To some Americans: Before making fools of yourselves in cyberspace, get your facts straight!!


~~February 13, 2014~~ 


I read a post in my Facebook feed a few days ago. Something about a Powerball winner in Puerto Rico. This is something that I don’t really pay attention to. Lucky those who win. I don’t even play and don’t care too. 

However, this graph came along yesterday and the Puerto Rican in me, once again, was bothered, quite bothered. However, it once again showed me that there is a sector in the American public who haS no clue about geography, social studies, politics or history. Those that dare spew foolish posts in the social media are only confirming the fact that some Americans haven’t left their neighborhood even past their street corner. I feel sorry for those Americans. 

Well, if some don’t know anything about their own country, how can anyone expect them to know anything about a little island in the Caribbean which has been a possession of the USA since the Spanish-American war in 1898. 

I know, that’s asking too much!! 



American currency

US postal system

American passport

Federal employees and military pay taxes to the US government

Call by dialing area code (787) and the phone number

1,150 miles from Florida … not the other side of the world

The US has “taken” plenty of “things” from Puerto Rico (google and research)



Do we detect a tint of jealousy?

A Winning Powerball Ticket Came From Puerto Rico @PuertoRicoSerio @latinorebels @jayfonsecapr @pollomaldonado

Yes, we pay taxes, are Citizens since 1917, and we fight in the battle field and play the lotto too, so what?!

USA HISTORY 1:1 Oooops

Puerto Rico Powerball Win Draws Offensive Tweets
News that one of the three Powerball winning tickets was bought in Puerto Rico elicited offensive tweets questioning why island residents – who are born U.S. citizens since Puerto Rico is a U.S. commonwealth – had the opportunity to buy tickets.

It’s completely outrageous someone from Puerto Rico won the powerball, thought this was America!

Colin Ryan (@CTJR7) February 12, 2015
As Latino Rebels first pointed out, the news brought out Twitter responses such as “I thought this was America!” and others with language too offensive to print, but including “How is the place that doesn’t even pay taxes eligible for powerball? “

So we all spent money to buy powerball tickets in America and someone in Puerto Rico won it …. what is wrong with that picture?

R Taff (@rtaffofficial) February 12, 2015
Puerto Ricans pay federal taxes including Social Security, payroll, import/export taxes and Medicare. While most Puerto Ricans who live year-round in the island do not have to pay federal personal income taxes, those with income sources from the U.S. as well as those working for the U.S. government or the military do pay them.


“As it appears in …. “



Marc Anthony singing the national anthem

This one is even better ….. Marc Anthony!!


~One of many comments~

Puerto Rico in an American gold mine. The US controls Puerto Rican trade and commerce. The US government makes 74 billion dollars from Puerto Rican production and sends back 3 billion dollars a year. Really?!

Who’s the welfare state? But the mainstream media does not report the actual facts.


#SomeAmericansFools #Uneducated #Unsophisticated #PowerballWinner #PuertoRico #USCommonwealth #USPossession #AngryWhitePeople #RememberMarcAnthony #NationalAnthem #IslandResidents #AmericanCitizens #PuertoRicansPayFederalTaxes #SocialSecurity Payroll #ImportExportTaxes #Medicare #WinWarBattles #PuertoRicanSoldiers #Cyberspace #ICoño #PuertoRicoAmericasBackyard #MySoapBox

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #hrexachwordpress



~America’s Backyard: Puerto Rico~

~~Published on Oct 6, 2014~~

In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt declared that the United States had to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American. In his own words: “if any South American country misbehaves it should be spanked.” All US presidents that succeeded him have, in lesser or greater measure, continued to exercise their perceived right over a region often known as “America’s Backyard”.

After more than 400 years of Spanish colonial domination, in 1897 Puerto Rico was given the right to govern over its affairs. only five months later, Spain and the US went to war over the last Spanish colonies in the region. American Forces occupied Puerto Rico.
The Treaty of Paris clearly established that all Puerto Rican affairs were to be decided by the United States Congress.

President Theodore Roosevelt recommended that Puerto Ricans become U.S. citizens.
Despite the overwhelming opposition from the Puerto Rican legislators, in March 1917 the US Congress decided that all Puerto Ricans were now US citizens; but only to be ruled and not be given the rights.

Many Puerto Ricans were forced to fight in the America’s wars and many died.

Up to this day not much has changed, as that Treaty of Paris is still valid.


We ALL are ONE!!


To start the day …. great news from The Netherlands!!

~~October 14, 2014~~ 

I woke up this morning to great news from an awesome human being whom I met through blogging.

I’m very proud to say that we have become fast friends. I’m her “Big Sister“, she’s my “Lil Sister” …. we are “friends for life” (FFL), we belong to a “Wolf Pack“, we banter here and there. We share concerns, common friends, similar life values and beliefs, discuss issues in a productive manner and have each other’s back to a “T”.

Many times people wonder about the validity and reality of so-called friends who we meet on line, in cyberspace.

Our friendship is strong, real and valid.

… and we’ve never met in person!! 



“In November 2014 I will publish my second poetry book: ‘My Whisperings’.

Don’t let the lightness of the cover fool you though, the poems will be mostly dark like the ones on my blog.

I am very exited!

Lots of Love,



Book cover reveal and book trailer of My Whisperings!



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~~My Whisperings~~

~~Published on Oct 14, 2014~~

Music: Reverie (small theme) By _ghost

My Whisperings is the second poetry book written by the heart and soul of Just Patty (Patty van Delft), the author of My Wings and the Dutch fantasy novel Drägan Duma – Zij Die Hoort.

In My Whisperings, Patty explores the depths of emotions even further.
This book contains 80 poems, 20 short poems and a collection of photographic artwork made by the author herself.

A collection of dark poetry with rays of light. Many can relate to the rollercoaster of emotions the poems in this book describe so honestly. Fear, pain, loss, anxiety, hope, joy, love, strength and courage.


We ALL are ONE!! 
