‘đŸ‡”đŸ‡· Puerto Rico became our responsibility’ đŸ‡”đŸ‡· …. “Summarized History Lesson …. and there’s so much more …. “!!


~~October 9, 2017~~ 



A duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task (assigned by someone, or created by one’s own promise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.



Puerto Rico was on its way to become a free nation

In 1897, the Spanish prime minister signed the ‘Charter of Autonomy’ which granted Puerto Rico the right to its own legislature, constitution, tariffs, monetary system, treasury, judiciary and international borders. After 400 years of colonial rule, the charter created the free Republic of Puerto Rico. Elections were held in March 1989 and the new government was scheduled for installation in May.

On May 12, the invasion of San Juan by US forces began.


Nelson A. Denis

“War Against All Puerto Ricans”


For Puerto Ricans, July 25th 1898 represents the fateful day when the United States invaded the island.  At the time, the goal was to become independent from Spain. However, the island’s political and economic infrastructure was broken and drained of  resources. Country folks had no idea who the newcomers were.  As most of us know, the 19th century became a turning point in history as many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean gained their independence from Spain and Portugal except for Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam and the Philippines.





A dear friend of mine shared the following information with me. It’s very precise, educational and to the point. Remember, it’s only a concise summary. There is so much more!

I deeply thank my friend and the source who wrote what was shared.



Caroll A. G.
With all due respect, educate yourself before forging an opinion on Puerto Rico.

Karen Jordan wrote
Love history lessons!

“When United States Navy warship “Gloucester” pulled into GuĂĄnica Bay in the early morning hours of July 25, 1898, Puerto Rico became our responsibility. When the disembarking sailors lowered the Spanish flag from the port flagpole and hoisted the American flag, Puerto Rico became our responsibility.


When the Puerto Rican House of Delegates voted unanimously in 1914 to be free of US rule and the US Congress refused to recognize their independence, Puerto Rico became our responsibility.

When the US Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act on March 2, 1917 declaring all Puerto Ricans born after April 10, 1899 to be full-fledged US citizens, Puerto Rico became our responsibility.

Did you catch that?

In 1917, the year the law was passed, people born in 1899 would be turning 18 – legal draft age. The law was passed on March 2, 1917. The US entered WWI on April 6, 1917. When we gave this grant of citizenship in 1917 over the UNANIMOUS objection of all representatives in the Puerto Rican House of Delegates who believed the grant of citizenship was primarily for the purpose of drafting Puerto Rican men into military service, Puerto Rico became our responsibility.


On July 25, 1898, during the Spanish–American War, Puerto Rico was invaded by the United States. As an outcome of the war, Jones-Shafroth Act granted all the inhabitants of Puerto Rico U.S. citizenship in The U.S. granted Puerto Ricans the right to democratically elect their own governor in 1948.

When Section 1402 of Title 8 of the U.S. Code was amended in 1952 to declare that all Puerto Ricans born after January 13, 1941 are NATURAL BORN American citizens, Puerto Rico became our responsibility.


When the Republican Congress passed – and Bill Clinton signed – legislation in 1996 beginning a ten-year phase-out of FDR New Deal tax incentives for US corporations to create tax-free earnings through subsidiaries operating in Puerto Rico, the failure of the economy of Puerto Rico became our responsibility. When the consequent ten-year mass exodus of US companies and jobs was complete in 2005 and the economy of Puerto Rico began contracting, the financial plight of Puerto Rico became our responsibility.


When the US Congress made all interest on municipal bonds issued by Puerto Rico free of federal, state, and local taxes, causing Wall Street fund managers to pour loaned-money into the Puerto Rican government like water pouring over the broken levees of Lake Pontchartrain, the debt of Puerto Rico became our responsibility.


If I wanted to go to Alabama – and I don’t because Alabama just elected an evangelical theocrat, the Christian equivalent of an Islamic ISIS leader – all I would have to do is 
 go. There are no gates; no way stations; no checkpoints.

There is no requirement for a visa or a passport. Alabama authorities can’t require me to be interviewed or vetted. They can’t require me to speak with a rural Appalachian dialect, although I do.

The 3.5 million NATURAL-BORN US CITIZENS of Puerto Rico are as free to flood into Florida and Georgia as I am to drive into Alabama.


