Meet Leslie E. Gibson …. “🙄 He has a Gift with Words …. NOT! …. His Words Speak for Him 🙄 …. “!!


~~March 15, 2018~~ 


‘ … and the children shall lead … ‘

It’s really sad when a supposedly experienced, grown man stoops to the level of insulting teens who were victims of gun violence in their schools.

This is the state of politics in the Republican party. 

Makes me think of David and Goliath.

Seems to me that, once again, David is winning!

Mr. Gibson, you’ve messed with the wrong people!

I sure hope someone takes you on since you are running unopposed in this year’s election.




The unopposed candidate for a Maine state House seat called another Parkland teen “a moron” and “bald-faced liar

A Republican candidate for the Maine legislature apologized after attacking two students who survived the Parkland high school massacre, calling one a “skinhead lesbian” and another a “bald-faced liar.”
Leslie Gibson, who’s running unopposed in this year’s election for the Maine House 57th District, deleted tweets bashing the students and wrote a letter to 18-year-old Emma Gonzalez, who he had called a “skinhead lesbian.”

GonzĂĄlez identifies as bisexual.

“I would like to extend to you my most sincere apology for how I addressed you. It was wrong and unacceptable,” Gibson said in a tweet.

“You are doing work that is important to you. I would like to extend my hand in friendship and understanding to you.”

Gibson didn’t apologize for calling 17-year-old David Hogg a “bald-faced liar.”

González and Hogg have been among the most vocal student advocates for stricter gun control since the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. Hogg appeared on CNN this week to urge Drumpf to prove he isn’t “owned” by the National Rifle Association.

Gonzålez was honored by LGBTQ rights group Equality Florida for her activism.

As criticism mounted, Gibson scrubbed the tweets from his Twitter account and apologized to Gonzalez. He later made his personal and campaign Twitter accounts private.


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#Meet #LeslieEGibson #GiftWithWords #Not #HisWordsSpeakForHim #RepublicanCandidate #MaineLegislature #AttackingTwoStudents #Survivors #ParklandHighSchoolMassacre #SkinheadLesbian #BaldFacedLiar #EmmaGonzalez #DavidHogg

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#HamiltonCast …. “To VP-elect Pence …. Message on behalf of ALL of us …. “!!


~~November 19, 2016~~ 


We all should know, by now, what HAMILTON is.

It’s a totally successful Broadway show which made history with the number of Tony nominations and wins it has received.

Notice Mr. Donald’s reaction to the message delivered by the cast!

How petty, insignificant and unreal can he be?

Harassment? Apology? Why?

There was none of that!

Can’t VP-elec Pence defend himself …

(if there was a need for such defense?)




An American Musical is a musical about the life of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, with music, lyrics, and book by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

The show, inspired by the 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton by historian Ron Chernow, achieved both critical acclaim and box office success.



Vice-president elect Mike Pence made a surprise visit to watch the award-winning Broadway show Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theatre Friday night, November 18, and received a loud chorus of boos from the audience as he made way to his seat.

At the conclusion of the show, cast members addressed Pence’s appearance – as a group locked in hand-to-hand – behind Brandon Victor Dixon who delivered the message noted above.



Trump Has Tantrum After Hamilton Cast Member Addresses Mike Pence From The Stage

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~’Hamilton’ cast delivers message to VP Pence~

~Published on Nov 19, 2016~

‘Hamilton’ actor Brandon Victor Dixon delivered a message to US Vice President-elect Mike Pence calling on him to “uphold American values.”


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At end of the day 
. “Ryan Lochte Comes Clean to Stephen Colbert …. “!!


~~August 23, 2016~~ 


I think not! 

By now, I strongly believe that, if they didn’t, the whole world now knows who Ryan Lochte is.

He’s not a secret weapon of the USA anymore.

How many people were watching the RĂ­o Olympic Games?

That many and more know who he is and not because of his career in swimming

but rather because of the “robbed at gunpoint fiasco” story he fabricated.

I call it LYING …. there’s no other word for it.

I saw his interview with Matt Lauer and didn’t buy what he was telling the public.

His teary eyes didn’t move me.

Then again, that’s my personal opinion.

I follow a dear friend who posted an excellent article about this.

I strongly agree with my friend.

I will cite some of his words and I will include link so that you can read his excellent post.

In spite of the seriousness of this situation, it’s always good to see some humor.

This humor is as the expense of the ludicrous, pathetic excuses offered by the

“creator of the fabrication”.

Leave Stephen Colbert to do that.



~Ryan Lochte Epitomizes White Privilege and U.S. Foreign Policy~

The harrowing tale of American Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte and his fellow athletes being held up at gunpoint and robbed in RĂ­o de Janeiro by men disguised as police officers was all the rage in the media last week.

Not surprisingly, there was no shortage of excuses made for the cherished American Olympic athletes.

“These kids tried to have fun,” said Rio 2016 Olympic spokesperson Mario Andrade. “Lochte is one of the best swimmers of all time. They competed under gigantic pressure. Let’s give these kids a break. They had fun, they made a mistake, life goes on.”


Following the European colonial playbook, Lochte played on the perceptions his countrymen have of Brazil and Latin American countries in general as having nothing more to offer than crime and poverty.

The same way the white Christian settlers demonized the Indigenous Americans as “savages” and Donald Trump demonizes Mexicans as “rapists”, Ryan Lochte essentially demonized the inhabitants of Río de Janeiro as nothing more than a bunch of thieves.

In this way he is the perfect representative of his country’s foreign policy, showing no respect for international standards of decency, behaving as if we are the “exceptional” nation, caring nothing about other cultures, and fabricating evidence to make the U.S. appear an innocent victim while those we invade and oppress are tarred with a brush of criminality and terrorism.

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#AtTheEndOfTheDay #RyanLochte #ComesClean #StephenColbert #TheLateShow #SpeaksAfterRioScandal #Apology #OverExaggerated #CreatorOfFabrication #EuropeanColonialPlaybook #Brazil #LatinAmericanCountries #CrimeAndPoverty #NoRespect #InternationalStandards #Decency #CaringNothing #OtherCultures #FabricatingEvidence #MakeUS #InnocentVictim

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~~Ryan Lochte Comes Clean to Stephen Colbert~~

Late Show Exclusive

~~Published on Aug 23, 2016~~

The scandal-plagued swimmer explains what really happened during that late-night gas station stop in Rio.


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A picture says a thousand words 
. “This one, a cartoon, screams, #17 
. Regrets …. “!!


~~August 22, 2016~~ 


Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, it was my way …

Partial Lyrics to ‘My Way’


Hollow apology which doesn’t even begin to address the many offensive and insulting things he’s said since he slid (like a snake) on the golden escalator at his building.

Too little, too late.

At least for me.


RedLineBCampaign reboot

Trump expresses regret for saying ‘the wrong thing,’ doesn’t specify

“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing.

I have done that.

And believe it or not, I regret it.

And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues,” Trump told supporters here.

He added:

“But one thing I can promise you is this: I will always tell you the truth.”

The real estate mogul did not say which of his numerous controversial statements he regretted.

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