  I know I am constantly looking at what my legacy for humanity will be. I extend an invitation for us all to challenge anyone who shows a lack of generosity and heart — to challenge these human flaws with kindness and with love.

I believe that if we are serious about eradicating racism, homophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, and poverty, we must all be engaged – we must all stand in solidarity with one another. When we commit any type of trespass against another human being, we must be willing to do some repair work.

How lovely that we don’t have…

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“My job is done …. heading to Florida!!”


Santa’s Workshop if Rock’ in on Christmas Eve

By: Lauren Shea

Santa is rock’in on Christmas Eve because you can hear music coming from the outside of Santa’s workshop. The elves hear the music coming from a house close to their workshop. Then Mrs. Claus and Santa go to the house with the music close by. They knocked on the door to tell them to turn off the music.

They needed to focus on their work instead of dancing around in the workshop. They were being distracted from the music. “Are you Mr. and Mrs. Claus?” asked the man. “Yes, we are.” Said Santa. The man said that he would turn off the music so the elves could work. Then Santa went back to his workshop and the elves got to work again. The elves weren’t dancing or singing.


Then Christmas was going to be late if they didn’t work. Suddenly, they here this loud sound again. It is music coming outside again. Santa came in again and told them to get busy. They ignored the music and got busy.

Santa goes outside again and sees the reindeer are sick. Santa said to himself, “What am I going to do ?” He calls the vet so they could get better before Christmas. The vet said, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” The vet comes and looks at the reindeer. The vet said the reindeer need Christmas music.

Santa goes to his neighbor and asks him to turn up the music again. Suddenly, the reindeer start to feel better and the elves start rock’ in. This time they continue to work and dance at the same time. Santa said thank you to the vet. “Santa, Santa, where did the music come from?” the elf asked. “It came from our neighbors,” said Santa. Santa said to go to work and dance away.


What Santa Does When It’s Not Christmas

By: James Joines

“We are going to be doing a report on what does Santa do after Christmas.” The kids were excited to find out what Santa did when he wasn’t delivering presents. After Christmas Eve Santa comes home and puts the reindeer in their stales. Then he goes into his house and eats warm soup. After he eats the soup he puts n his pajamas he goes to bed. The elves continue to make presents for the next year.

After Santa takes his nap he will work with the elves. He keeps an eye on them so the right toys. He also spends time with the reindeer. He has to feed them. He lets them fly around the North Pole. He puts the reindeer back into the stales.

He will continue to check his list all year to see who is bad and who is good. He will read the letters from the kids to see what they want.

What Santa Does When It’s Not Christmas


Wendell Steiner of St. Petersburg: “Things have really changed here at the North Pole … Al Gore was right!”

Donna Perino Scott: “Ahh, my last stop — Florida. I think I’ll retire here!”

Leslie Montes of Tampa: “After a busy day on his feet supervising the elves, Rudolf said ‘Come on, Santa. Let’s work on your coloring. You are looking a little pale.’ So on Dancer, on Prancer, Comet and Vixen, let’s take Santa to Florida for a break from Christmas’s fixins’.”


Joan Lambert: “Sorry, folks, this is as far as I go.”

Katherine Moser Kelly: “Rudolph better get here with the beer before the sun goes!”





Santa on vacation in Florida


We ALL are ONE!!!


Chillin’ …. 

Blogging Buddy Award

Thank you, Idealistic Rebel …. this is an honor. Thank you for this nomination!!!!



The lovely Xena at BlackButterfly7 created this wonderful award and nominated me for it. Here is what she had to say about the award’s creation:

The appreciation of being honored by peers cannot be expressed in words. I am humbled, and decided that rather than spend time today complying with rules to accept additional award nominations, I’d spend time thanking and awarding others.

The Award design isn’t perfect, (I’m no artist), but it’s from my heart.

Truly, I wish that I had more time to post comments and contribute to discussions on other blogs.  When I visit and read other blogs, I do leave behind that I was present by clicking “like.”  Standing in those shoes, I have appreciation for other blog administrators who take out time to do the same.

It’s a beautiful way to recognize those who visit our blogs and always comment and always provide encouragement, and…

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