The rich asshole waited too long to start talking about Puerto Rico. He spent his time railing on black men earning more than him and refusing to shut up and dance for the entertainment of white-folk. He didn’t dispatch the military’s floating hospital, Comfort,  until Hillary publicly told him we had one. He belatedly sent 5,000 troops for the entire island even though Lt. General HonorĂ© was in command of 40,000 troops just for New Orleans. He hasn’t dispatched a swarm of helicopters to drop pallets of meals-ready-to-eat and potable water.

NATURAL-BORN US CITIZENS are dying and the rich asshole is going golfing.


Occupy Democrats



I agree with Lt. General Honoré 
 we need to conduct a MASS EVACUATION. Send in ships and make arrangements with airlines to utilize wide-body planes.

Go get all 3.5 million brown-skin Spanish-speaking NATURAL-BORN US CITIZENS and bring them here to the US mainland and hug them and feed them and clothe them and put shoes on their feet and provide them with vouchers for housing and food.


If we can’t take care of our brothers and sisters down there – and we can’t, due to the abject lack of empathy and the shocking incompetence and ineptitude of the rich asshole – we need to bring ALL of them up here and collectively take care of them.

It’s our moral imperative and civic duty.”



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No intention of taking credit.

If anyone knows the owner of any, please advise and it will be corrected immediately.



#PuertoRicoBecameOurResponsibility #SummarizedHistoryLesson #SoMuchMore #SpanishAmreicanWar #IndependenceFromSpain #PuertoRico #HurricaneMaria #HumanitarianCrisis #PeopleDyingStory #LifeDeathStory #HumanitarianDisaster #PeopleOfPuertoRico #NelsonADenis #WarAgainstAllPuertoRicans ##JonesShafrothAct #NaturalBornUSCitizens

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach


We ALL are ONE!! 


Something to think about 
. “Disrespect for the military? …. Really? …. “!!


~~September 14, 2016~~ 


San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

He has continued his refusal to stand for the anthem and has explained his reasons why.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game.

“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.

There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

He said that he has discussed his feelings with his family and, after months of witnessing some of the civil unrest in the U.S., decided to be more active and involved in rights for black people.

Kaepernick, who is biracial, was adopted and raised by white parents and siblings.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit”



The matter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump‘s military service (or lack thereof) has surfaced twice so far in this election cycle, first in July 2015 when Trump maligned Sen. John McCain, a POW during the Vietnam War, for being captured, and a second time in July 2016 when he openly feuded with the family of slain U.S. soldier Humayun Khan after Khan’s father, Khizr, criticized Trump during an appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump himself has never served in the military.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit”




Liberal Identity


goldswirl#SomethingToThinkAbout #FacebookPage #Graphic #AwesomeGraphic #AwesomeMeme #GetThisStraight #ColinKaepernick #NationalAnthem #Biracial #AdoptedRaised #WhiteParents #WhiteSiblings #SenJohnMcCain #POW #VietnamWar #SlainUSSoldier #HumayunKhan #KhizrKhan #DemocraticNationalConvention #TrumpNeverServed #LiberalIdentity

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!! 


At the end of the day …. “Going Home: Fallen Soldier Bagpipe Tribute”!!


~~May 24, 2015~~ 

I feel torn on this day.

I’m not in favor of war or violence in any manner. War doesn’t lead to positive ends. There’s always a huge price to pay … be it the aggressor or the country invaded.

Yet, I worked with American veterans for many years.

That was one of my passions.

I believe in peace and other similar non-violent means to attain solutions to our world’s problems.

Yet, so many purse violence.

Today, I want to honor those who fell … who made the ultimate sacrifice. I am not saluting any country. I am saluting every individual, from any country, who has given his life in the service of others.

I wonder what for …..



Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces.

The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans — established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.

By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season.

“As it appears in …. full read/full credit”




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~~Going Home~~

Fallen Soldier Bagpipe Tribute

~~Uploaded on Oct 30, 2011~~

Going Home has become a standard bagpipe song played at funerals, both military and civilian, for years.

In fact, as we carried my own grandmum out of the funeral home to the hearse, a piper played it for her.

I’m a former soldier, and far too many of the best & brightest young people who have gone in harm’s way to protect our freedoms have paid the ultimate price for us. Not just Americans, but our allies, too.

Never forget …



#AtTheEndOfTheDay #MemorialDay #2015 #HonoringTheFallen #GoingHome #FallenSoldier #BagpipeTribute #FeelTorn #HonorThoseWhoFell #UltimateSacrifice #WonderWhatFor #TheLightningMan #NeverForget #FreedomNotFree

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!! 
