TIME Magazine …. “Person of the Year 2016 …. How Can This Be? …. Dig Deeper, Look Beyond the Obvious …. “!!


~~December 10, 2016~~ 


(Subversive Work of Political Art)

I must confess that, at minimum, this distressed me. I’d seen the others candidates who were under consideration. Like the election results, I, again, never thought this would be the pick.

The short words, included below, about “The Choice” is the short version.

The mailmanbrings this magazine to my house.

I won’t renew the subscription.

However, I found an article which explains a major meaning behind the details of the picture itself.

These observations helped me breathe better.

It’s not what I thought.

It’s even better.

I know, there’s a lot of reading but, if the choice boggled your mind, it’s worth the read.

I strongly believe that the selected choice has no idea that he could have been played except for Trump being upset Time named him ‘Person of the Year‘ instead of ‘Man of the Year‘.

If interested, please read the complete post.

Thank you!




By Nancy Gibbs

This is the 90th time we have named the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year.

So which is it this year: Better or worse?

The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer.

It’s hard to measure the scale of his disruption. This real estate baron and casino owner turned reality-TV star and provocateur – never a day spent in public office, never a debt owed to any interest besides his own – now surveys the smoking ruin of a vast political edifice that once housed parties, pundits, donors, pollsters, all those who did not see him coming or take him seriously.

Out of this reckoning, Trump is poised to preside, for better or worse.

For reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2016 Person of the Year.

These are only excerpts.

There’s more to it.

I encourage you to read TIME’s complete article.



“As it appears in … full read/full credit”

Person of the Year 2016: The Choice



Google Images

I do not own these images.

No intention of taking credit.

If anyone knows the owner of any, please advise and it will be corrected immediately.



~Donald Trump: Person Of The Year 2016~


~Published on Dec 7, 2016~

The 2016 Person of the Year is Donald Trump, the President-elect of the divided states of America.

Person of the Year is one of the best-known and most-followed franchises in journalism. TIME selects the person who for good or ill has done the most to influence the events of the year.


~Why Time’s Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art~

By: Jake Romm

December 8, 2016Time Magazine’s annual “Person of the Year” announcement is, year after year, grossly misunderstood.

Time Magazine is clear on its sole criterion – “the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year” – yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find countless people who seem to think that the “Person of the Year” selection is tantamount to an endorsement.

Previous winners have included Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942), Ayatollah Khomeini (1979), Adolf Hitler (1938), and other figures who I think it is safe to assume the Time staff does not endorse.

Photo was shot by Jewish photographer Nadav Kander.

For clues as to how Time feels about that question — is it “for better or worse?” — we can look to the image chosen for the cover of the issue. The decisions that Time made regarding how to photograph Trump reveal a layered, nuanced field of references that place the image among, in this viewer’s opinion, the magazine’s greatest covers.

In order to deconstruct the image, let’s focus on three key elements (leaving aside the placement of the ‘M’ in ‘Time’ that makes it look like Trump has red horns): the color, the pose, and the chair.



Notice how the colors appear slightly washed out, slightly muted, soft. The palette creates what we might call a vintage effect. The image’s sharpness and detail reveal the contemporaneity of the picture, but the color suggests an older type of film, namely, Kodachrome. Kodachrome, the recently discontinued film produced by Kodak, was designed to create accurate color reproduction in the early 1900’s.

This visual-temporal shift in a sense mirrors a lot of the drives that fueled Trump’s rise.

Trump ran a campaign based on regressive policies and attitudes – anti-environmental protection, anti-abortion, pro-coal, etc. This election was not just about regressive policy choices, but also about traditional values (defined primarily by the Christian right), about nostalgia for American greatness and security, about nostalgia for a pre-globalized world.


Trump’s pose can be read as a subversive play on a traditional power-portrait pose.

Trump’s turn towards the camera renders the tone conspiratorial rather than judgmental. There are two images at play here – the imagined power-image taken from the front, and the actual image, in which Trump seems to offer the viewer a conniving wink, as if to say, look at how we hoodwinked those suckers in the front (both Trump and the viewer are looking down on those in front).

