Last night’s sunset

Simply amazing!! It’s almost sunset here … 🌞

Tell Me About It

I stopped and took a lot of photos on the way home. The sky was crazy with dark clouds
and the sun was shining behind them. I knew the sunset would be spectacular. Got out
my big camera when I got home and captured this just before it was over. The clouds
were electric pink! Too amazing not to share! Have a beautiful day!

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‘The Missing’ …. “😱 The Consequences of Drumpf’s Immigration Crackdown 😱 …. “!!


~~January 23, 2018~~ 



‘Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off.’


~Immigration and Customs Enforcement~

 I didn’t need a crystal ball to see into the future.

I knew from the start where this ‘man’ was headed. I really didn’t know that much about him, I didn’t care to.

Yet, I saw and I heard HIM.

I knew.

I felt it the moment he descended on that escalator.

A prophetic moment showing how America would descend into the abyss of hate, bigotry, racism, division, intolerance, white supremacy and utter chaos.

If this isn’t stopped, it will get worse.

My guess is that it will get worse before it gets better.




People are shocked to see friends, neighbors and schoolmates deported

In a rural county that voted for Drumpf, people are shocked to see friends deported and schoolmates disappear. Now a community is coming to terms with the economic and emotional consequences.

The Drumpf team insists the actions of the deportation force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is simply a matter of applying the law and delivering a key election pledge.

Video by the BBC’s Franz Strasser.

This story is part of the BBC’s coverage of Drumpf’s first year, with reporting from across the US and perspectives from all sides.




Ruth Bader Ginsburg shares her #MeToo moment, praises movement …. ‘⚖️ It’s about time’ ⚖️ …. “!!



~~January 23, 2018~~ 




Ruth Bader Ginsburg has never shied away from speaking out about gender inequality – even back when she was a college student and an instructor acted inappropriately with her, she revealed on Sunday, January 21.

The 84-year-old Supreme Court justice was at a panel in Park City, Utah, attending the Sundance Film Festival for the premiere of “RBG,” a documentary about her life, when she was asked about the #MeToo movement.

“It’s about time. For so long women were silent, thinking there was nothing you could do about it, but now the law is on the side of women, or men, who encounter harassment, and that’s a good thing,”

Ginsburg told NPR’s Nina Totenberg.

The justice also told stories of the blatant sexism she encountered as a young professional, including as a law professor at Rutgers Law School, when she was forced to take a salary cut. When she asked how much of a cut one of her male peers would be taking, the dean told her:

“Ruth, he has a wife and two children to support. You have a husband with a good paying job in New York.”

Together with other women working at Rutgers, she filed an Equal Pay Act complaint, and the university eventually settled.




Ruth Bader Ginsburg approves of Kate McKinnon’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ impersonation

The real Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood up – and she likes her doppelgänger.

The Supreme Court justice spoke at the Sundance Film Festival and gave a ringing endorsement of Kate McKinnon’s “Saturday Night Live” impersonation.

“I liked the actress who portrayed me,” Ginsburg, 84, said.

“And I would like to say ‘Gins-Burn!’ sometimes to my colleagues.”






Another Historical Fact …. “For the Record …. 🐢 This Will Haunt Him Forever 🐢 …. “!!



It’s true that McConnell objected to the resolution from McCaskill

“I ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed with immediate consideration … that the amendment at the desk providing for continued appropriations for pay and death benefits for members of the armed services be considered and agreed to”, McCaskill proposed.

When asked if there was a debate over the resolution McConnell spoke up.


With ‘I object,’ McConnell owns shutdown’s worst harms

“We passed similar legislation during the government shutdown back in 2013. My hope is that we can restore funding for the entire government before this becomes necessary. I’m going to object for tonight, but we’ll discuss again tomorrow.”



Historical Fact …. “🇺🇸 For the Record ….. First Time Ever 🇺🇸 …. “!!



~~January 23, 2018~~ 


This is the first real government shutdown under one-party government, ever

The government shutdown this weekend was the first time a true, honest-to-God shutdown has happened with a single party controlling the White House and Congress.

House passes stopgap spending bill, sending it to Drumpf’s desk.
The House on Monday, January 22, gave final approval to a measure that would fund the federal government for another three weeks, ending a three-day old government shutdown that threatened to do political damage to both parties.

A new impasse will be present by February 9, 2018.

Mark my words.




The New Rules of Presidential Etiquette

Oh, the irony and the hypocrisy!! Maybe President Obama wasn’t perfect but … there’s no doubt in my mind that I’d rather have him back in a flash … rather than the FIDIOT who occupies the White House at this time!!

Filosofa's Word

For eight years, the Republicans gave President Barack Obama and his family grief.  I’m not even talking policy here, not talking about ACA, Afghanistan, Gitmo, or any of a thousand other issues.  I am talking style, demeanor, etiquette.  Just a few examples:

  • For a time, during the 2008 campaign, before Obama was even elected, he was criticized for not wearing the flag lapel pin that all candidates wear to signal their patriotism, even as they are lying through their teeth. Obama stated in 2007 that he felt the wearing of the lapel pin had become a substitute for true patriotism, but to hear the republicans, why he might as well have been an axe murderer.
  • During a White House press briefing in 2014, President Obama had the unmitigated gall to … GASP … wear a tan-coloured suit! He might just as well have come to the briefing in his flannel…

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