Learning About The Shitholes

‘In my early years, I learned about cities, countries, continents, regions, oceans, mountain ranges, ecology, agriculture, economies, people, histories etc.’ … I did too!! In my country … Puerto Rico!
Drumpf didn’t include is in his most recent comments but I’m sure he thinks the same … remember his actions or lack thereof after Hurricane María! I will NEVER forget …


Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 2.09.46 PMNot only does Donald Trump’s insults to African countries reflect his racism, but also smacks of his own ignorance. I am sorry to note that many Americans display such ignorance. I was not educated in the American school system, and have witnessed the education my two daughters are receiving compared to my own school experience in South Africa, where we were taught Geography as a compulsory subject in our early elementary years, through high school. I have not seen it offered to my children here in the U.S.A., other than small bits and pieces looped into other subjects, and not even as an elective.   In my early years, I learned about cities, countries, continents, regions, oceans, mountain ranges, ecology, agriculture, economies, people, histories etc.

That said – I am contemplating writing a series on this BLOG entitled,  “Learning about the SHITHOLES.”

Nonetheless lets start with this bit of information…

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IOTD …. “🇵🇷 Images of the Day, Special Edition …. ‘Isla de Ratones’ 🇵🇷 …. Two Moments in Time …. “!!


Notice that the vegetation is coming back after Hurricane María almost flattened it to the ground.

Amazing Nature!



A dark moment with rain on the way!



My dear friend, Héctor. Thank you for sending them.



Puerto Rican astronaut reaches out to island’s schoolkids

Puerto Rican astronaut … ‘Selected by NASA in 2004, Acaba remains the space agency’s only astronaut of Puerto Rican heritage.’

Repeating Islands

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A report by Marcia Dunn for the Washington Post.

The first astronaut of Puerto Rican heritage reached out Friday to schoolchildren on the hurricane-bashed island.

Flying aboard the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Joe Acaba fielded questions from students at the Puerto Rico Institute of Robotics in Manati. One student asked how Puerto Rico looked from space after Hurricane Maria struck in September. Acaba said the first thing he noticed was the lack of lights, making the island almost impossible to see at night.

A boy noted that after the hurricane, it was difficult for some Puerto Ricans to eat given the limited variety of available food. Does Acaba find the limited space menu tough to swallow?

The menu, while pretty good, repeats every week or two and does get monotonous, Acaba said. Of course, he said it doesn’t compare to such Puerto Rican specialties as pasteles, stuffed meat…

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IOTD …. “🇵🇷 Images of the Day, Special Edition …. Stroll Through Boquerón, Cabo Rojo 🇵🇷 …. “!!

This is one of my very favorite places in my country: Boquerón, Cabo Rojo

This place brings so many memories to my mind. My heart is touched by these pictures.

Fun times during my college years; fond times as a growing adult fond memories.

There’s a very strong tug at my heart today.

I want so bad to be home. I want to go back and feel connected to the land, soil, sand of my country. My people, my nation calls me.

After Hurricane María, locals are trying to pick up, tidy up and bring back a sense of normalcy.

Today I completely agree: you don’t really know what you have until you lose it.

I can’t wait to go back!




My dear friend, Héctor. Thank you for sending them.



OOPS! Sorry About That

Just imagine … ‘Since there was no mushroom cloud and Hawaii is still there with its lovely beaches and overpriced drinks … there is nothing to worry about … but after all the war mongering rhetoric for the last couple of months I can understand the panic … ‘
Ya think??

In Saner Thought

The  weekend and just a little excitement…..it seems that war games was being played in Hawaii….missiles away!

A tourist in Waikiki tells Hawaii News Now it was “the biggest fright of my life.” On Saturday, residents and visitors in Hawaii got an emergency alert on their phones reading, in all caps, “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.” The AP reports the result was panic on the ground and on social media. Businesses opened their doors to people seeking shelter. A video posted online shows a person putting children into a storm drain to protect them. And KPRC anchor Sara Donchey tweets that her family texted her their love while they hid in their garage.

Officials confirmed the alert was a false alarm 15 minutes later, but CNN reports a second emergency alert letting people know no missile was on its way wasn’t…

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