By subverting the typical power dynamic, Time, in a sense, implicates the viewer in Trump’s election, in his being on the cover in the first place.

By choosing not to shoot Trump head on, the Time cover almost offers us a “behind the scenes” glimpse of the man who has spent so much of his time in front of the camera – heightening the conspiratorial tone and complicity of the viewer. The highly posed and processed nature of the photograph offers yet another level of irony.

Finally, we must note the ominous shadow lurking on the backdrop.

It’s a small, but important and clever detail.

Just as this image provides us with two theoretical points of view, it also provides us with two Trumps – Trump the president-elect, and the specter of Trump the president, haunting in the wings, waiting to take form.



The masterstroke, the single detail that completes the entire image, is the chair.

Trump is seated in what looks to be a vintage “Louis XV” chair (so named because it was designed in France under the reign of King Louis XV in the mid 18th century).

It’s a gaudy symbol of wealth and status, but if you look at the top right corner, you can see a rip in the upholstery, signifying Trump’s own cracked image. Behind the bluster, behind the glowing displays of wealth, behind the glittering promises, we have the debt, the tastelessness, the demagoguery, the racism, the lack of government experience or knowledge (all of which we unfortunately know too well already).

Once we notice the rip, the splotches on the wood come into focus, the cracks in Trump’s makeup, the thinness of his hair, the stain on the bottom left corner of the seat – the entire illusion of grandeur begins to collapse.

The cover is less an image of a man in power than the freeze frame of a leader, and his country, in a state of decay. The ghostly shadow works overtime here – suggesting a splendor that has already passed, if it ever existed at all.

Taken together, these elements add up to a profound portrayal of anxiety for the coming years. We have the implicit placement of Trump in the mid 1900’s. We have a suggestion of the scheming, sordid underside of power.

We have the crumbling facade of wealth, which, like “The Picture of Dorian Gray” suggests more than just a physical deterioration.


As a photograph, it’s a rare achievement.

As a cover, it’s a statement.


These are only excerpts.

There’s more to it.

Again, I encourage you to read TIME’s complete article.



“As it appears in … full read/full credit”



#TIMEMagazine #PersonOfTheYear #2016 #HowCanThisBe #DigDeeper #GreatestInfluence #ForBetterOrWorse #YearEvents #PoliticalResults #TheChoice #NancyGibbs #SmokingRuin #VastPoliticalEdifice #PoliticalParties #Pundits #Donors #Pollsters #SubversiveWorkOfPoliticalArt #Photographer #NadavKander #TimeMagazine #DdeconstructImage #ThreeKeyElements #TheColor #ThePose #TheChair

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!!


Something to think about …. “We’ve known all along”!!


~~November 28, 2015~~ 


The legality of cannabis for general or recreational use varies from country to country.

Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries as a result of the agreement about Indian hemp, also known as hashish, in the  International Opium Convention (1925).  However, many countries have decriminalized the possession of small quantities of cannabis.

Some states in the US allow use of medical cannabis in state, territorial, Indian reservation, and Federal district laws, although the use is illegal by federal law. Federal agencies claim that federal law comes first.

“As it appears in …. full read/full credit”






#SomethingToThinkAbout #Canabis #Illegal #TreatCancer #PTSD #Seizures #Anxiety #Glaucoma #Depression #NoMonety #PharmaceuticalCompanies#HigherPerspective #IndiaHemp #Hashish #InternationalOpiumConvention #SmallQuantities

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are connected through NATURE!! 



We ALL are ONE!!RexYinYang2

Thoughts for today, #163: “Meditation … Entering the Quiet”!!


~~May 23, 2015~~ 


Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content, or as an end in itself.

The word meditation carries different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. Meditation often involves an internal effort to self-regulate the mind in some way.

Meditation is often used to clear the mind and ease many health concerns, such as high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. It may be done sitting, or in an active way — for instance, Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day-to-day activities as a form of mind-training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of the training.

“As it appears … full read/full credit”



Deepak Chopra (born October 22, 1947) is an Indian-born American author and public speaker. He is an alternative medicine advocate and a promoter of popular forms of spirituality, who has been described by the New York Times as a “controversial New-Age guru”.


