What’s Wrong With Stephen Miller? He’s Gay.

Very interesting observation!! Repressed, closeted … sad gay guy?
May be …

100 Percent True


Yeah, it’s just a guess.  But do me a favor, go get your friend with pro-grade gaydar, like I have, and ask them what they think.  Go on.  I’ll wait.

Here’s the thing, to me, everything about Miller’s speech, body language, and effected nature, screams self-hate.  Not to mention the more base fact…dude looks and acts gay.  And trust me, gay is totally fine.  It would be awesome to know Trump’s policy advisor and speech writer was openly gay, but he’s not, is he.  No, he’s exactly the opposite, and that’s bad news.

Miller was a quite the introvert in high school, until he got his hands on a copy of the hate-fest “Guns, Crime, and Freedom,” by the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre (Certified anti-gay).  There began his extroversion and directed hate.

First thing he did was dump his good friend, because his friend was Hispanic.  Is…

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With Malice Aforethought …

Drumpf doesn’t care about anything but himself … I couldn’t say it better:
“This shutdown will cost the taxpayers approximately $6.5 billion for every week we cannot pay our debt. It will result in people not getting paid, and will ultimately take a toll on the economy. This is not the fault of the Democrats, but of Drumpf and the Republicans in Congress who have enabled this poor excuse for a president. Drumpf is a racist who cares more about keeping non-white immigrants out of the country than he does about keeping basic government services operational.”
I’m sickened by his mere existence!!

Filosofa's Word

The next presidential election is three years away.  Three years … that is 34 months  … it is 146 weeks … it is 1,021 days.  And I think it is a safe bet that Donald Trump will not be the Republican candidate by that time.  However, today, January 20th, he released a campaign ad.  This is the ‘man’ whose interference and bombast arguably caused the government of the United States to shut down just over 24 hours ago.  And rather than trying to bring some cohesion to the two parties in Congress, rather than trying to ensure that there is minimal disruption of essential services, rather than trying to calm the populace, he is running his ghost campaign for 2020!

Trump’s ad starts with an immigration officer bragging about killing immigrants, and then it goes on to say we must build his shameful wall in order to stop…

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