Drumpf …. “Starts Erasing LGBTQ Americans in First 100 Days …. GLAAD …. “!!


~~April 28, 2017~~ 


There wasn’t a day during the presidential campaign that I saw where he was headed.

Every day I was feeling more and more distress.

I couldn’t. and still can’t understand, how anyone in the LGBTQ community could stand with this man.

How could anyone trust him with the fragile and far reaching results of decades of long advocacy and effort for our community?

It was and is still beyond me.

And, I wasn’t proven wrong!



~Drumpf’s first 100 days have been a total disaster for LGBT people~

Drumpf is marking his first 100 days as President of the United States, and he is not off to a great start for LGBT equality.

The Republican Presidential candidate took office in January following an electoral college victory over Hillary Clinton, who won 3 million more ballots in the popular vote than Drumpf overall.

Drumpf was once considered a moderate on LGBT rights, but since he took power in January, there has been a rapid shift in policy on LGBT issues.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit”




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No intention of taking credit.

If anyone knows the owner of any, please advise and it will be corrected immediately.




GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) is a U.S. non-governmental media monitoring organization founded by LGBT people in the media. Before March 2013, the name “GLAAD” had been an acronym for “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation”, but became the primary name due to its inclusiveness of bisexual and transgender issues.

Its stated mission, in part, is to “amplify the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively.”



#Drumpf #StartsErasing #LGBTQAmericans #First100Days #GLAAD #GayAndLesbianAllianceAgainstDefamation #TotalDisaster #RepublicanPresidentialCandidate #SoCalledPresiden #ElectoralCollegeVictory #PopularVote #LGBTRights #RapidShift #Policy #LGBTOIssues

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach


~~President Trump Starts Erasing LGBTQ Americans in First 100 Days~~

~~Published on Apr 28, 2017~~

Since the moment Drumpf won the 2016 election, GLAAD’s main priority has been to hold the incoming administration accountable on any potential anti-LGBTQ policies it may try to enforce.

From erasing any mentions of LGBTQ Americans from government websites to deleting LGBTQ people from the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census, Drumpf and his administration have proven to us that they are no friends of LGBTQ Americans and in fact are trying to remove us from the fabric of this nation.


We ALL are ONE!! 


IOTD …. Image of the Day …. “Special Edition …. Day 98 …. of 100 days …. “!!


~~April 28, 2017~~ 


Then, please go back to your previous life … create havoc among your ‘minions’ … continue your ‘reality show’ life!
Leave the WORLD alone!!



“I thought presidency would be ‘easier’ than ‘previous life’ … “

Drumpf said Thursday, April 27, he expected the presidency to be “easier” than his “previous life” as a real estate mogul.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” the president told Reuters in a wide-ranging Oval Office interview.

“This is more work than in my previous life.

I thought it would be easier.”

The ‘so-called president‘ also expressed a willingness to attend next year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, after breaking with decades of precedent in February by publicly rejecting an invitation to attend this year’s gala.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit”




Common Culture



#IOTD #ImageOfTheDay #SpecialEdition #DearBloggerFriend #HerOwnWords #Concept #Serious #Disdain #Scorn #Mockery #NoRespect #Day98 #100Days #MyPreviousLife #CommonCulture #WouldBeEasier #HardWork #LovedPreviousLife

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach


We ALL are ONE!! 


IOTD …. Images of the Day …. Special Edition …. “TIME Magazine Cover …. Yep, I’m GAY …. “!!


~~April 28, 2017~~ 


20th Anniversary of Ellen Degeneres Coming Out

I remember as if it was yesterday.

I watched Ellen’s sitcom religiously.

I followed all her antics and was waiting for that one episode.

I was with you, I’m still with you and will always be with you, Ellen.

Thank you!!




Did you expect it to turn into all of this?,” Oprah Winfrey asked Ellen DeGeneres on an episode of her talk show that aired on the afternoon of April 30, 1997.

Two weeks earlier, a Time cover had debuted, featuring DeGeneres and the instantly famous words “Yep, I’m Gay.”

On April 25, DeGeneres spoke to Diane Sawyer on 20/20 and said, “I decided this was not going to be something that I was going to live the rest of my life being ashamed of.”

Hours after the Oprah interview aired, DeGeneres’s charismatic bookstore owner character, Ellen Morgan, followed suit, coming out as gay in a one-hour, two-part episode of her sitcom Ellen. “The Puppy Episode” was watched by an estimated 44 million people, nearly three times the show’s usual ratings.

It’s been 20 years since that April.

DeGeneres has hosted her own daytime talk show, also called Ellen, for nearly 14 years. She’s hosted the Oscars, won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, starred in two blockbuster cartoons, and all the while lived openly as a gay woman.

“As it appears in … full read/full credit”



Original TIME Magazine Cover April 1997



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I do not own these images.

No intention of taking credit.

If anyone knows the owner of any, please advise and it will be corrected immediately.



#IOTD #ImagesOfTheDay #SpecialEdition #DearBloggerFriend #HerOwnWords #Concept #Serious #OprahWinfrey #EllenDeGeneres #Episode #TalkShow #April30 #1997 #TimeMAgazineCover #InstantlyFamousWords #YepImGay

#WeAllAreOne #ItIsWhatItIs #DrRex #HortyRex #hrexach



My Version


We ALL are ONE!!

Explosion of color takes over an abandoned Puerto Rican factory

Beautiful colors!! In my beautiful country!! ❤️

Repeating Islands

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 11.41.14 PM.png

A report by Lucy Wang for InHabitat. For a gallery of photos and a video go to the original report.

An artist’s brilliance breathes new life into a desolate tobacco factory in Caguas, Puerto Rico. Bright sprays and colorful drips have seemingly exploded all over the factory’s formerly lifeless walls in local artist Sofia Maldonado’s eye-popping intervention, Kalaña. Created as part of Cromática: Caguas a Color, the community engagement piece transformed the building into a piece of art and new home to educational workshops, presentations, and other artistic events.

Puerto Rican artist Sofia Maldonado and her team of helpers used all parts of the factory interior as canvas. Florescent blues to neon pink and yellows are splashed across the concrete walls punctuated by a few scribbled tags while old graffiti peeks out from behind the latex paint. “My work is mainly inspired by colors and also…

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Shame, Tears, and a Broken Heart

‘The most barbaric, inhumane nation among the western civilized nations’ … the mask has come off! It’s always been behind the scenes!

Filosofa's Word

Tonight I was having a bit of fun, working on a post about flying cars, when a news flash came across my screen and I found myself suddenlyoverwhelmed … with sadness, with tears, with grief for a man I never knew. Then with rage, and a sense that there is no place left for soft, squishy hearts like mine in this world any more.

Despite the best efforts of humanitarians, lawyers, and courts around the nation, the lowly, trashy state of Arkansas performed its 4th execution in as many days, mainly in order to use up a supply of killing drugs whose expiry date was near. I’m sorry, but you will have to wait until this afternoon to read about flying cars, for I am still sobbing, broken-hearted, and wishing, not for the first time in the past two years, that I was almost any other nationality. Right at…

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