Puerto Rico and FEMA …. “🇵🇷 …. and on January 31, 2018 …. They are Done 🇵🇷 …. “!!


Pundits and op-ed page writers agreed on one thing last fall

As Americans, Puerto Ricans deserve our help

After Hurricane María, the worst natural disaster in Puerto Rico’s history, decimated the island in September, voices on the right, the left, and center of the political spectrum invoked patriotism in an effort to increase rescue and recovery efforts.

Drumpf all but ignored Puerto Rico in his State of the Union speech, mentioning it only once, saying disingenuously,

“To everyone still recovering in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, California, and everywhere else – we are with you.”

Meanwhile, about a third of Puerto Ricans still don’t have electricity nearly five months after the hurricane and in timing that would make a normal administration cringe, FEMA is cutting off food and water aid to the island today.

Implicit in these columns and commentaries is a surprising presumption: It is only Puerto Ricans’ status as Americans, and not as human beings, that makes them so deserving of aid.


https://qz.comimg_6455-1Today is day 133 after Hurricane María battered Puerto Rico.

Add 14 days before when Irma left one million without power.

Grand total: 147 days without electricity.

Put yourselves in their shoes!



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January 31, 2018 …. “🌖 Super Blue Blood Moon …. and Eclipse Too 🌖 …. “!!


People from across the country are gazing up into the sky early Wednesday morning to get a glimpse of the rare Super Blue Blood Moon

Not since Andrew Johnson was President, the second dome on the US Capitol was completed and Jesse James completed his first robbery will the skies experience an event like this.

The last Blue Moon occurred in July 2015 and in 2018, we’ll experience two of them, a phenomena that won’t happen for another 19 years.

The second Blue Moon is slated to occur in late March.

The Blood Moon occurs because the Earth is passing between the Moon and the Sun, which gives the Moon a reddish tint to it. It’s caused by light bending around the Earth because of gravity passing around a portion of the atmosphere, more commonly known as a lunar eclipse.




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