#ThoughtsForToday #163 #Meditation #DeepakChopra #Meditation #MindTraining #ModeOfConsciousness #Acknowledge #HighBloodPressure #Depression #Anxiety #Sitting #ActiveWay #BuddhistMonks #IndianBornAmericanAuthor #PublicSpeaker #AlternativeMedicineAdvocate #Spirituality #NewAgeGuru #Books #Videos #HolisticHealthMovement

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!! 


To start the day …. great news from The Netherlands!!

~~October 14, 2014~~ 

I woke up this morning to great news from an awesome human being whom I met through blogging.

I’m very proud to say that we have become fast friends. I’m her “Big Sister“, she’s my “Lil Sister” …. we are “friends for life” (FFL), we belong to a “Wolf Pack“, we banter here and there. We share concerns, common friends, similar life values and beliefs, discuss issues in a productive manner and have each other’s back to a “T”.

Many times people wonder about the validity and reality of so-called friends who we meet on line, in cyberspace.

Our friendship is strong, real and valid.

… and we’ve never met in person!! 



“In November 2014 I will publish my second poetry book: ‘My Whisperings’.

Don’t let the lightness of the cover fool you though, the poems will be mostly dark like the ones on my blog.

I am very exited!

Lots of Love,



Book cover reveal and book trailer of My Whisperings!



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~~My Whisperings~~

~~Published on Oct 14, 2014~~

Music: Reverie (small theme) By _ghost

My Whisperings is the second poetry book written by the heart and soul of Just Patty (Patty van Delft), the author of My Wings and the Dutch fantasy novel Drägan Duma – Zij Die Hoort.

In My Whisperings, Patty explores the depths of emotions even further.
This book contains 80 poems, 20 short poems and a collection of photographic artwork made by the author herself.

A collection of dark poetry with rays of light. Many can relate to the rollercoaster of emotions the poems in this book describe so honestly. Fear, pain, loss, anxiety, hope, joy, love, strength and courage.



We ALL are ONE!! 


At the end of the day …. There is always a reason!!

~~June 7, 2014~~ 

“Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.”
~~Mandy HaleThe Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass~~

“I knew everything happened for a reason. I just wished the reason would hurry up and make itself known.” 
~~Christina LaurenBeautiful Bastard~~

“Even seasonal situations can bring with them lessons that last a lifetime. If the love doesn’t last, it prepares you for the one that will.”
~~Mandy HaleThe Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass~~

~~Does everything happen for a reason?~~

When people have to cope with difficult situations in their lives, they sometimes reassure themselves by saying that everything happens for a reason. For some people, thinking this way makes it easier to deal with relationship problems, financial crises, disease, death, and even natural disasters such as earthquakes. It can be distressing to think that bad things happen merely through chance or accident. But they do.

The saying that everything happens for a reason is the modern, New Age version of the old religious saying:  “It’s God’s will.” The two sayings have the same problem – the complete lack of evidence that they’re true. Not only is there no good evidence that God exists, we have no way of knowing what it is that he (or she) wanted to happen, other than that it actually did happen. Did God really will that hundreds of thousands of people die in an earthquake in one of the world’s poorest countries?   

Fortunately, even without religious or New Age illusions, people have many psychological resources for coping with the difficulties of life. These include cognitive strategies for generating explanations and problem solutions, and emotional strategies for managing the fear, anxiety, and anger that naturally accompany setbacks and threats.  Psychological research has identified many ways to build resilience in individuals and groups, such as developing problem solving skills and strong social networks. Life can be highly meaningful even if some things that happen are just accidents.

Stuff happens and you deal with it.





I am a firm believer of this statement: Everything happens for a reason. Many times we aren’t aware why at the specific time. We are confused by events, by unexpected happenings, by the actions and reactions of others.

This confusion makes us question our own beliefs and actions. We wonder if we chose the correct path, if we made the right decision, if we have done the best we can. This applies to all the situations that come our way: professional, personal, financial, environment/natural disasters, social inequalities and injustices, friendships, intimacy.

The only option available is to wait.



~~Everything Happens For a Reason~~

~~Uploaded on Feb 27, 2010~~

Everything Happens For a Reason

We ALL are ONE!! 

