To start the day …. “Deepak Chopra …. his thoughts on Donald Trump …. Thinking 1st Chakra …. “!!


~~November 2, 2016~~ 


CONAN Highlight

Deepak believes the Republican nominee for president “has the emotional development of a 3-year-old.”

Deepak Chopra (born October 22, 1947) is an Indian American author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and a prominent figure in the New Age movement.

Through his books and videos, he has become one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.

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We all have seen the many actions and reactions Trump has shown throughout his life.

They have come to the forefront because of his current presidential bid.

In my humble opinion, there is, and has always been, something amiss with this ‘human being‘.

I don’t profess to be an expert but this reality is obvious to anyone with a few brain cells and the capacity to discern ‘normal’ (as fleeting as that concept may be), can safely question the mental/spiritual/personal status of this ‘man’.

I will leave with you this video.

I think Mr. Chopra presents a flawless case.

It may sound humorous and funny but the reality is that he’ right on target.



There are seven chakra centers in our bodies in which energy flows through

Blocked energy in any of our seven chakras can often lead to illness, so it’s important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.



Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.”

This is the first of the chakras of matter

Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the chakras above. Imagine that you’re laying the foundation for a house in which you’re going to live for a long time. A solid foundation embedded in firm soil will provide the stability you need to create a home filled with joy for years to come.

The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you tend to worry less day to day.


Whether or not you feel secure now often has less to do with what you have at your disposal and more to do with how safe you felt as a small child. When you consider psychologist Erik Erickson’s stages of development, the first stage—trust versus mistrust—is closely related to your root chakra development. As infants, if your caregivers readily gave you what you needed to survive with consistency, you felt secure in the world. You felt that the world was a place that could be trusted to provide your basic needs. Yet, if your caregivers withheld or delayed in giving you what you needed, or if that giving was inconsistent, you may find yourself with first chakra blockages.

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~Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump “Thinks With His Penis”~


~~Published on Oct 24, 2016~~

Deepak believes the Republican nominee for president “has the emotional development of a 3-year-old.”


We ALL are ONE!! 


At the end of the day …. “Tom Hanks: America’s Dad Monologue …. Very Much Needed …. “!!


~~October 24, 2016~~ 


Tom Hanks Gives Nervous America The Pre-Election Pep Talk It Needs 

Tom Hanks is here, and everything is going to be all right

America’s Dad” sat down with the nation for a quiet pre-election pep talk on “Saturday Night Live.”

“America is feeling a little nervous these days,” said the Hollywood legend. “And I’m a responsible father, so I thought maybe it’s time we had a little chat.”

“All I came in here to say is you are great,” he said, before trying to boost morale by reeling off a list of the nation’s accomplishments.

In reference to the upcoming election, he said he knew America would “make the right choice” ― as long as it thinks with its heart and mind “and not so much down there.”

The “Inferno” star acknowledged that the U.S. had endured a “rough year” and felt “anxious and conflicted” and “scared” about “what’s gonna happen next.”

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~~Tom Hanks America’s Dad Monologue~~

~~Published on Oct 23, 2016~~

Host Tom Hanks embraces his “America’s dad” reputation and gives the nation a pep talk.


We ALL are ONE!! 


At end of the day …. “Ryan Lochte Comes Clean to Stephen Colbert …. “!!


~~August 23, 2016~~ 


I think not! 

By now, I strongly believe that, if they didn’t, the whole world now knows who Ryan Lochte is.

He’s not a secret weapon of the USA anymore.

How many people were watching the Río Olympic Games?

That many and more know who he is and not because of his career in swimming

but rather because of the “robbed at gunpoint fiasco” story he fabricated.

I call it LYING …. there’s no other word for it.

I saw his interview with Matt Lauer and didn’t buy what he was telling the public.

His teary eyes didn’t move me.

Then again, that’s my personal opinion.

I follow a dear friend who posted an excellent article about this.

I strongly agree with my friend.

I will cite some of his words and I will include link so that you can read his excellent post.

In spite of the seriousness of this situation, it’s always good to see some humor.

This humor is as the expense of the ludicrous, pathetic excuses offered by the

“creator of the fabrication”.

Leave Stephen Colbert to do that.



~Ryan Lochte Epitomizes White Privilege and U.S. Foreign Policy~

The harrowing tale of American Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte and his fellow athletes being held up at gunpoint and robbed in Río de Janeiro by men disguised as police officers was all the rage in the media last week.

