Something to think about …. “Where does IT go?”!!


~~November 25, 2015~~ 


Once we have taken out the trash, we often forget that it all has to go somewhere. But not many of us know exactly where it goes, nor do we usually think about it.

The Life Cycle of Garbage shows what happens to your trash once it leaves your home, to give you an idea of where it ends up and how much of it there really is.


The Life Cycle of Garbage begins in your home

Your kitchen trash can fills up …

So you take the garbage bag out to your curbside trash container …

And the garbage man comes to empty it …


What happens to all your trash once the garbage man takes it away?

Typically it goes to a Transfer Station …

 A transfer station is where local trash is taken and dumped before it is transferred to its final destination. The final destination could be:

A Landfill … 

where the waste is buried and left to decompose, a process which takes hundreds of years even for biodegradable materials …

An Incinerator …

 where the garbage is burned and turns into ash and heat, sometimes used to generate energy (called waste-to-energy) …

Or a Recycling Center … 

where it will be transferred to a manufacturing plant so these materials can be used to make new products!

Or In the Ocean …

If waste is not correctly managed, it can end up harming the environment and polluting our air and water.


Illegally dumped trash and litter can end up:

Littering our Communities …

 This is why it is so important that we put our trash into the proper containers and recycle as much as we can. Garbage does not simply disappear once it leaves our homes, it all ends up somewhere and has an impact on every single person in some way.

Small actions can have a huge impact.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit/more pictures”

Where Does Our Trash Go?



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#SomethingToThinkAbout #WhereDoesItGo #ThrowAway #LifeCycleOfTrash #LifeCycleOfGarbage #KitchenTrashCan #CurbsideTrashContainer #GarbageMan #TransferStation #Landfill #Incinerator #RecyclingCenter #InTheOcean #LitteringCommunities #SmallActions #HugeImpact

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!!



IOTD …. Images of the day, #391 …. “Day of Remembrance”!!


~~November 20, 2015~~


Transgender Day of Remembrance 2015

Those We’ve Lost

At least 81 transgender people were murdered worldwide this year — and those are just the victims whose deaths were reported. 

NOVEMBER 20 2015

Today marks the 16th annual Transgender Day of Rememberance, after the first event was organized by Gwendolyn Ann Smith in Allston, Mass., to memorialize Rita Hester — a trans woman of color killed in 1998.

Every year since, growing numbers of trans people and advocates worldwide take a moment to pause and remember the countless lives lost around the globe to transphobic violence.

The somber occasion serves as a memorial event in which trans people and allies can mourn their dead, celebrate the lives they lived and as a popular hashtag in the wake of unabated anti-trans violence proclaims, #SayHerName.



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Human Rights Campaign

The Advocate Magazine



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As the names listed in the graphics demonstrate, certain nations — the United States and Brazil — have particularly acute problems with fatal transphobic violence. The number of trans women killed this year in the U.S., for instance, is nearly double that of the total killed last year.

But it’s also worth noting that in many countries around the world, no formal system exists to report the deaths of trans people, and repressive societies combined with oppressive policing worldwide often give trans people good cause to be wary of law-enforcement officials. 

So while we mourn those whose names are listed below, take a moment to memorialize those whose names we will never know — because they, too, had lives, and loves, and passions that were extinguished because of hate.

“As it appears in …. full read/full credit”

Fully recommend that you check this link.

Very valuable information.



#IOTD #ImagesOfTheDay #391 #DearBloggerFriend #HerOwnWords #Serious #Silly #JustBeautiful #DayofRemembrance #TransgenderDayOfRemembrance #November20 #Annual #ThoseWeveLost #81Transgender #MurderedWorldwide2015 #JustVictims #ReportedDeaths #SunnivieBrydum #TheAdvocate #UnitedStates #Brazil #AcuteProblems #FatalTransphobicViolence #SayHerName #MemorializeRitaHester 

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are connected through HUMANITY!! 


We ALL are ONE!! 


Something to think about …. “Who would be next?”


~~April 3, 2015~~ 

Up to this point, it has been services that one can do without or receive at any gay friendly facility. These are services that are not absolutely necessary for our well-being. These services are not immediately needed. There’s time to look at other places.

However, what if the bigotry, discrimination, lunacy reaches levels where your life would be dependent on the services required or needed?

Has anyone stopped to think about this? Has anyone considered this option?

it will be definitely different when it touches you or one of yours.

HortyRex ©


What if life saving services were needed by elderly seniors, by handicapped people, by children with special needs, by other minorities?

The hate doesn’t end with gays …. it’s just the beginning!



#SomethingToThinkAbout #WhoWouldBeNext #Florists #WeddingCakes #Pizza #HeartAttack #Accident #HospitalSetting #EmergencyRoom #RepulicanReligiousFreak #RefusesCare #JesusName #ApproveLifestyle #DontBeNaive #HateDoestStopWithGays #Hitler #ElderlySeniors #HandicappedPeople #ChildrenSpecialNeeds #Minorities #JustTheBeginning #Scary #Danger

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #hrexachwordpress


We ALL are ONE!! 