Not surprisingly, there was no shortage of excuses made for the cherished American Olympic athletes.

“These kids tried to have fun,” said Rio 2016 Olympic spokesperson Mario Andrade. “Lochte is one of the best swimmers of all time. They competed under gigantic pressure. Let’s give these kids a break. They had fun, they made a mistake, life goes on.”


Following the European colonial playbook, Lochte played on the perceptions his countrymen have of Brazil and Latin American countries in general as having nothing more to offer than crime and poverty.

The same way the white Christian settlers demonized the Indigenous Americans as “savages” and Donald Trump demonizes Mexicans as “rapists”, Ryan Lochte essentially demonized the inhabitants of Río de Janeiro as nothing more than a bunch of thieves.

In this way he is the perfect representative of his country’s foreign policy, showing no respect for international standards of decency, behaving as if we are the “exceptional” nation, caring nothing about other cultures, and fabricating evidence to make the U.S. appear an innocent victim while those we invade and oppress are tarred with a brush of criminality and terrorism.

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~~Ryan Lochte Comes Clean to Stephen Colbert~~

Late Show Exclusive

~~Published on Aug 23, 2016~~

The scandal-plagued swimmer explains what really happened during that late-night gas station stop in Rio.


We ALL are ONE!! 


James Corden …. “Carpool Karaoke …. Primetime Special Tonight …. “!!


~~March 29, 2016~~ 


Each week night, THE LATE LATE SHOW with JAMES CORDEN throws the ultimate late night after party with a mix of celebrity guests, edgy musical acts, games and sketches.

Corden differentiates his show by offering viewers a peek behind-the-scenes into the green room, bringing all of his guests out at once and lending his musical and acting talents to various sketches.

Additionally, bandleader Reggie Watts and the house band provide original, improvised music throughout the show. Since Corden took the reigns as host in March 2015, he has quickly become known for generating buzzworthy viral videos, such as Carpool Karaoke.”


James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke“ is the best thing to happen to late night since Jimmy Fallon’s “Lip Sync Battle.”

And since Fallon’s segment blew up into it’s own damn show, it’s only fitting that Corden’s bit is getting its own hour-long primetime special. 

“So tonight, I’m on my way before 12:30, cleaning up my language ‘cause I can’t talk dirty/ I’ll make your TV shine brighter than a halo, all leading up to a Carpool with J.Lo,” the “Late Late Show” host sings in the promo for the special, which actually looks like it could be pretty epic.





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We’ll be watching.

“The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special” will air Tuesday,  March 29,  at 10 p.m. ET on CBS.

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~~Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special~~

Coming on Tonight

~~Published on Mar 28, 2016~~

A preview of how we’re kicking off The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special, featuring a new carpool with Jennifer Lopez, airing Tuesday, March 29 at 10/9c on CBS.

Watch The Late Late Show with James Corden weeknights at 12:35 AM ET/11:35 PM CT. Only on CBS.


We ALL are connected through MUSIC!! 


We ALL are ONE!!

To start the day …. “The Original Material Girl Is Back …. “!!


~~January 27, 2016~~ 


It’s always fun to watch Stephen do his job.

He lays the punches right on target.

This isn’t an exception.

If only for the fun of it, take a look.

This is priceless!



See Stephen Colbert parody Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Trump


Sarah Palin publicly endorsed Donald Trump for president earlier this week, January 18, 2016, and Stephen Colbert used this opportunity to parody the politician’s, uh, unique sentence structure in a bit on The Late Show.

“While Trump admittedly has given me so much material to make jokes about, nobody compares to the original Material Girl,” Colbert said as a photo of Palin flashed on the screen. He went on to show clips of her saying things like, “It’s time to drill, baby, drill down, and hold these folks accountable!” before posing as Palin and giving some other presidential candidates endorsements.

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AMES, Iowa — Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee who became a Tea Party sensation and a favorite of grass-roots conservatives, endorsed Donald J. Trump in Iowa on Tuesday, providing him with a potentially significant boost just 13 days before the state’s caucuses.

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~~The Original Material Girl Is Back~~

~~Published on Jan 21, 2016~~

Sarah Palin’s linguistically acrobatic endorsement of Donald Trump wasn’t fair to the rest of the candidates. So Stephen’s got a Palin endorsement for everyone.


We ALL are ONE!! 
